Tuesday, August 14, 2012

White Weight

Now that it has been several days since Mitt Romney has announced his VP in Cheesehead Ryan, and everyone is asking, "Does she or doesn't she in only her hair dresser knows", it is time to tell you what to think children.

I know you try to think, and then you post things about how intelligent you are by gossiping about me, but then you get a clue about something some insider thinks they know, and all of a sudden.........they always expert appears and make poor Irish ramblings wall flower in all they want to do is talk about me.

"Would you like a cucumber sandwich?"

"Only if it is a Negroid cucumber called an African American cucumber of else someone might think I'm a racist, exposing how cheap I can be in not paying for free things.........and then there is that little matter of feeling frightened about God protecting His own and......well mind the punctuation as cucumbers only produce for protection grammaricans".

"You do know I was asking you about your not being troubled about sodomite things here right in that cucumber question right?"

Meanwhile back at the playground...........

Let us just call Paul Ryan, WHITE WEIGHT, as in LIGHT WEIGHT, as in DEAD WEIGHT for Mexican Romney.......as in reality, Paul Ryan is the only white man in the race, as Obama is Chinese, Romney is Mexican, Biden has some swarthy Irish thing going on that looks like Mum jumped the fence, but the reality is the following..........

Intelligence states that.........oh yeah about that military intelligence thing......never mind as the rats are in the maze.

So as I was explaining children, before God Judges the tight wads on not coming  through on the Temple offering and just listening to the Readings and going off acting Prophet while the Prophet is watching the rats run.........

So as I was explaining, there is this Vice Presidential thing. There are absolutes in picking a VP.

Obama picked Biden because he was white, actually steals good ideas from others, was an enforcer to make political prisoner out of Lawrence Sinclair, and would ease those Clinton eastern racists so Obama could have enough seaboard wins that he would steal the election out west.
Read that again children, as some of you might be telling teacher how to run her class.

So as I was explaining, a VP is chosen for the things they bring which the other can not bring.

John McCain picked Sarah Palin to bring in the Reagan western vote, Conservative vote and the women vote. She could not deliver the female vote as there were just too many whores in America who wanted to be punished by some Designer Negro dick
It was that margin which gave Obama the margin that he could steal those 10 million GOP votes with Karl Rove supervising.

Sometime a VP is chose to unify the party as Ronald Reagan did in George H. W. Bush.

Bush43 picked Dick Cheney to shore up foreign policy.

John Kennedy picked LBJ to bring in Texas.

Those are the reasons one picks, and especially picks either some war hero like David Patraeus for leadership reasons as Americans love winners, some skirt like Jan Brewer to bring in regional western votes and female votes, like Rick Perry from Texas to cement Texas.

Let us examine Paul Ryan, who is White Weight. Odd that the racists who harp on things will not even bat an eye about that term here. Odd is it not what not eh? Shhhh forensic psychology at work in profiling. Shhhhh I do not know what I'm doing here, but you do obviously as ..........well just buy the blot you cheap skate as everyone will then read all the wonder that a child pontificates while pontificating diaper poo.

So like I was explaining as things need to be repeated as St. Paul taught in letters as children's mind start wandering.

As I was explaining, Romney would win Wisconsin due to the GOP Governor there. So Ryan brings in nothing.
Ryan is in Democratic district.......again no appeal as he brings in one district.
Ryan .........gives Cheesehead......makes him suck in Ohio and Minnesota, two needed wins for Romney, but that is a negative and we are examining Romney's positives.

Oh wiat, need tu do some misshelling to give the rats some squeak time as they gnaw on the insdie walls.

Meanwhile back to Paul Ryan's strengths.........

Ryan brings in no region or state. Ryan brings in no national prestige which is budget is tits up propaganda..........most in the Tea Party know nothing about this uber Conservative.

Ryan is as the the Tiger Lily states a fond member of that uber Aspen Institute.....Yeah check that out children as you are so intelligent in this private conversation.

Let us just cut it, that Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan, because Ryan is going to undo all of Romney policy in Obamacare and he is going to make Romney not be a liberal Mormon Jesus denier.......Yes Paul Ryan in the great Road to Damascus conversion for Mitt Romney.

That is called satire for the weak minds who do not get most of what goes on here.

So...........yeah, Paul Ryain is on Romney's leash, so this poodle is interesting in who was buying up Wisconsin recently?

Why that Wall Street Insider in his union war.

I suppose that is just a coincidence with the WSI writing with great glowing Obama pen used to mark a ballot in 2008 for Barry Chin, but now says Ryan is top crap just like the Deep Tutu was saying Ryan is such cream cheese.

