Friday, September 7, 2012


As another Lame Cherry exclusive......

Patterns mean things, and when patterns change it means someone of intelligent design and power changed the pattern.

As was exclusively covered here, this blogs intelligence gathering noted that the BNSF, or Warren Buffett's railroad was not hauling volumes of crude oil any more south to Louisiana. In fact, Buffett seems to have invested in GRAIN CARS, so the warning is to watch your food supply which is being bought up.

New information has reached me though from Newt Gingrich. Mr. Gingrich who appears to be auditioning at the behest of the oil barons for Secretary of State in an Mitt Romney administration.........oh if you need to be told, Mitt Romney by all signs in this Obama coup, is going to be installed as President in January 2013 by Wall Street interests, unless Barack Obama murders the Mormon, as the fix is in on this.

I digress..........

Mr. Gingrich has initiated Newt University, and his founding lecture was featuring Harold Hamm of the Oklahoma oil tycoons and they invited in Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski who were convinced the North Dakota model was the answer for America in oil production and 2.7% unemployment.
What was telling in this was Gingrich was focused "on that oil pipeline being built so all that crude would not have to be shipped by rail".

That was a direct attack on Buffett and Obama, as Obama shut down the Keystone pipeline and Canadian pipelines coming into America to jack up oil prices and make Buffett a monopoly player in oil transportation. All illegal as hell, and which should have Obama and Buffett in prison.

Patterns mean things, in Wall Street now owns North Dakota oil and gas production, to keep prices high, but they have cut out Buffett's rail shipments for that pipeline which will be built, flowing all that ND crude south into the Louisiana and Hyperion routes as was intended before Obama's rapine.

The pipelines will be built so Wall Street ownership of North Dakota will be more lucrative in oil shipments. This is the "Romney oil" plan in it will expand to federal lands.......not private lands, in an energy plan of high cost oil and gas, but the slaves will be worked hard for long hours in production, and think they will be making high wages, and this will alleviate the high inflation America is undergoing under Obama at over10% a year.

You have to watch these things children as it all has meaning.

When George W. Bush told the world that America was getting out the Middle East and going  into ethanol production, that was the signal that the world had changed and America was setting up for a strategy of Global Hawk in fighting wars from fortress America, and having Eurasia implode into the next world war.

What Mitt Romney is doing, is going to be managed misery in working people to death literally, but the economic surge is going to be one of friendly rapine in which the money is going to be returning to America for recycling it here among the elite who have invested in oil etc.... and will demand a return in what they are looting from the west.

Do not overlook the problem in this, in Mr. Obama has made a pile of enemies and they will indeed start following Obama's trail back to America for WMD attacks in time, but this is part of the scenario of profit as all of this has been factored in.
There are even projection outlays for when New York is bombed with a nuke, and how this will affect Mexicans fleeing back to Mexico in monetary outlay.

The patterns have shifted and that which Obama stole in 2008 is not going to be stolen by him in 2012 as readily..

This then sets off the scenario of how do the Buffett, Soros and Rothschilds keep their criminal rapine a secret when a Romney group which knows what took place is vectored in on this.
You must understand, that a boogerman must be created for Romney to distract from all of the  upheaval. The American mob must be fed something.........and that something would be investigations of B. Hussein and his cohorts.
The only way the cartel can keep this from filtering back to them would be for a dead end scenario as this blog has warned for the protection of Mr. Chin.

Guilt would then cover up all the avenues of investigation in national trauma, and that wound would make Americans endure the Romney managed misery. It has all been discussed by the cartel and powers that be.

Obama's sphere has diminished in power. It is why this blog published early the operations in that 25% category of Romney poll numbers in what Obama would do from removing Mr. Romney to ending Mr. Romney. This tide has now swept forward with a tsunami effect and Mr. Obama is being swamped.
It may be that the trend has shifted so completely that Obama will not be able to enact his countermeasures as the people who serve him will start thinking about retaliation from the powers that be.
That then leaves that problem of Obama as the loose end which this blog has warned of repeatedly in his cartel backers trying to cover their tracks again in those trillions which were looted.

This is not over by any means, but when one has Uncle Harold Hamm, Sen. John Hoven, that Shalom Insider and the Clintons knifing Obama in the back, with this "Jewish" herding taking place to scare Jews into voting for Romney and not stealing elections for Obama, one starts seeing a trend where the Rovians are having things fixed for them, according to business cycle remedies from people who know how to get things done and crush those who get in the way.

Harold Hamm knew Obama stole 2008 and that Karl Rove assisted it for Jeb Bush. Things have now changed in this, and while they made profits under Obama, a new pattern is emerging in Obama's folks are being now cut out of the profit loop.

That would not be taking place unless Mitt Romney was going to be installed. Warren Buffett would not be hiding his ass in Nebraska and taking this, unless he was informed his ass was grass.

Things are changing rapidly and it is concluded here that the barons and tycoons are in the process of extending this to Congressional levels where certain Obama things are going to be removed and it will not be left to a stalemate as the Rovians were engaged in.

What it appears is being planned for is an unleashed Obama Super Global Depression, in which bond markets will be shattered to those holding the debt, and an American type self survival mode of energy and product production assisting allies.
In this, China will be without markets and a starting revolution, which would fuel deflation in assisting this Romney managed misery.

Willard Mitt Romney, someone is making the Lame Cherry, the secondary news feed source of reposts in information all over the internet as this blog is hijacked constantly as the driving source of information.
Your Ulsterman protocols and DC Caller funding accomplished little.

The cartel and powers that be can hide the information, but I live in this brier patch in being born here. I see things in Inspiration and I know the secrets by the patterns and what you can not hide in Mockingbird.

You better keep that Mormon investment safe there Mr. Hamm, Mr. Freiss and Mr. Shalom. This is not done yet and you had better comprehend I will not for free keep directing this to disrupt the matrix flow from the deep pools.

Bugger the day the bunny in the brier is sitting on the judgment seat eh?

 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon His Name.

Bugger what not eh?

Waves made early make reverse surges in undertow. Do not start your tsunami too soon there Mano.

Great profits can be made under Obama too.

agtG 232

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