Monday, August 13, 2012

Pumpin' Dust

This  blog pleads for the the liberal puppy press and Rush Limbaugh to save Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, because the reality is this is no longer 2008 in white man Obama cruising into the White House in other slaves doing the work for him, but this is black man Obama coming out of the closet and not stealing this election from Mitt Romney.

This is serious in B. Hussein AKA Barry Chin just blew a 100 million dollar wad of cash on Romney's predator capitalist company and Romney's numbers just went up.
Do you realize how many Chicago gay whores you could buy with 100 million dollars?

No do you really as I have no idea as I have never priced any gay whores. Matter of fact I have never priced any whores, although I once did get Yahoo to shut down a whore's website in real girlfriend experiences in saving her from herself at least in that part of her trip to hell......

But I digress, in I wonder just how much whoring one could do on 100 million dollars as that is allot of whoring and fluids.
Say it was like 100 dollars, that would be 1 million whores, and that is allot of whores. Geez Louise, that is like having a whore, a 100 dollar whore as I have no idea of the price of gay whores, every day for like......3 goes into 100 thirty times about, and that is like what, 34,000 days......what is that like 100 years of whores every day for Obama if he was spending that money on gay whores instead of trying to nail Romney on his taxes?

10 cc's is what the male produces in fluids during sex. Only reason I knew that is a rock band had that name and some girl I think it was told me the reason for that........odd a girl would know that, but I remember the detail more than who told me this fact.

But like 34,000 times 10 cc is like 340,000 cc's of fluid .....and that is like 90 gallons of cum or 340 liters if you are in Obama metric nations of heritage.
If you are interested it is 5,242, 674 drops of cum. Not that I was into measuring such things, but I have this Convert program by Josh Madison, which is really nice for worthless information in measurements wet and dry.

See that is the problem in this, in Obama is taking on the attributes of his fingered communist old man Barack sr. who is no relation, but is on the birth forgery. Old man Obama pumped allot of dust in his wet vac, and some other black dude fathered Barry Chin as a fill in, which old man Obama finally figured out and was quite sullen about numbers of thing like that.

Obama though has problem in not just being sterile at most times, but he is sterile in politics  unless like Jake Tapper is holding his dick aiming Obama for the urinal. Now I don't know about things like that either, but you know that those boys if they are sudsie in the shower that sooner than later like at Penn State the boys just play zipper king, and one of them has to hold the dick of another while pissing.
Great fun I suppose and Barack certainly would enjoy that, as he was quite proud of showing his dick off in pictures having paper towel erections in his first 2009 walks about the White House.

So Axelrod and Jarrett, with Plouffe come up with this Chicago multi million dollar spying campaign on Romney with all this information, and their first shots are like eating Tang with a spoon and it does not have that NASA thrill to it.

I mean 100 million dollars .....and it is more than that, as Obama is flying the engines off of Air Force One, in that thing is going to be shot by the time Romney inherits it in 2013......but the point is, you could have for 10 million hired some gay boys to give Mitt a Mickey and roll around in jello with him, with full color digital recordings and probably got Bruce Springstein to sing a song about this whole thing with John Fogerty doing back up and Paul Simon sitting on Paul McCartney's knee pretending it was Sir Paul's hand he was feeling and not little Sir Paul.

I don't know if Obama is hanging around the dog too much dry humping his leg.....(I mean Bobama not Muchelle) but the reality is, Mitt Romney is a worse candidate that John McCain, and Obama doing all he can, is actually helping Romney gain in the polls.
Romney is gaining like a 7 point spread..........Obama spends a billion like in 2008 and Romney will have a 63 point spread by election day in November.

This is ridiculous and shameful.

Do you realize how many little boys had to be molested in Hollywood for the kinds of donations Obama gets from Ron Howard, Tom Hanks, Rob Reiner and Stephen Spielberg for their profits?

I don't, but it must be allot as they like them little boys in Hollywood.

These liberals are not getting their money out of this. Sure some dick town stations are making money on the Obama ads and some poor secretaries are being sexed, but that is hardly worth 100 million dollars is a few skanky old men and women raping some working poor who found out it was a job with benefits.

There must be something the press can do to help Obama. How about traitors Steve Schmidt and Nichole Wallace in they sure raped Sarah Palin in helping Obama out  for a few years. They could do something to help Obama add some fluid and viscosity to his campaign as 100 million dollars and piles of dead Muslims, and Mitt Romney actually looks virile ?

That is not good money, even if it is counterfeit.

Please Jake Tapper get Andersen Cooper for a little tea bag time in teaming up with some photo shop pics of You and Mitt  Romney. Just hire the guys who did Obama's Birth abstract and Selective Service and they can put a smiley face on it.
Hell use Obama's fraud Social Security number to pay for it.

Please Jake Tapper be a man and help Barack Obama, as his black is taking over and he needs a little welfare affirmative action to firm up his rather limp campaign..........