Look, folks write about what is in their gall, and WSI was focusing on Medicare rape by Obama. I warned you children that this was all about the Wall Street crowd not getting their share, and this is about Big Pharm not getting it's prize at the fair, and the complainers looking under Sarah Palin's skirt promising her love in all the right places, as Mitt ran the hidden camera to sell the American Virgin to the Obama Libyan missile rape if she put out for 2012, and.........well the rest is history in White Weight, was chosen by the Bush associates to toss the election with Light Weight and Dead Weight........all so Jeb Bush can get some ass fat injected into his face for 2016 and be president right on schedule.

The Log Cabin Romneycrats got what they wanted. Romney was told he could pick whoever he wanted as long as it was Paul Ryan from white slave state Wisconsin by the Ashkenaz mercantilians from Wall Street.
It makes a Mormon feel good to think they are actually running the show, and when he gets a free ticket to the Israeli state to pretend he is messiah in fathering the UN state of Israel for Jewish backing, well the next thing you know is Jeb Bush is telling Karl Rove to ..........keep it close so Obama can steal it.

You do not get it do you in everyone is telling you this is close, all so the cartel's choice will be the one to steal the election again.

There is really no more stupid choice than a newbie Paul Ryan, who brings absolutely nothing to a Presidential ticket. I'm all for Romney saying he got a vision from Joseph Smith about blacks being humans as was a vision they got just a few decade ago as he was wrestling with a new bunch of wives, and now Salt Lake says, "I really meant to pick someone like............"

I will in gest post on that or already have, as announcing Paul Ryan early proves that Romney's numbers peaked and are starting to fail against Obama.

Too much inside information, but then we are dealing with the reality of Paul Ryan.

Romney and Ryan look like the fag ticket. Ryan's head is small like a cantaloupe compared to big hair Romney. Looking like........oh I forget that actor's name.......was in movies you know........and is Jeff Goldblum, but looking like Goldblum does nothing to help Romney or Ryan.

I really do not see having a bony white guy with some white wife from Oklahoma or something really does anything, because being Tim Pawlenty stevia is like having the sweet, but not bag of sugar to make you feel secure.

Romney should have just been held down along with that Wall Street bunch and told, "Look here Mano, you go to paradise and Jeb gets to be president for 11 years 364 days".

This game play of Obama having another election handed to him, is really boring. I'm very concerned about Barry Chin, in all his crimes are going to be coming up in 2013, and that means the cartels will have to do something to protect themselves.
America does not need that, and having a weak Romney and a weaker Ryan throwing the election for Jeb Bush just does not breed the prize cow.

That liberal skirt Crowley was right in this choice is seen as a Romney tits up ticket. His White Weight is Light Weight and is Dead Weight on a ticket which was blowing the Chin Biden ticket by 25 points.

I'm tired of being smart now, but it was just too many days of dolts asking the same questions of should the love Ryan or not........yeah until this blog posts on this inconsequential drama, it will not rest, and this must be stopped, as there are more important subjects to ponder as in the zuggarrat.

Just wait until Aaron Burr Biden rambles on some smart ass line tagging that kid Ryan.

Nothing has changed, Ryan is not a game changer. He is no Sarah Palin, and he will not convert Romney to Christianity, so I will not be voting for them as I answer to God.

Please child, go sit in the corner and put on the dunce hat before they come up with a worse head garb for you nitwittery. It is such a sad thing to see the delusional thinking there is still an America, still is hope, still is something to restore.

I told you years ago that  Obama was UTTER RUIN, and it is that fact already. It will make not one bit of difference in Obama or Biden at 1600 Penn Avenue. Same Virginal Prostitute is dead in the morgue. Same with Mitt and Toupee Ryan. They have a Dexter body bag of America and none of these are Jesus to put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Yes to win the White House, let us pick light weight Cheesehead, who will deliver nothing and his budget was already scorched........and Ryan wrote Romney's plan.

So the White House Insider who worked for Obama, the Wall Street Insider who created Obama, and the Military Insider.....shhhhh no DIA intel here as I read it in a an email.........all just love Paul Ryan.

Yes I would just love to get into bed with this bunch as I'm certain I would not get my throat slit after I got a case of the crabs.......

August 14th and the witness prevails, they will spend their money on a whore's reward, but not pay respect to the prophet.

Seriously Mitt and Wall Street Insider, I do not believe the Ron Paul voters are this stupid to mistake Paul Ryan for Ron Paul, even if the name RYAN PAUL backwards might induce some pot heads to think this is their man, and even if Paul Ryan looks like he is auditioning for redneck retard in replacing Festus Hagen in being  Toothless Ron Paul or denture impaired Ron Paulbots.

Yeah, um sure, I'll get on that right away.......

agtG 236

PS: Now you children can look intelligent today.......