Monday, August 27, 2012

The Nuclear Holocaust

For a reality check:

The Israeli state is 263 miles long and from 9 to 71 miles wide.

It has 7.1 million in population.

The kill zone for the Hiroshima type atomic bomb was 1 mile. Hiroshima 12 kiltons and Nagasaki 21 kilotons, but effects of blast utilization made Hiroshima a higher kill yield.

The kill zone for an average 300 kiloton nuclear warhead is a 1 mile fireball and a fireball of approximately 7 miles by 7 miles, minimum.

The Iranian Scud series carries an approximate 20 kiloton warhead.

The thermonuclear warhead has a kill zone of 150 miles.

A salted bomb, one which would contain a covering layer of cobalt, gold or plutonium, creates a contamination bomb of large volumes of radioactive poisons.
This is what an antagonist of the Israeli state would enlist as the purpose would be to poison the areas for as long as possible.
Nuclear detonation after effects which are most cumbersome are the radioactivity absorbed by metals such as pipelines, conduit and vehicles.

The Israeli state is one of mountainous valleys. While this protects from massive thermonuclear blasts in rivers and eddies of fire, on small scale nuclear warheads the Israeli state is actually like Hiroshima in being more favorable to atomic  bomb use.
Most Israeli cites are on tels or hills, but a reality exists of an indirect attack , IE, in using detonation in the associated valley would have the mushroom crowd roll up the tel and actually  envelop these settlements.

The Israeli state as most nations includes vast areas of waste land, 15% agricultural lands, with the remaining concentrated population centers.

Effective blast zone average for a 20 kiloton bomb would be 20 miles in first hour lethality to exposed individuals.

The Israeli state has 14 cities of 100,000 plus population. The Israeli state is comprised of 75 city centers.
Effective population concentrations in 36 metropolitan type areas.

Analysis: For a Mahdi Suicide state such as Iran, it is feasable in absorbing an Israeli counter strike with 40 Nagasaki or Dr. Kahn type warheads to depopulate the Israeli state of the majority of it's population and it's infrastructure.
This could be accomplished in prepositioning or direct flights.

Iran was known to have at least 12 nuclear devices imported from the Soviet Union. It has had the ability to build nuclear weapons for a decade and has built such "heavy" devices. The transference of the Dr. Kahn cone shaped technology for the past decade would deem that the Islamocommunists would have in arsenal the necessary 40 plus warheads necessary to contaminate the Jewish state.

Contamination or radioactive poisoning would be the tatical war plan for the Iranian regime, as  the Jews would become refugee status in fleeing their lands for European and American safe havens.
This would leave the military with a depleted stockpile of IDF nuclear warheads, and a non replenishing Jewish population.

Result: A Mahdi Suicide attack would bring the  result within 10 years in the elimination of the Jewish state.
Tactical invasion by remaining "Palestinians" occupying lands,  but dying from radioactive diseases would be deemed acceptable collateral damage.

Wild Card Factors: If Islamocommunists would include biological or chemical weapons, the results would be amplified.
The Hezbollah type rockets would pin the Jewish state down for weeks, thereby increasing casualties.

Net prognosis: The Islamocommuists will to initiate a suicide attack and response. An Israeli first strike would be deemed best chance scenario.
The IDF can not invade nor occupy Iran. It would come under immense pressure from Egypt in the succeeding year, along with Jordan repatriating Muslims.

The Israeli state under current status will cease to exist in 50 years. Under nuclear war it will cease within 10 years.

agtG 263