Sunday, August 12, 2012

3rd Temple

Member of Knesset, Zevulun Orlev of the Jewish Home Party has begun the political process for the construction of the 3rd Temple as an Israeli right upon Temple Mount.

His process is to Constitutionally protect Priests, sacrifices and the Temple from the leftwing zealots who would enlist equal rights for women, animal cruelty and environmental impact as the process to keep the Temple of Ezekiel from being built in it's rightful place on Temple Mount.
While this is not in normal political climate going to be popular, there is a reality in this as Obama dithers on his Iranian nuclear communists and Benjamin Netanyahu maneuvers the political situation in the Israeli state to a such an uncomfortable position that rival Kadima bolted from the Government in order to try and thwart an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, that in a shoving match, it would be in the best interests of the Rothschild ruling elite, the fodder Jews of the field and regional security for there to be a separation of Jews and Muslims once and for all.
That separation could only come as the result of a war, WMD pollution, refugees, the "accidental destruction" of the Dome of the Rock by a "short falling Iranian, Egyptian or Syrian missile, which in process would pave the way for the Ashkenaz minority elite to build the Temple they have always lusted after for their illuminated one, with the caveat of it being an International Temple for all.......until it was built.

That would be the logical scenario as the Rothschilds built the Jewish High Court building, and they in rule can not have rioting Muslims in superior numbers attacking their rule. The best would be for a war, a Muslim blowing up of the Temple, some type of pollution in nuclear, biological or chemical to evacuate the Holy City of Muslims......a reparation to them, and never letting them back in.

With modern equipment, the Temple could be built in 6 weeks. In preconstruction, the Temple could be put into place in 7 days with effort.

I will remind that Jesus spoke of the abomination which makes desolate, and that is the anti Christ offering to satan in a Temple. That means the Temple must be built.

This blog counsels Mormon Romney to make this his chief objective in backing Benjamin Netanyahu with Mosaad making it policy to have a Muslim missile accidentally blow up the Dome of the Rock with Muslim WMD's, chiefly Saddam Hussein's biological weapons by accident falling on Jerusalem for it's evacuation.

Segregation is the only solution which will be effective in these Obama Muslim wars. Far too many Muslims have been slaughtered, with Christians, in Obama's Islamocommunist control of the Middle East in his Club Meddling. With war the Rothschilds will have wide expanses of Syria and Iran to resettle these former Syrian and Iranian "Palestinians, as that is where they were imported from as a check against  Orthodox Jews in this heinous game.

Obama lit this nuclear match, and it must be put out, and the way to do it, is to utilize the best remedy in a bad Rothschild situation in their candidate Obama being replaced by their candidate Romney with the Wall Shalom Insider.
It is for the safety of all that a massive nuclear holocaust does not erupt in the Middle East, and strike western cities in terrorism.

“If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks,” said Efraim Halevy, a former chief of Israel’s intelligence agency and national security adviser.

What is taking place is now the Chinoid Obama Rothschild is being maneuvered to strike Iran and be blamed for it to bring this all about, as Obama was trying to get Jews to strike to blame them as he wanted the peace prize.

Mitt Romney is now in this mix and has the possibility of bring the "peace" overture assistance an anti Christ would take credit for in the gap of a blamed Obama and a non sworn in Romney.

I believe Biblical Prophecy as it has been proven absolutely True. When billions of Godless people choose their deaths, that is their problem and not mine. They inflict on my Life constantly and how this Rothschild ilk culls their livestock is their own demise. Therefore the sooner this all takes place, the sooner we get 3 1/2 years of false peace,  before it all blows up and billions die, and the remnant greet Christ for 1000 years of real Peace.

Joan of Arc and Admiral Columbus both were working for this day in the Christian liberation and construction of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. The time was not right in that generation, but now is the time to harness these apostates and make it US and Israeli policy to get this job done for real Peace to ensue.

Romney make it your policy as that Mormon bro of Jesus you folks falsely teach in satan, is probably going to shake your hand for your part in this and his initiation.

nuff said.

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