Thursday, August 16, 2012

fags for obama

This blog calls upon the myriads, the rafts, the crowds, the overflowing voting power house of the all so many homosexuals to arise, and march for Barack Hussein Obama in a rally to counter the GOP covention in the numerous sodomites across America, who have had Obama remaking the military and family courts in support of them.

Was it not just Obama in Denver who told the story of queers being shunned in hospitals in not being allowed to visit their own..........surely the Feminite Butch two genital crowd, can now rally past Mockingbird planted millions in donation from gays, to march for Obama to prove that there are really 30 million gays in America.

Please never mind with the voting block of blacks and liberals, that gays would have like 100 million voters for Obama if.............if they actually did exist in the numbers.

Yes we always here how many gays there are, but you really do not have the numbers adding up in millions showing up any place, but just enough to fill a parade or a NBC studio.
Not even can then Chik Fil A a protest in being outnumbered by paying if this gay block is so big to make the GOP go log and Obama to be such a Brokeback darling in this abnormality deserves laws for it's sexual degenerate leanings, then why not have gays show their support in a 30 million deviant march on DC to counter the GOP convention with Mitt Romney?

Look if Louis Farrakhan can assemble 1 milliion real blacks to march as a Mooselum, then how hard can it be for this over population of gays to assemble 1 million as they keep saying there are such horde of them.

Hell the gays say there are like 4 million in estimation.........and yet there are other places that say 1 in 4 people are gay.......that is like 75 million gays!!!!!!

Holy horsenuts Hannah!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 million gays is a crap load in that would be like 7 North Dakotas..........7 states filled with only gays.
That is like 80,000 gays to a state, or 1600 to a county and you know there is not that kind of homosexual population in America.

Gay Population In U.S. Estimated At 4 Million, Gary Gates Says
Apr 7, 2011 – SAN FRANCISCO — How many gay men and lesbians are there in the United ... The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services last week ...
You know that gay stuff is a lie in the numbers, but let's just play here with Gallup "numbers":

U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian
May 27, 2011 – At that time, Americans estimated that 21% of men were gay and that 22% of women were lesbian. Twice as many did not offer an opinion as ...

Gall Gallup states that there are 70 million gays in America......that is of course a wee bit more than 4 million in the lie...and it is all lies, as there are not that many gays around. This gay stuff is but a stepping stone in the Keynsenian pedophile rape of children.

Never mind that for now, but let us assemble all these gays in DC for Obama and have them show some real support for Obama who is their bi sexual boy.

They can even bring Lawrence Sinclair to tell how Obama threw him into jail and made him a political prisoner. That would be at least one honest gay man in the sea of sodomites for Obama.

Let us all call for this gay march for Obama. Let them prove they are Barry's mass of voters deserving all these special rights and show real pride in their Obama.

Why is it no gays have organized a 1 million or 30 million gay march any more than blacks have?

It falls to this blog to call for this in exposing all of these frauds.....hell they can bring their gerbils to pad the numbers and they will not get 100,000 homosexuals to tally, as the numbers are fraud like all things Obama in this gay group just does not exist except in Mockingbird slight of hand.

I dare gays to asssemble 1 million in DC for support of Obama......hell do 100,000 with 900,000 gerbils if you like......just prove you exist.

Prove you are more prevalent than Obama's blackness, as in more than 13% in Obama is supposedly black. Hell be more gay than Obama is hiding in the back of limos having coke snorted off his thigh and ......well lounging naked on a bed begging Lawrence Sinclair to let him come in and stay one more day before Muchelle ordered him home.

13% of the fictional gays is just 520,000 of you fags getting your husband half to take you out in public. Put on some lipstick, some silk panties and show off your wares in DC. Maybe Obama will invite you over for some coke and cuddle. That is not too much to ask of a group is it who Obama exec ordered to die in combat and enslaved to divorce lawyers in marriage laws now is it?

Just give a little more to Obama. Just prove there are more gays around than the same cadre we see parading around, as 4 million to 70 million is a bit of difference in the old gay math......worse than Farrakhan in counting blacks for his stock show.

Claiming you exist in a few fags from Hollywood donating a billion dollars to Obama making you millions is not going to cut it .Come on out and show some pride for Obama to one up Romney.......that is if you really exist.

No more Mockingbird propaganda for some pedophile agenda. Put the gays on the ground and let's find the missing Obama supporters of 2012.

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