Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Uber Insider

The point is that there are two scenarios being implemented for both Romney and Obama 2013.

There is going to be second jarring of the Obama Super Depression in 2013. The spikes in energy and food of 2012 will bring this tidal wave back, as much as the problems in Europe are not solved, but only leading to a greater fracture point.

If Romney somehow pulls this off in dampening the effects of the Obama voter fraud, the Wall Street Insiders already have it planned like the oil barons to feed off of this in more money will be dumped in a faux stock rally as Boehner and the GOP pass "economic measures" which will be driven by a Treasury buy of stocks to create the Geithner spike.

This is what will lead into 2014 in a fictional Reagan economic growth, with cheap interest money being offered to homeowners, businesses and investors for a bubble, which will be exploded as was the case in the 1970's in American agriculture.
Some might call it the Brazil Option in how the cartels raped that nation to steal it's resources after Reagan empowered them, but it is as old as the 1929 crash and is how the game is played. This time though Pharaoh will own Egypt as there will be nothing left as Americans will not be able to flee their debt and will be owned to pay off their borrowing at home and abroad as the plan is fixed.
They will spike interest rates when they own you to enslave you.

If Obama steals 2013, then the same "recession" will be evolved, but in this case, it will be Obama handing out cash again, as he slowly expands the tax structure and debt to strangle personal property and business, which are his nemesis as much as the cartels in being competition to their order.

In the Obama welfare scam though the outcome is Soviet in  the guarantees of a revolving door of government handouts in a 3rd world economy.
In the Obama plan they plan to fully criminalize being an American. Does not matter what Scalia expounds upon in a non chaos court to try and save himself. His vote is just part of the plan and he will like all these eltons try and save themselves to when the knock on the door comes.

The oil barons and wall street rapists all know this, as much as the military planners who are preparing to ride this wave. This is Keynesian  meets Peking. Obama has told you what his benefactors plans are and he worships there. He loves China and Europe. This is his revolving door of debt, government ordered jobs for the poor with the few elite being trillionaire wealthy and living above the law.
This is the Obama feudal state, and Obama is just the criminal stooge implementing his Stalin part in it, for a future Brezhnev. This is about management and what Bill and Hillary Clinton were stuck doing after the cartel spanked them and gave 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to Barry Chin.

Hillary wanted to run IMF, but Obama would not let her near the bank as he knew the Clinton's would blow this all out of the water. It is what that Wikileaks was all about in outing Hillary Clinton and the way American did business. It was Obama hope and change unleashed to change the way things are done.

It is why Obama's handlers  retooled thee entire narcotics trade in 2008 in preparation for his regime. They wanted a better cash flow and to reward their terrorists by handing them the mule part of the dope trade from Africa and Asia. South America was the narco communists installed to handle the American end. Obama has been all about the dope wars and traffick. That is his underwriting policy and his entire covert policy was building that Neo Roman Empire from Madrid to Islamabad in the west and that New Asian Order from Warsaw to Manila in the east.
You think Russia and China just happened to get things worked out? It is falling along the lines of management in the cartel fully intends to crop the Asians as there are approximately 5 billion of the scourge eating things, and the cartel does not need that many consumers at this stage and it certainly does not desire that many revolutionaries to try and slaughter even with Star Wars weaponry, including genetic bio weapons of nano design.

They have Americans exactly where they desire them, like lined up for the holocaust ovens. They were clever this time though in unlike the Germans who shipped the poor Jews out while the Ashkenaz sipped wine with the Nazi's. This time they built the fence around the entire American Ghetto, and instead of shipping them out, they have them fenced in with passports and armed guards. They will slaughter the Israelite Americans on soil, use the Mexicans to clean up the mess, then wipe out that plague of Latinos, as the order desires the healthful beneficial aspects for their immortals as a retreat in the American Temple.

You better get that American Temple thing in North and South, as it is that resonant frequency thing of a promised land of more going on in it's soils and ley lines than anywhere else. Future stuff, but the lords and priests of the order are not going to have any of these children of Israel about to compete with their ordered false tree of life. They have been experimenting on them and will implement genocide on them, so they do not rise again to supplant the supplanters.

Putin knows his part. They all do. Is what worrying over that Syrian body is all about. That poor Assad is like the rest of those secular Muslims in not figuring on Secular Islamist Obama changing management. The cartel needs the friction and Putin plays the part as much as the Chicoms do in they need the diversion of attention.
Putin was promised to manage the remnant Russ and it negotiates a good deal for him with an equal number of Chin surviving. Putin though still wants to rule to Dublin and that is the problem in this, like Obama the entire bunch has been promised the same throne, and the Rothschilds and their lord are only going to allow themselves that place. That is what kicks it all into gear in the final phase as is intended.

The only thing they want America for from a Neo Roman Empire war plan is a well armed target. That is why they left the Reagan toys and took all the money. They need America in this to be a target, but not an economic competitor.
Have to see the board to get that, as Russians and Muslims invading the gut of Europe just murders Slavs and burns the Russian  thrust out before it grinds to a halt in the central part. The Muslims run the jihad fires in the west to thing things out, before the Americans get tapped to spray that green myst they have to end it all and the hordes stay in their borders for a thousand years.

The Yanks are being left enough rope to strangle on to put up a fight, but not to fight back. This is an intricate match in getting the prize where the Angels ladder is for the initiation, while getting every Judas to bust his guts for the potter's field.

They do not care what the diversion of the elections are and what Rove or Axelrod have been planning as they read their mail long ago. Either scenario they have it played out the way they leverage it, and is always has the outcome like a saw tearing at the wood. Does not matter the up or down stroke, as the board is still in two.

There is no Alex Jones immediacy in this any longer from the tops. They have this now on parade. They are being deliberate in their enjoyment of the pleasure of watching what they have dreamt of since Eden and first slitherings there, expounded by the architect in the Sacred Geometry. This is the slow pleasure of a sacrifice to satan. Think of it entire nations of virgins for God being raped slowly, over and over. This is not the stuff of cognac in front of black forest fires in imagined Russian cocks tearing at German twats by the hundreds of thousands, but this global rapine. Not the artwork in the leather books of the Medes raping Babylon, but the rape of souls to be savoued as one nation after nation is ravaged from economic, lands divided, all hope gone and those legs spread like Lara Logan on camera.
It is the emotion of it captured and felt. The raw power of it all. This is thousands of years in the making and the threshold is not going to be crossed fast even if satan knows time is short. It's humans are rolling with this in every thrust and this is an ecstasy of sociopathic spiritual deviancy. There is no enjoyment after the event, but the torment of the event prolonged.

You watch because the Americans are going to be given too much to juggle as that is what Obama was designed for as a negro. This is about Bush tearing down Reagan. A new savior in Europe proving all the European models were right and not that Anglo American finance and American ingenuity. This has not even started yet for where this is going, as it will be event upon event with lectures from that new bastard of the empire.
When Obama completes his task, then the taskmaster will arrive to take credit.

It does not matter if it is Romney or Obama. The board is already set up no matter the scenario. You have seen your best days of food, energy and affordable home prices. It is the feudal state of fiat currency in hyper inflation before your eyes and you can not see it. It is India in America. The land has outstripped the people and the UN will own the dry water.

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