Thursday, August 16, 2012

Come here my little Nigger

......and you brats thought this blog was using racial epitaphs and were too dense to know by Inspiration this blog was predicting EXACTLY the climate which is now being openly spoken of.


Nigger Hoodie

and now.............

MSNBC Host: Romney Engaging In 'Niggerization' Of Obama...
Democrats' nerves start to show...

I actually have more concern if Mormon Romney sends out LDS signals and attempts to convert Islam Obama to Masonization Obama.

You know with pointy ears, green skin and the Vulcan sign, Obama would still look like a faggot, but smouldering as a Vulcan would be more appropriate as Obama does not have enough Negroid blood in him to qualify as a Nigger anything.

If Obama was Native American in his low percentage bloodlines, he would not even get a BIA handout. That is how little Afroid Obama has in his veins, even if he does gravitate toward his sloven nature more, but that could be that siesta thing he has going on from his Filipino ancestry as this blog exclusively exposed in most Chinese immigrants there are Spanish as it made better commerce under Spanish dominion.

It is getting too repetitive to keep saying Lame Cherry right again, but right again with full credit to God is something which must be noted.

Come here my little nigger and rub massah's feet.......

Should have remembered that quote as plantation man  Romney just took the nigger code in speaking "going back to Chicago"......and children, Romney knew damn well like Bill Clinton what he was saying and how it would resonate with Clinton redneck know like the Wall Street Insider and those Al Sharpton types who know what " why don't you go back to Africa" means.

Lipstick on a pig.......yes they all know the code words.

A white guy, a black guy and a Jew guy find a lamp and rub it and out pops a genie.

The genie says I only have 3 wishes I will grant, so each of you can only have one wish.

The Jew steps up first and says, "I wish I was richer and back in Israel".

Poof!!! The genie puts him back into the Middle East.

The black steps ups and says, "I wish I was white and back in Africa".

Poof!!! The genie puts him back into Africa.

The white guy looks around and says, "You mean to tell me all the niggers and Jews are back where they came from and it is only white people in America?"

The genie nods his head "Yes".

The white guy says, "In that case, I'll have a beer".

You would be surprised the cocktail jokes bandied about by blacks about white women, and the jokes about the things which Romney slipped out from the Clinton lips.

Biden knew his nigger chains dialect and Romney knows his nigger on the boat dialect.

Wouldn't it just be easier to follow all this for the limited minds if we just all used the word nigger.


agtG 267Y