Monday, August 27, 2012

The Neo West Nile Plague of Barack Obama's Wars

There is a reality in the Lame Cherry exclusive on the West Nile Virus episodes of 2012, being a biological weaponized version of the virus which Saddam Hussein's proxies spread in America, created in Iraq from the German bio weapon's labs exported there.

It is a reality that in 6000 years in Africa, that West Nile was at home in the Asian Tiger mosquito, and for over a decade in America, it was housed in the same America Tiger......oh that is right an Asian Tiger mosquito is Asian......wonder why no one ever comments in how that thing was here and only West Nile showed up in it's infecting bites, after Saddam weaponized it and George H. W. Bush blew the hell out of Iraq over Kuwait.

Oh yes for 6000 years this virus was only hosted by Asian Tigers, but soon as Barack Obama starts bombing, murdering and overthrowing Muslim nations for BroMuslim's of the communist order, the very states which had Saddam Hussein's biological weapons shipments by aircraft, which were discounted in shipping to Damascus Syria and Obama Osseiran Beirut Lebanon, that this West Nile jumped genus in mosquitoes and suddenly started biting people in the daylight instead of the hunting hours and last fall seasons of the Asian Tiger mosquito.

No one on the fringe media in Alex Jones to Jeff Rense, seems to  notice these types of things when it is Barack Obama at 1600 Penn Avenue, but when George W. Bush was there, he was getting blamed for all sorts of things.

I will be blunt in this, in stating that one diplomat could  bring in a billion mosquito larva and they would not be searched. Those larva in a simple greenhouse of high humidity, standing water could hatch and create billions more West Nile daytime mosquitos, and do it all using tainted blood from humans or other living sources to feed these mosquitoes.
It does not have to be barbaric in these Muslims accomplishing this as a latex "skin" in which blood would be pumped through for the insects to feed would all that would be required to infect them.

An operation like this could literally be set up in any room, covered with plastic, of mean temperatures of 75 to 90 degrees, with high humidity.

From the CDC map exclusively first posted here, it was obvious that this operation was hosted inside Texas, meant as a direct attack upon the Bush41 and Bush43 families who are loathed by all Muslims Obama secular to Assad nationalist.

Chicago had a massive outbreak, which leads one to deduce these were competing Muslims to the ones Obama was installing who were behind this, who did have direct access to Saddam's weaponzied bugs.

The other main areas were Michigan and New Jersey, both of which have mass Muslim communities who would give cover to the operation, as most of these Muslims are 3rd world and already immune to West Nile.
It is the ultimate weapon as Muslims are immune and Americans are not.

The fallout was on South and North Dakota, again two semi Conservative states which just so happened to be the residence of the Texas migrating birds. Other residual areas are from birds going haywire in ending up in various off migration areas.

California's central strip was also a target point in a concentration there, with the Islamocommunists for Obama apparently being quite home oriented like in Michigan in only dealing with specific areas.

This attack had to take place in the February to March time frame, before the birds started the northern migration. It would have had to have been in warm enough and wet enough localities.
Theory would dictate that some enterprising Muslim could next to migratory waterfowl reserves could set up a blood donor machine type apparatus to circulate blood and provide this latex skin to feed mosquitoes for breeding, but someone in most likely Iran or if this traces back to some Nidal Hassan scientist in America of Muslim origins cleverly created a gene splice to make these daytime mosquitoes into West Nile carriers, and once that was accomplished the above theoretical protocols could spread this to the plague status it has evolved into.

I will repeat for the experts in this, West Nile did not mutate for 6000 years and was hosted in nocturnal insects. Obama starts bombing Assad and threatening Iran with Stuxnet, and suddenly America has a mutated daytime West Nile mosquito plague.

Now this stuff is exclusive to Lame Cherry as all is here, and of course it is not like Dinesh D'Souza stealing all the work of bloggers in his "Obama movie" educating idiots on stories covered here and by others AND MAKING MONEY OFF OF IT while it was freely dispensed here and elsewhere, but it begs the question in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives, in which Limbaugh plagiarist is going to seize this information as "their discovery" when the cartel says it will be reasonable to spin this to a war of their choosing?

So you comprehend this, America has been attacked by WMD. Thee only response from America in this is a nuclear response, but Obama has been getting rid of the American arsenal.

When is anyone going to start asking these questions so loudly that even Mark Levin will not be able to scoff at it and say Obama is not going to be impeached, so you stupid Tea Party people just shut up and go away?
The fringe media like in all of this, is certainly absolutely silent on this, and of course is it not interesting in how the big billionaire donors to the GOP seem never to have any money, any more than people reading this blog to spread the cash around to bloggers for the exclusives always exposed here.

That is the sticky wicket in this, in no one wants to cover this West Nile plague as a bioweapons attack in trying to explain how this virus which can not mutate to new mosquitoes as it has not for 6000 years in Africa and Asia, suddenly did in America, right in the Bush backyard, Obama's Chicago, the California valley, and the Muslim enclave centers of Michigan and New Jersey.

Yes it is all coincidence like all things Obama. Floods wiping out GOP states. Gulf Gusher sabotage wiping out Gulf states.......Obama's feuding intertribal wars in Asia, ending up in bio weapons attacks in America, in not one scientist has bothered to notice that this virus somehow mutated as  is rare in Darwinism, in it rarely ever takes place as it is so deadly in nature.

Small pox and cow pox is explained, but when it comes to West Nile species jump, no one has bothered in Mockingbird propaganda to breathe a word of this.

You do know that Obama wants to disarm Iran of nuclear weapons in why he has been blowing the hell out of Muslims to set up his legacy?
Obama can not let a little Neo West Nile plague get in the way of his legacy as it would mean he would have to vaporize the Persian communists instead of get a Nobel Peace Prize for taking away their nukes.

Is anyone ever going to bring these things up? Perhaps ask Barack Obama. Perhaps ask the billionaire Republican donors who just happen to live in these states having outbreaks or ask the talking head junta, as this would really be a Romney gamechanger, or is it like TWA Flight 800 being shot down and covered up by Bill Clinton..........
You are all expendable Americans and we just need to let those Persian communists keep murdering all of you for those million dollar peace prizes and those Muslim bribes for 1600 Penn Avenue retirement coffers.

Why is this all being covered up to American Citizen's jeopardy. The biggest breaking story only broken here, and no one will cover it.

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