Saturday, August 11, 2012

Gate Of God

This will be another Lame Cherry exclusive by Inspiration.

Long ago before the Bible there was a place called Eden, a garden planted by God. It was in the area of Iraq, the Plains of Shinar, which was the home of Adam and Eve.

In that Garden was a Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life.

Ok smart mouths, you who are thinking you know all of this, just click onto some other drivel and get the hell and satan of you off my site. I don't want you here and I don't need you here as this is a private conversation you have no right to as you are too cheap to pay a farthing for the Salvation of your dark soul. Get out and  be gone.

When God drove out Adam and Eve.......

I told you to get the hell and satan of you off my blog. So click your little mouse and do not come back you thief!!!!!!!

God placed an Angel to guard the Tree of Life, unless humans would become immortal and in an unsaved state. This continued on for the period of Noah and the Deluge which wiped out all land life on earth, except for what was in the Ark.

After the Flood, there is no mention of the Tree of Life as it had been removed by the time that people started to populate the earth, being led by the first real tyrant, (modern definition of the Greek word) in Nimrod.
Nimrod was the first anti God individual in the world, as he gathered all peoples under his dictatorship being a mighty hunter before the Lord, and started the sun god rites with his whorish wife, Semaramis, who started the fertility whore cult, and after Nimrod died, she claimed he fathered the first immaculate conception child.
Yes the first Obama child appeared at that juncture of time.

Nimrod founded many cities in the Iraqi area, and as most cities were founded upon power lines, or ley lines, one area he started building was Babilu or as it would be called Babel, in a Hebrew twist on the word of Babel, meaning Gate of God, and later Confusion, for it was here that the Lord confused the people in creating different languages to thwart what they were accomplishing, and it was at that time, God divided the one Continent into 7.

That has been featured here exclusively before in the world was divided in that time of Babel, and it was at that time that "chaos" ensued in the stars changed in Jupiter usurped Saturn according to the annals, and great upheaval took place.

What has never been explained ever in world history is what follows, for the clue in this is The Gate of God as it was called located at Babel.

This is not the Key or Door, as in Jesus, but it is definitive in a Gate of God. A Gate is a separation and a gate is something that keeps one thing out and another thing in protected.
At Babel, God and Nimrod understood something was there which was of significant importance which God had to stop for the consequences which would ensue.

The Lord actually stated this, in the reason He confused the languages and spread the peoples out, was due to the fact that there was nothing now which they could not accomplish.

That would mean anything, and that anything would seem the impossible in usurping God.

Nimrod and the people joined to build a tower, which was of clay fired brick and a bituminous slime to cement this structure together. This tower would reach to heaven and it would be administered by a city.

Effectively, this tower would be the site later for a temple and the city would be Babylon, but in Nimrod's time of this construction, this Tower was their focal point and they were busily engaged in it.

I have noted in past writings exclusively the importance of Temples in worship, in accordance with Euclid's 47th of sacred geometry in the harmony of things which are pleasing to they eye, are also of a resonant frequency which mimics the human body to amplify the human prayer to God or demons, enhancing the connection and wave of will associated with it.

This tower in Babel surrounded by a resonant amplifying city was designed to breach the Gate of God. Before you start envisioning stargates or other nonsense, slow down and let this Revelation unfold, as it is bigger than what your mind is grasping at.

We can find physics in the Scriptures a place called Bethel by Jacob in which he slept on his way to his uncle, Laban's home, in which he had a dream in seeing a ladder from earth to heaven which was the passage for Angels ascending and descending.
Bethel would become the home of the Ark of the Covenant after Shiloh, and the place it would reside until King David brought it to Jerusalem with some difficulty.

This is important to comprehend, as Sinai was the visitation of Law by God. Mt. Moriah which is Temple Mount would be the Place of God's Presence. Key areas are holy or set apart due to their Heavenly to earth connection.
God does not need portals to operate through, but there is an element in this, that locations on earth are definite power centers to help infant spiritual kinds to associate better with God or if they chose dark spirits.

Babel was one such location on a tel or rise in the Plains of Shinar at what would become Babylon, the noted first world empire.

