Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cheetos Obama

So when American male speedo swimmers set record gold at the Olympics or condom dispenser  mob in London, Barack Hussein Obama does not rush to the phone congratulating them.

But when little teenage girls in gymnastics win gold, Obama can not rush to the phone fast enough to speed dial it in...........

51 year old male, calling up little girls in skin tight skimpy costumes he has been watching, and excitedly phones them up to talk to them............

It was a good thing none of these Olympic athletes accepted any of the medals awarded them, as like American business, it was not anything they did which built that success, but it was all due to others.

A 51 year old male, sitting in his easy chair, watching little girls on television, and phones them up to talk to them as it so excited him...................

I do not watch the Olympics as the things I would watch in shooting guns off, are never featured and it is all that crap which is not a sport, like little girls in tight spandex showing things off that should not be shown off, but are for some reason.........that if it was done in other venues would get the FBI involved for live pedophile shows.

Do you think that swimmer who has more gold than Fort Knox, would have received a call from Obama if he had been involved in synchronized swimming?

Would there still be hope for Phelps to get a panting Obama, excited call, if Phelps would maybe massage his breasts in the breast stroke or in doggy paddle do it doggy style?

A 51 year old male chooses with all that is on television, to watch little girls in "women's gymnastics" when the last woman involved in that event was a century ago........and his wife does not come in to shut the telly off calling him a pervert.

You know that the two Goliath sized daughters are not watching girl gymnastics as black folks and gymnastics are like black folks at a Klan rally or getting a real Harvard degree.

So why is B. Hussein, whose fingered daddy, and bro Obama liked buying teenage girls for wives......whose Uncle Frank in Sex Machine wrote of raping a teenage white girl......and who Obama before was outed in dating his own daughters in constantly talking of them in sexual ways..........why is Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran rushing off, after watching little girls in skimpy constumes, calling the up, when Obama is not phoning all the gay males up?

Is the reality, that Barry Obama's hair is dyed orange like the Joker's, but it is due to Cheetos corn curls dye and is below his belt line, from his excitedly reaching into the bag as he is rubbing something south of the border so often, since Reggie Love left, that..........well it has turned things orange where Obama thinks from?

Does Obama not need sun screen on his..........thing, as the Cheetos have so colored it orange that Lawrence Sinclair would not recognize the........Caucasion Noise in it being so ruddy now?

Who allows a White House staged photo to be published where Obama is jacking off a bat with that same look on his face of masturbator in chief from 2009, when he was posing for things in White House lawn walks?

Sure the puppy press is not going to bring these things up, as they are all watching the little girls in their costumes as it is free pedophile porn, but why is it no one has really noticed that the only event Barack Obama has been interested in his little girls, half naked on display.

Patterns mean things whether people want to face that reality when pointed out time and again.

Just what was Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran holding when he called up those little girls....if it was not his baseball bat, in not even having an interest in baseball, but apparently liking what it feels like......

Does Obama not need tissues, as he is environmental friendly in once the Cheetos are finished dying his pubes and penis, he catches it in the bag.

Rub a dub dub
Just me and my bat
And my bag of Cheetos corn curls
Forget all the mess
This is Olympic success
Ignore the sound rub a dub
Is just me stroking my bat
1600 Penn loves little girls and their curls

A 51 year old male watching little girls........

With Obama one gets the batman and the joker orange all in one Barry.

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