Friday, August 24, 2012

Mitt H. W. Romney to rule Peon America

Ask yourself what pipe dream you believe in what the GOP is going to do for you if Romney steals back this election and if Congress is in the GOP's hands.

Last time they held the government, you know what you got? Teddy Kennedy big government in Bush trying to bankrupt the debt so Obama could not buy anything else........but leave it to Bush43 not to figure out that NeoProg foreigner Obama would find a way to rape America by selling her into slavery so he could keep on spending.

Have you heard Boehner recently or Cantor make 10 promises of things they would do, like getting rid of everything Obama?

How about impeaching John Roberts?

How about undoing Gun Control?

How about uncapping the billions of gallons of already proven reserves of sweet crude in Alaska and the rest of America to drop fuel to 50 cents a gallon?

How about prosecuting Holder, Napolitano and Obama for crimes against Americans?

How about not taxing people who make under 30, 000 a year as they already pay thousands in gas, sales and excise taxes?

How about making Europe and the 3rd world pay back the 5 trillion Obama gave to them in bailouts?

How about the Right to Life for all Americans?

How about getting out of all of these Obama wars?

How about ending Muslim dictatorship of American politics?

How about ending foreign money raising for US political candidates?

Gee that is 10 American things and the last time I heard from Boehner and Cantor they were stabbing the Tea Party in the back........and Romney was giving Christians the chain silence for the Mormon Inquisition.

These frauds are like Dennis Hastert and George W. Bush in they wanted all this Obama Marxism for their own feudal rapine of the US Treasury. That is all Mitt H. W. Romney will be in Bush41.

What did HW really do, but not a damn thing. It was Maggie Thatcher who had to cajole him into driving Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. Bush41 was just a tax raising patrician meddling in intelligence asset revamping like Noriega's removal.

If you want the facts, Barack Hussein Obama has been nothing but a Bush occupant of the White House in the patrician lines of this New World Order crafting the world for the Old World Order. Mitt Romney will make it a Mormon World Order and America will be rotting in the Obama Abyss as this entire pirate mob is busy dividing up the spoils.

Mitt Romney is not going to be President of these United States. Mitt Romney is going to be Mormon Missionary to converting America to LDS as he plunders more of the US debt in his cajoling of Americans to sucker buy into more debt to save themselves from debt.

These Rhinerds have no program like Newt Gingrich in contracting with America at thee greatest juncture of American history, because they like the Obama policies and are the ones who helped cement them in place.

Impeaching John Roberts and the two lesbian Obama skanks should be the first priority of Congress after the ACTUAL AMERICAN SALVATION PLAN this blog has laid out in being done in the first days of January 2013, and yet, there sits Boehner and Cantor with their greatest nemesis being the Tea Party they killed and Mitt Romney's biggest boogerman is Christians.

That is the reality of a Mormon Boehner regime. If you can point to specifics they will do.......well then do it, but there has been no push, because they love Obama policy.

For the facts, let us remember that fraud Darrell Issa in his promises to make 2012 the year of hauling Obama and Holder before Congress for their crimes.....yeah that really has panned out well now has it not in another Rhinerd lie to keep Americans from revolution.

If you get Obama in 2013, you get Issa  chewing on Holder as Obama signs more executive orders.

If you get Romney in 2013, you get Pelosi chewing on Romney who keeps Obama's executive orders in place.

Meanwhile America dives into a second phase of the Obama Super Depression, all designed to rob you of your wages, so you have nothing to fight back with or time to think about how you are being enslaved.

Mitt Romney is a Mexican Mormon illegal patrician, and will rule America like that Spanish caste in Mexico. You can look in the mirror and start practicing the word PEON as your first name. It is a feudal world now and nothing was done to stop it.

You will be a Peon under Mitt Romney and John Boehner as dons, as they have told you they are not going to do a thing to undo Marxism or a generation of degrading the US Constitution. Feudal lords like Obama. He did the dirty work in raping the locals, leaving his bastards to raise.
It was the way the Spanish did things in Mexico and the way Russians did things in Germany.

It is Mitt H. W. Romney ruling Peon America.

Yeah Mark Levin is going to wait until after the election to hold their feet to the fire. How's that holocaust changey thing treatin' ya there Jew boy?

Keeping Obama around sure was a bright idea there too wasn't it there Sir Levin.
