Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dumb Ass Washington Examiner

There is nothing worse than these Romneycrats whoring in conservative sounds which are the same yellow hack propaganda of Hearst diatribes one expects to find at the New York Times or an Obama talking point.

Whoever the nameless troll was as "editor" of the Examiner who decided to shill for the Wall Street Insiders and Big Oil in this Rush Limbaugh cadre of lying about bio fuels and ethanol, they decided to put something in print which actually makes my deliberate drooling on the wall here look sane.

 The Examiner is furious that Obama is like Richard Nixon, like all incumbents buying  up hings which will assist states he needs to win. In this case, it is those evil "farmers" who are having produce they create bought up by the US government.

What is really shameful of the Examiner is they have no comprehension of agriculture as vacuous as Mark Levin in his diatribes about "corn production" not needed when wheat should be grown. This blog has explained that corn ground is not where wheat is produced and vice versa. Yet these Mockingbird shills for those who hate bio fuels, due to it cutting into the gouging the make in fuel prices, in empowering farmers in rural states to be political competitors to big state tycoons, are busy once again in lying about ethanol.

The Examiners shill makes his assanine comment which is pure idiot.

Thanks to the ethanol mandate, more than 40 percent of the nation's corn crop now goes into the production of a useless fuel that hardly anyone would buy if the government didn't require it.
 For the Examiner liar, ethanol is a superior fuel and INCREASES OCTANE in fuels without being an environmental hazard. It does indeed make fuel prices cheaper when big oil is not spiking the prices of ethanol in various price schemes meant to ruin this basic principle of paying American farmers for fuel to drive America, instead of terrorists in Muslim oil nations.

Yes is it not amazing in this that secular Islamist Barack Hussein Obama is for once putting money into American farmers hands, and who is bitching about it, but the Examiner Romneycrats who would rather America put money into the hands of terrorists for more 9 11 attacks......or perhaps for more Iranian nuclear weapons to holocaust Jews in a radioactive glow.

It is reprehensible what the Examiner published as it is complete bullsh*t.

Ask yourself for a moment if a corn crop fails and prices are suppressed by Obama so inflation is not driven up.......what happens to that crop?

An idiot would say that corn not making corn would mean no crop, but the astute would note that all across this region, that this corn crop is in part being recycled.

How is that? See you might have heard the term FODDER.

Corn is a 9 foot tall plant. It does produce cobs with limited kernels on it, and all across this region, this corn is being chopped up into silage which it has been for years, and that crop is going to be turned into livestock feed as animals do eat this, and then turn it into meat which humans consume.

Now the Examiner would not know that as it is too urban and too busy lying about things concerning corn.

For the record, just several years ago corn was so cheap it was worthless and in the Midwest industries were created to burn corn in stoves to heat homes. There was so much corn it was not being used and was being shipped cheaply to nations just to get rid of this crop.
Suddenly though when it was driving down fuel prices, ethanol suddenly became the problem and corn prices suddenly became the problem. The fact is ethanol production was ramped up by GEORGE W. BUSH in an historic State of the Union address in which he stated after 9 11 that America was getting the hell out of the Middle East and was going to use corn to fuel America along with soybeans.

It was George Soros who drove up illegally cereal grain prices to gouge consumers and to ruin ethanol production, which the Examiner hides from the public. The reality is as this blog has exclusively explained is Obama has kept corn prices lower than they should be as he is illegally trying to keep a collapse from happening to the economy in his Super Depression.

Corn is a quite worthless crop as one can not eat it really, and it is best designed for cattle and poultry feed which people do eat. Soybeans as this blog noted are in much more dire condition than corn, and yet those prices of 15 dollars per bushel compared to 7 for corn are the only problem the Examiner can see.
Soybeans are sold as meal to China to raise their meat crop, and this blog has alerted all that if Brazil's crop is not substantial next year, the Chicoms are going to have real problems and need to start a war to get rid of their revolutionaries from hanging them.

It is a reality that ethanol is a superior fuel and it does not cost more to produce than oil. That propganda was answered here in the oil baron and Examiner talking points were stating that ethanol's costs were factored in to oil tankers being built, combines being built to mining operations for iron. This propaganda was like saying you baking a cookie cost 1 million dollars as you had to factor in a nuclear power plant for the electric for your stove.

It is beyond shameful that this ilk is hiding behind the Conservative name, as there assanine talking points sound like Ron Paul in his unthoughtful diatribes.
OK, let us simply take away the ethanol mandate as the Examiner demands.

What happens?

Corn prices collapse, which means farmers counting on those inflated prices to make up for less crop production suddenly go bankrupt as it costs hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to raise corn in this Monsanto frankenfood world.

Then with corn being worthless, people will not eat it, and it will be sold cheaply to the Chicoms for their food production which allows them more leeway to build more weapons of war aimed at America.

Yes, then there are the millions of gallons of fuel ethanol does provide America, suddenly not available so more demand hits the markets and fuel prices spike to 8 dollars a gallon.....and of course those friendly terror Islam states gain more revenue to fund more 9 11 attacks or build arsenals to vaporize Jews setting off a nuclear war in the Middle East...which poisons production there which turns out the lights in America or Americans can burn radioactive oil in their cars, causing a spike in cancer deaths.

The Examiner has  really thought all of this out with it's head up it's ass now has it not?


That is why this blog matters when the Robert Morton types censor it, because it is this blog which shows the reasoning behind things which keeps Jews from glowing in their coffins because some Wall Street Insider does not have enough god damned money and is scr3ewing poor rural states out of money they need to survive and the Examiner in Mockingbird talking points just lies those nation rapist comments without projecting out what their murderous policies actually would unleash.

Readers might note that Barack Obama visited my nation state of Missouri Valley for this speech. THIS IS THE EXACT PLACE I WROTE OF FOR MY NON FEDERALIZED ZONE.

Amazing coincidence is it not that Barack Obama just happened to make an appearance in the exact spot I claimed as my own. I told you they read this blog and you simpletons who do not get what goes on here are not getting the message as all you do is be led around by these paid parrots who you allow to do the thinking for you.

Name one person in this world who wrote or said anything, and had Barack Obama rush in immediately and make an appearance there?
Come on brats that is a challenge, as there is no one else.

The reason gas prices are rising is because of the propaganda of the European bailout in the last one, which the cartel literally had governments just hand them over money instead of loaning to bankrupt nations like Spain.
This was covered here and explained as the lies were that Europe being saved would buy more crude oil, and this spiked American fuel prices......WHICH IS ABOUT CUTTING OFF DONATIONS TO OBAMA COMPETITORS AS IN MITT ROMNEY from .....yes those rural states being gouged by inflated fuel prices.

It is all quite vicious and all quite real, just as real as the lies of the Examiner and their parrot editor.

Now you know the reality of what is taking place in another Lame Cherry exclusive. I actually have set my dainty little feet in Missouri Valley before Obama arrived. I know the people. I know the lands. I know that damn rough road and those damn state police highwaymen exposed here......I know Iowa and wrote of why Obama was covering things up there.

You children really should pay attention as you are missing it all.

The Examiner is a damn liar and in this disgusting case as surpassed the worst damned liar in Barack Hussein Obama. Do not ever trust anything coming out of that site ever again, because when they are lying this bad it means they are skewing everything in the same lack of  Truth.

Yes let America not buy things grown in America, but instead let America fund terrorists by buying Islamic oil. That makes perfect sense to the Washington Examiner.

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