Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dr. Who

I was really upset by the following headline.

WHO doctor in anti-polio campaign shot in Pakistan

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Jul 17, 11:22 AM (ET)


ISLAMABAD (AP) - Gunmen in the Pakistani city of Karachi opened fire Tuesday on a vehicle carrying a doctor working with the World Health Organization on an anti-polio campaign, wounding him in the stomach, the organization said.
The head of the World Health Organization's polio eradication program in Pakistan, Dr. Elias Durry, said the doctor is an international volunteer helping supervise the project. He said the man underwent surgery in Karachi.



Upset, because I thought my beloved Tom Baker, Dr. Whoiest of the all the Dr. Who's had been gunned down,and instead all it was, was some vaccine pusher spreading cancer to Bill Gates crop the 3rd world the way he prophesied and the way the cartel does Americans.

I really liked Tom Baker and it was not because his tough female sidekick was hot, nor they had a robotic K 9 dog named K 9.


See for a British chic she is hot when wearing Dr. Who costume by Tom Baker, the way Romney is tough looking if you make him wear John Wayne cowboy and the way Obama's fag comes out when you dress him in Nazi uniforms.

Tom Baker was just cool. He got the job as the Doctor when he was unemployed, laying in bed, and wrote a letter to the head of BBC demanding a job.
I tried that and just got ignored, but Tom Baker got the job and was Doctor Who for a decade.

The Doctor was something American television should employ in using the old actors like Bruce Willis and running them until like the Doctor they metamorphsis into a new Doctor in the Time Lords.
Leave out all the clever special effects, just write stories and act, and you can really have a great program to watch.

Just because the AP wants some headlines in drawing victims into reading their drivel does not give them the right to alarm readers in thinking some really important Doctor is in danger and not some population controller.

Where are these polio vaccines coming from? China? One might as well shoot the children of Pakistan as one can only imagine what is that Chicom soup of death.....they no doubt have already built upon Rockefeller poison AMA traditions and are planning for a new spiral leap of new diseases all from this poison.
Odd part is, the Taliban by blasting this WHO poisoner might have saved some babies from some new Chicken Cancer from Peking's bio weapon labs.

Doctor Who had really great music. The favorite remix I liked I think is this one by KLF. I don't listen to the pictures as Mr. Peabody just drives.

My favorite Tom Baker line is bluffing some antagonist with a Gummy Bear he was chewing on saying he was going to blow him up with it. These days with all the dictators around there is no bluff and they just blow people up for sport.
That Obama blowing up the Syrian leadership is just like Putin blowing up the Polish leadership. Just is a ghastly age where doctors are poisoning people with plague.

I'm not so upset now, at least about Tom Baker not being Taliban scuffed, but am upset in some ways as I'm upset.

There is nothing better than Tom Baker as Doctor Who. He at least appreciated his fans in America, who were so much Sheldon precise in asking technical questions on physics by some English actor.

Yes the Tardis is able to hold the universe in an area the size of phone booth, because an object far away is the same size as an object which is close to you.

Rupert Murdoch you old China whoremonger up Obama's about hiring Joss Whedon and myself to create an American Doctor Who and don't cancel the damned thing 6 weeks into Firefly.
Did that stupid ass dinosaur thing which was just stupid ass.

Look am going to cast Summer Glau as the Doctor so just suck on it Rupert, and will build the cast around her....and guess what there is going to be Tom Baker appearances along with the rest....throw in Hugh Laurie too as he needs some Christian writing now that House is buried.

For some reason British television is not frightened of women like American television, but it is hard to tell what is all about the plantation now as......well there are Who Doctors and Doctor Who.

How sick is that.

