Saturday, September 8, 2012

Quantitative Easing 3

My children, I have informed you that the American Republic is dead. I have informed you that a Mitt Romney administration is going to be a slurry version of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran's AKA Barry Chins regime, as Romney's Wall Street carnivores have invested money to keep oil, grain and investments for him up, preying on the masses.
America is faced with a George H. W. Bush collapse without the buffer of Ronald Reagan's boisterous economic growth.

In that, the criminals who run the Federal Reserve rapine system, will for Barack Obama initiate more illegal shell game Fed dumping money into the system and "buying US debt", which is I will explain again, if you opened a printing press in your house and started making currency to pay your debt with loans you were giving  yourself.
It is a pyramid scheme and it will collapse eventually crushing all of you and the free world, as this is by design.

I deal in fixes here, solutions, the way out, and I have posted for years the ways to fix things and how to give you back your lives. In that, I will put forward to you, the only way this is going to be fixed, and it in form that Fractal Banking Retroactive Tax which will take back all of the money which the cartels have looted from people to gain control of nations and return it to you.

It will surprise you that God advocates redistribution of wealth, but not as the NeoProgs do in taxing.and spending.

In the Bible Leviticus 25:10, explains one part of a free enterprise economic platform, which God mandated for His People, who are Americans as I have taught here with proof, and it is defined as the YEAR OF THE JUBILEE.

And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

 What the JUBILE was about, was the fact that every generation, or 50 years, God knew that certain people would be crooked, have better fortune and chance would find them in bear did not kill your family while it did your neighbor. Meaning that, someone like Ted Turner would be a billionaire, Barack Obama would carptebag from Asia stealing power and John Heinz would be dead in a plane crash and his money would all go to John Kerry.

Hording of wealth was never something God wanted, and every 50 years, He set down a law that  the entire system would start over again from a base of a way to gain power, and wealth, in a return to properties which families owned and a freeing of an entire nation from debt.

So you get this point, if your grandfather owned a farm, then that land would return to you, and those who bought it, would know when they purchased it, that land was going to be returned.
Ruth's kindred had their land redeemed by a cousin named Boaz, whose duty it was to marry her, and raise a child to her husband's legacy and the land her mother in law sold, would then return to the family, which would produce King David and Jesus the Christ.

The same was with debt, indentured servants or slaves. Their entire debt would be wiped out in the year of the Jubile, no matter if it was 3 years into the debt or 49 years. It all was balanced out in that one year.

There were 7 year Sabbath cycles in this too, for corrections, but it all worked out for the childlren of Israel, and you will be surprised that many of the Biblical Laws of economics were in place in America for years, and are still on the books, in the 7 year cycles, but have been wiped from the memory as the cartel has put into place this feudal slave system, which is the system that divided Israel into two kingdoms, as Solomon's son would not engage in reforms.
Solomon's system was one of serving the government and the government providing welfare as you got nothing, and the elite lived like royalty.

America must go back to the Biblical Economic system to be resurrected. The Retroactive Fractal Banking Tax is a Jubile Tax in reality, as this Quantitative Easing is criminal and only makes the poor perpetual slaves while protecting the elite rich in the money they have plundered from you.

This is not some default on debt. This is forgiveness and wiping out of debt, in no one has the right to enslave people economically and that is what this Q1, Q2, Q3 is all about. All those properties in America foreclosed on should be returned to the owners free of debt. All of the homes and lands under mortgage should be forgiven immediately, and the banks and institutions wipe the debt off the books, as this debt all goes back to that Federal Reserve Leviathon which designed all of this.

There are definitive legal ways out of this, and it involves the hoarders of wealth who stole it from you, to return it to you. It involves the elite who sit on their asses to get up and get a job and not sit around sinfully preying on others.

The Dutch, London, New York banking system is collapsing on the world. It is cartel predatory and there must be a sound system to wipe it out, so it never returns. The Biblical System does this, as it stops predation in instituting cycles where no tycoon is going to spend millions to acquire your property if it is going to return to you in a few years. It is the safety check to keep the worst of capitalism and thee worst of communism from becoming the feudal state.
People have to understand that by pure capitalism, the tycoons gain the wealth to make you slaves and they then install communism to keep you as slaves in protecting their fortunes and power.

I have given you now the way to save yourselves. Those in power whether for Obama or Romney will not allow this, but you do have the masses to accomplish it. They have legally stolen from you and you have the votes to legally steal it all back.
America still is the nuclear arsenal which can wave that stick at the bankers and take back what was the people's wealth generated from their labors.

The Bible is a complete program of wealth if followed. It is not pure capitalism nor pure communism. It is free enterprise with caring for your family and neighbors. It is about communal wealth shared, but husbanded by those who earned it.

That is enough for now in a more complete Lame Cherry Doctrine to fix things for you. It is better than Obama rapine or Romney managed misery.

Perhaps there should be the Lame Cherry Party, a political front to defeat all others which are a cancer upon free people.

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