Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ali Baby

I was wondering if that fine upstanding Southern Poverty Law Center, if it keeps records on black racists or Muslim racists who hate Chinese like Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran?

This is a valid question for the security of Obama 44, in light of the mass anal rape of Americans in Libya upon the mass finger gang banging of Lara Logan.

Examine for a moment these Obama loyalists. In 2008, they illegally donated to his campaign 300 million dollars. No one including Robert Morton of World Tribune will call the terrorists out on this, as none of them want to end up like Khadaffi.
Speaking of which, there is Col. Khadaffi, a geezer citizen, beat up, dragged around shot and put on display. Then their is Mubarak in a cage, Assad having his bits blown off by Obama followers and again, that homosexual Chris Stevens and his gay pride crew in Libya, with that tarty Lara Logan both being sexually ungratified by this Obama campaign finance voting block of the near east, with many relatives sending money back home from America.

America actually has more terrorists than the rest of the world now, and the headquarters are at 1600 Penn Avenue, and the pronounced leader of al Qaeda is Mr. B. Hussein Obama, as he has killed off all the competition, and when he needs some nation like Egypt, Syria or Libya overthrown, he calls in his political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood and the fighting wing is the Isalmocommunist al Qaeda.
When one is rewarding terrorists with nations, then that makes one the leader of the terrorists, as George W. Bush only awarded Iraq to select Osseirans as an example of he preferred the merchants while Obama of the Osseiran merchants prefers to delegate to the terrorists.

So in that, just how much danger is B. Hussein in, in he has infuriated many of his terrorist backers, among other Muslims of the nationalist movement.

What happens in this, if some  toddler Muslim, an Ali baby, is handed a 9 mm by their 2008 Obama voting parents, and told to make like it is at home in shooting at Benjamin Netanyahu with a finger gun, and this gun goes off in the Obama crowd?

We have seen how there is no prosecution in Nidal Hassan the Fort Hood terrorist, so it is obvious in liberal compassion that Ali baby would only face some type of child protection, where he or she would be subjected to NEA educational data and psychological counselling where they would find that Heather has two daddies, and that Abraham Lincoln has on paragraph in a book of history, but Barack Obama has 44 pages as he is so very important.

The thing is, is when this Ali baby, allah forbid be placed in such a position, would the Southern Poverty Law Center have a complete file on these Muslim Obama voters or would the not have any commentary at all to include in AP stories, so we would never know  a thing about this family who voted for Obama.

Obviously if there is no man hunt for the Obama voter terrorists in Libya for who murdered Chris Stevens there with others, then of course Baby ali would not be prosecuted either, as the toddler was only 3 years old.

In stating that, is it not interesting  Obama is not demanding the FBI investigate the Stevens anal rape murder, while Libya shuts them out, and Ambassador Rice lies to the public as if the FIB......I mean FBI is investigating all of this.
Sort of like when Vladamir Putin  assassinated thee entire Polish Patriot Government, and Barack Obama never raised a word about sending the FBI or FAA.

It all seems as if Obama already knows exactly who the murderers are of Chris Stevens and that crew, and he just has no interest in any one else knowing what he knows.

Just how much danger is Barry Chin in with the Muslims he plays or those he has had murdered? It is obvious that Obama's Muslims murder people, including their own leaders. It is obvious that they use rape to get the Obama message across. It is now obvious that they blackmail B. Hussein, as the Libyans are doing, in they know who carried out the attacks, the job was inside as the Obama terrorists had the addresses to safe houses, and yes, it is the fact in this that Obama does not call for hunting these terrorists down.

Ah Lame Cherry exclusive here, did you not notice that Obama has been quite silent as has everyone not vowing to track these terrorists down for justice?

Gee wonder why that is?

You know why, as these are Obama's operatives and he was conducting this operation as a false flag for his re election, and Obama got caught in his own trap.

George W. Bush would have uttered those words in the first thing coming out of his mouth as on 9 11. Obama though does not utter such things and the reason is obvious and telling as Obama knows and is guilty.

Christopher Stevens was supposed to be kidnapped for a SEALS rescue, but other Muslim factions bought out the contract and committed mass murder of gays. Obama can not do a thing about it, as they have the evidence on him in this operation.

Delta Force came, landed, and picked up, no dead bodies, as they assessed immediately this was a red  flag operation and they were not going to be SEALED as happens to Obama operatives who get involved in this.

Matter anti matter exclusives, only dealt with here.

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