Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I actually was considering filing a class action lawsuit against Dinesh D'Souza for plagiarism for all the blogs from Dr. Kate, Citizen Wells, American Thinker and Ulsterman, because what D'Souza has done in his movie is simply taken credit for almost all of the work the people who have been stalked by Naps Napolitano and been threatened by the regime's 5th column.

The problem is D'Souza in his 3rd world niggardly India cowardice, would have had a great movie if he had simply had the balls to focus on the real Obama issues in his real family, his real agenda, his real persona, his real sociopathy in this Obama jihad against Americans.

That is the problem in these Mockingbird shills in what they are up to now is like that Niall Ferguson, saying Obama must go, when all this is, IS JUST A NARCOTIC TO SUBDUE THE MASSES BEFORE THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, so a revolution does not start to bring down this son of babylon system.

 Frankly, I do believe that George Obama does have a lawsuit against D'Souza as D'Souza whores this poor man.
See I put out there that Rush Limbaugh should have paid a sum of money to George Obama to be a roving correspondent to EIB. Imagine if these frauds in Conservatism had employed the man Barack Hussein had left in a garbage dump in Kenya.
Imagine George on FOX commenting first hand how Obama's policies help no one and Africa is being raped by the Obama cartel bankers.

This would have in 3 years ripped the black vote from Obama in shame, and yet for some reason the half brain Limbaugh and his people could not figure this out like Richard Nixon would have done to humiliate Obama and highlight the plight of blacks.
If you need to be told this, this blog on Newsbusters championed blacks for the Obama cabinet and Hispanics, but this "conservative" crew would not utter a word of this diluting of Obama and actually kept his Designer Negro status more viable.

There are the most brilliant minds on the right, and none of them could see this simple psyops program. The fact is they saw it, and knew it, and they enabled Obama deliberately as this was all a fix and they were told to do this, just like Levin keeps hammering Richard Nixon more than Barack Obama.
You think about the facts in this, and this blog engineering exact policy to save America and these Romneycrats of talk media refused to save America, but like Levin saved Obama from impeachment.

All of this is the fraud in this, and D'Souza brags he sent George Obam a thousand dollars in becoming George's Brother. No D'Souza whored George Obama and did it as a two bit whore.
For the money in the millions this 2016 movie is making, star George Obama should hire an attorney and sue for millions in royalties so he can get out of a slum, fix his wife's teeth, treat his child, and come to America and be one Obama legally here who actually is a productive member of society.

Think of the money D'Souza has whored out of America in a con game against Conervatives, and his bragging rights are he sent a few pennies to a destitute man while making millions off of him, and left him in the same slum.

There is no difference as this blog has stated between Barry Chin and Dinesh D'Souza. They are both the same Asian subclass who found the wallet of the visiting American tourist and went down to Bangkok to bang the whores while wearing an American flag.

When the facts of Obama do come out, there will be more of these D'Souza types taking credit for all the work others have done, and if someone ever does get through and say, "Hell Lame Cherry started there with a dozen other Tea Party founders", there will be a blank blinking stare of "We didn't know" bullshit as it is just tabled and Bob Woodward from his wheelchair grins passively about his great revelations.

That would be quite the lawsuit though for plagiarism based on the 11 million dollars intellectual thief Limbaugh owes me, to have George Obama etal vs. Dinesh D'Souza 2016 for fair share in intellectual content.

Come on you fraud D'Souza, write out a 500,000 dollar check or get that fraud Limbaugh to do a telethon for George where you can all steal Conservatives money in guilting them, take credit for another of your good deeeds on others work, and then you can be at King's College or whatever preening on some new Rovian talking point to KEEP THE CONSERVATIVES FROM REVOLTING.

Conservatives are slowly figuring this out that the entire frauds on top are not just GOP, but D'Souza wetbacks and Limbaugh viagra wet dreams, all in pretty blonde packages chirping Mockingbird, meant to keep the lid on by diffusing white people, the same way Jesse Jackson kept the lid on blacks since 1968......and now Obama is trying to get them to  riot and they are incapable of it.

So D'Souza comes up with a new muddling of Obama to mind condition idiots who "did not know any of this Obama stuff" as they paid D'Souza money to be indoctrinated.

This was all done for free on Ulsterman, American Thinker, Texas Darling, Citizen Wells, Dr. Kate and several others I apologize for not including but I have been in the brier patch and not noticing others in the fight who deserve credit and the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS these frauds are being paid.

Maybe the dips who piss on me and then say they do not want to start a pissing contest will get the point in the WHINING about money, is the fact that the frauds are getting paid millions whoring all of you, and you do not figure that out as a problem, but only can see someone exposing all of this cleverly as WHINING.
If you do not get the information by being ignorant, perhaps just shut up and ponder what on earth these bloggers are really doing in what they write about as what goes on here is so far ahead of the curve in Inspiration it might be years before it is revealed.

I do not explain things here, as it becomes evident in time in what I was up to in God's Grace. Including starting to make blacks responsible for this fraud Obama before Trayvon Martin or Wade Page were going to come up on the blip, and no one still has comprehended completely all involved there, no more than what was revealed here on Gabby Giffords and the Sarah Palin connection.

Be though like John B. Wells told listeners on Alex Jones, to stop buying things from the sponsors of "conservative radio" and start demanding funding for those bloggers and having those bloggers featured, and explaining what takes place on blogs is literal and figurative.

Always follow the money, and if the Wall Street Insider is not handing over his cash to promote the people who are actually doing the job, which a black whole whore like Indian  D'Souza now are taking credit for in the same way Romney, Cantor and Boehner are taking credit for what Sarah Palin and the Tea Party accomplished in 2010, then it is obvious on whose side they are on......as money tells all and talk is cheap.

You can quote me on that.

Money tells all and talk is cheap.

Lame Cherry

I do not have the time nor energy to keep wiping the asses of brats who need to start figuring things out, and to stop thinking they can jump in bed with disease infested whores and not end up with major problems in the whore blowing your brains out eventually.

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