Saturday, August 25, 2012

black voters for barack

This is a challenge for Obama supporters in the black community at large in for them to gather for a 30 million man march with females and Trayvon Martin Hoodies included for the numbers in support of B. Hussein Obama during the GOP convention when Mitt Romney takes charge of the helm.

As Louis  Farrakhan, the noted leader of the Mooselums could raise 1 million men for a black march, it should be nothing for the Afriods to mount all their numbers of 30 million to shake DC in showing the world just how much they love their replacment for Martin King jr. who Colin Powell led them marching over to get at Obama in 2009, forgeting the the civil rights leader.

I dare blacks to do this. I dare them in all their Obama unemployment and incarceration to assemble to show the world just how many of their 91% is actually going to vote for Obama in November 2012.

This blog will even call for an outright amensty for the several million blacks in prisons to be  set free, if they just promise to show up in DC, for Obama their nominee.
Yes brothers and sisters that rhymes, all the Johnny Cochran time, so set them black hoodies free, set them free at last free.
Prove you are going to vote for Obama and you really support Obama by just showing up in DC where Obama is so popular and make a show of all the die hard support for his inauguration when you all thought you were going to get a million dollars, new cars and never have to work again.....or at least get more than your welfare checks and food stamps.

You can even count the 9000 blacks murdered each year under Obama and count the dead blacks to fill your marching rolls. Hell you can even put tar on white folks who want to show up if that will help, but just show your support for Barack Hussein Obama......that designer negro.

Design a negro convention in DC. Just make it public and stop this hiding in the woodpile stuff about 91% of you support Obama. None of you folks send Obama 3 bucks and the I have only seen 3 of those damned Obama 2012 stickers and they were all on these sickly looking white folks cars, which were all sickly looking colors like beige too.

There are like 39 million blacks. I'm spotting you 9 million who do not have to show up. How hard can it be for a historical Obama to assemble 30 million of his own .....well nothing in common or bloodline kind, for a rally to show the world black power?
Surely Obama is so inspirational that 30 million blacks can ..........well get Congress and the military to foot the bill and transportation for this historic Obama event.

Tell you what, I will settle for Louis Farrakhan's 1 million marching in support for Obama...........tell you what in 2012, I will settle for 100,000 blacks at a DC rally in support of Obama........tell you what, how about just one stadium in a black enclave filled to capacity in support of Obama as that is like 65,000 people. Surely if there is so much support for Obama from Louis Farrakahn, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, that number would be easy to fill.

How about giving blacks free houses in torn down Detriot, with welfare checks and transportation and calling that an Obama rally for the White House?

Right now I'm ready to settle for just about anything to have a handful of blacks show they are supporting this Chinoid Obama AKA Barry Chin.

Why is it that the Big Three in Jackson, Sharpton and Farrakahn have said nothing about rallying support.......why was it when Obama tried to burn down America over Trayvon Martin that no blacks showed up..........and that million hoodie march went tits up too without even a bag of Skittles to go on attack with?

Yes this blog pleads to the absolute humiliation of all blacks in you voted for this fraud Obama, now you take responsibility for him, and you drag your lazy asses off your recliners and march for Obama in 30 million of you........1 million of stadium of you in supporting this fraud foreigner who betrayed all of you first and America as he looted this nation.

Take responsibility for your Obama all of you Afroids. He is your historical Chinaman in the White House. You did some Obama pride and march for him, and show the world you are not 91% polling cowards in saying you will vote for Obama in private, but will not march in the light of day for B. Hussein Obama.

Come on all of you blacks, march for Obama. You did it for do it for Barry Chin!!!!

agtG 313Y