Friday, September 7, 2012

Obama's Ladder

Behind the scenes.........

When Obama ambassador what's his name got into a pushing match with Benjamin Netanyahu in front of US Congressman, it was the final tipping point for the Insider Shalom Jews.
Ulsterman's fundman for Romney has been pushing hard his clique and enough of this group has now decided to join in the night of the long knives.

That is what has been behind the push in Krauthammer and Drudge, along with the other Jewish stories herding Jews to escape the Obama ghetto before the nuclear holocaust starts.

To be blunt, the Jews want America to hammer Iran. Obama has been nurturing Iranian communists for 4 years in order to "get them to see the light in some summit" to disarm of nuclear weapons, after some dust up, and then Obama will have his legacy "greater than Reagan's".

That is the stalemate in this between Jews and secular Islamist Obama.

OCTOBER SURPRISE? Canada closes embassy in Iran, brings diplomats home...

The trend in this has been to get Obama to act like Jerome Corsi leveraged Obama to act on the purchase of the bin Laden corpse so Obama could shoot it.....or shoot an actor formerly known as a camel herder and call it a victory.
Corsi though blew Obama's 2012 bin Laden chest thumping in October, and now the Jews are in a match of their own.

It does not appear that the the Israeli state will strike Iran. If they do, it has been factored in, how the media will show little Jewish children covered in dust in bunkers as missiles are fed to them 24 hours a day.
For those who do not recall Jimmy Carter being held hostage in 1980 in his Rose Garden as the Iranians paraded Americans about the pavement humiliating America, what will come of this for Obama will ruin him.

Make no mistake in this, that what CBS did to Charles Schumer in the DNC planks removing Jerusalem is nothing what the media of Jewish interests will parade before America and the world in propaganda over this.
It has been  fully understood and planned, that if Israel is forced to strike on it's own after warning the Canadians to get out of Iran and sending a message to Putin via PM Stephen Harper, about what is being initiated, that the Jews will take their ghetto holocaust punishment for two weeks and then retaliate with nuclear strikes to end this, and be exonerated of blame as the world will by that time agree that little Jew girls and boys in bunkers bawling must end and a nuclear option is agreed upon.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has severed Canadian ties with Iran over its sponsorship of terrorism and amid fears about the safety of diplomats in the country.
Baird says the Canadian embassy in Tehran will close immediately and Iranian diplomats in Canada have been given five days to leave.
The factoring in will not be an October surprise, but one of an Atonement nature which will decapitate the Tehran communists and perform a coup on B. Hussein Obama.
Obama in scenario will not look leader like with crying Jew babies on the television every night. If he calls for peace, he will look weak as water and remind people he is Nobel lacking. If he strikes, he looks absolutely led by Jews in following their lead.
That is what is being pushed in the Canadian gambit in the Jewish leadership has convinced at least someone in North America to act, and it is the Canucks and not B. Hussein Obama.
The Jewish interests are pressing this and in reality if it had not been the New York Times committing treason in 2006 in releasing the Dick  Cheney protocols on Iran in toppling that government, none of this would be taking place now, as Iran would have been freed, but that Brzezinski socialist ilk which backed Obama meddled in this.
Granted if Jews had not installed Obama and assisted him in computer election theft, then none of this would be taking place.
At this point, I do not believe the IDF will strike, and this is still Netanyahu leverage with his American interests in trying to get Obama to act. Obama though is betting the Jews will not act out as before, as he wants that crazy legacy thing he is fixated and obsessed with on being the Chin who disarms the Mideast of nuclear weapons.....including Jews.
Obama is gambling the Jews on each measure of striking and not striking, and has talking points on both. He will look concerned, above it all, cool and the typical intellectual retard as is his trademark.
On the points:
Jews will be blamed in striking, but will win in Jew babies crying over missile strikes.
....and that is the only point that matters, except the caveat that Obama does hope for WMD strikes as much as the Rothschilds, but Obama wants it for legacy terrorism to disarm the region and the Rothschilds desire piles of dead on their European front to scare Europeans into a new empire and weld it together with fear.
It has all been calculated.
The Jews in waiting will face an Obama with no controls and unleashed in being more flexible to Moscow as he promised Medvedev. That is their Catch 22 and why the frantic coup attempt now by them on Obama in favor of UN Jerusalem Romney.

Obama's war in Syria is f*cking up again like his war in Libya did in his communist fighters are no damn good at war. This is why Obama has US forces hovering on the Turk Syrian border. US MERCENARIES are no engaged in direct warfare against Assad as they were in murdering Khadaffi.
If you need to have this pointed out, Obama has US forces actively in a combat zone where Russian experts are now engaged with their own Black Sea military. It is all dangerous as nuclear hell, and it is just more Obama thugocracy globally.

This is Obama's Ladder of escalation and the reality is this Muslim warfare is going to follow America home to the Jews of New York City in their numbers are concentrated there, in a twin concussion type bomb as the Catholic oracles speak of.

The words spoken in Europe were that is was a horrid thing, but the Americans deserved it for what they had done.

What are the actions America has been involved with in the past four years which  would create a mindset in central Europe that a WMD attack on New York would be a justified payback?

Mubarak in a cage, Khadaffi and his followers mass slaughtered, bin Laden's group murdered...and now that Syrian thing for starters.

What happens in Obama's Ladder when it is cities disappearing and piles of people are rotting in the streets of the Mideast from his policies designed for his legacy?

Prophetic words about the new york city nuclear attack
May 3, 2012 – Regarding the New York attack of September 11, 2001 the Farmer of Krems said:The terrorist act that is prophesied for the present-time has not ...

This attack has been known about for over a decade and is in fluid motion yet in the eddies of time and currents of the matrix. Too many people try to link things to their own hysteria, but the fact is events do flow in current and those proven in time are the ones to be aware of.

On September 17, 2001, just after the 9/11 tragedy, it is said that the farmer of Krems (he speaks only German) has confirmed by telephone to Josef Stocker saying: "The terrorist act that I saw has not yet occurred, and when it does there will be a nearly total destruction of New York [city]--an unprecedented terrorist act that will be carried out with two small nuclear explosive devices
Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran has been a master architect in his building and those cutting the lumber for him have built this to where it now is erected in time. The laws of nature state that gravity will pull down all structures. There is always the plus minus effect in this and either events will take place or not take place.
Iranian Caliphs and mahdis will not just go away. They have been built as Jewish nuclear interests have been constructed. Add an Obama legacy of being messiah to replace Jesus as the Prince of Peace and to replace Ronald Reagan on nuclear policy, and one has a krypton switch throne in a nuclear arsenal.

Too many astute leaders now are gauging this in "what if" scenarios, against the lunatic fringe leaders with a delusional Asian Obama preening for the outcome, he is trying to engineer to be the messiah gipper.

This is Obama' Ladder to nuclear hell.

Lame Cherry.

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