Babel in the name explains exactly what the Gate of God is. It is not a gate of God, but it is a gate to become like God. What Nimrod knew of as all would from Noah, Shem. Japheth, Ham and the wives of these founders of humankind after the flood, was this was the exact location they had witnessed the Cherubims guarding the Tree of Life with the flaming sword which turned every way TO KEEP THE WAY OF THE TREE OF LIFE.

The Archangels were guarding Babel as the way was a pathway to eternal Life, and it was at Babel that the Gate was found to become God.

We know the Tree of Life on earth is a replica of the one in Heaven, or was a replica which is activated by God Light, and will transform human DNA which is an antennae into the immortal  structure and eternal when activated by God.

What Nimrod and this mob were initiating was the polarity of humankind in solar force of sun power and reproductive force, united in this conduit tower, to change the frequency of the human soul into a human spirit all without God.
This is what the cartel has been up to in their Metatron Cube, the false tree of life, in why they have been intermarrying with Israelite Americans and western Europeans to change their Ashkenaz DNA into God ordained Priesthood DNA, and have been busy through frankenfood and spiritual degeneration creating a race of subspiritual humans like those of Sodom whose frequency is so corrupted they can never be restored as they resonate anti God or dark frequency and not Light.

I have informed all of you children of this, in why Jerusalem is important in this, as this is the place of the Holy Mountain with fiery stones where Lucifer once walked before it sinned and became satan.
They will build a 3rd temple to peace in united religion and politics, and will initiate this all in betrayal by donating it to satan in initiating him in the body of satan in worshiping humanity.

The continents have all moved to some degree. America was slid west to create the Atlantic Ocean. The Appalachians are the old mountains the Rockies the new, just as the other new mountains  sprang up in the division of continents moving quickly into new geographic locations with people on them.
We know this happened readily as there is tropical vegetation on Antarctica frozen in time, as much as mountains have aquatic shells on top of them from their uplifting. What happened due to Babel was swift and it was stellar in nature, and it will visit again in the Great Tribulation and the manifestation of Wormwood, the star and associated stars or meteors which will fall to earth.

In this movement, it is possible that there was a 500 mile plus shift west of the ley line at Babel in Bethel became an associative power center. That is an outside possibility, but in all of God's gateways or ladders, once they were revealed, after He ends a Covenant, He literally wipes the area clean and it is void of Spiritual contact.
God made certain the pollution of Sodom would never litter humanity again. God wiped out the Hamites of Canaan due to their reprobate nature. God destroyed Babylon, so that the Gate there would never initiate again in residual frequency the secret held there.

The secret held at Babel is the Tree of Life was planted there on that ley line, and that frequency structure even after it was removed, inspired Nimrod and the entire population to make a united name for themselves by building a Tower there to initiate a conduit in geometric form of a  structure which would open a gate there so people could become God without God's Salvation.

That is the exclusive of this blog never revealed before in what Babel is and what it's signature is.

These fools of the Ashkenaz elite have been deceived by their illuminated one they are initiating for and murdering the world for, in they should have been after Babylon in building the tower there, instead of the homicidal rapine for one Nimrod world order in Jerusalem which is only going to benefit satan and leave them with an inferior dark light physics signature which is going to make this all a spiritual tree of death, and not the Tree of Life.

They don't have the location and they do not have the Light. All they have in their Faustian pact of foolishness is Temple Mount, and that ley line is only for initiating contact with God, and not becoming God.

Always is the problem with these always experts in they get it into their thinking patterns that they are smarter than everyone else. Think in insider shalom that you are the livestock and they can decide how to run your lives into the grave as you are too sheep stupid, and here comes the reality of their dark angel has lied to them as the father of lies, as it desires a degenerative spiritual corpse while it is worshiped on Temple Mount, when the degenerate Ashkenaz elite should have been building in Babel, as that is what their lord Nimrod correctly was scheming to do.

Who's the bright girl now there bright boy?

Ooooppppssss, guess the priests and the architects got the wrong plans from the lords. Silly girls and boys, in God's Inspiration, I know more about this than you experts.

Planting that geometric structure on the 7 hills nor the Judeaen Hills is not going to work no matter what you tune your cube to.

Hazael, I know you are about your fathers business. you should have sent the camels.

agtG 243