Saturday, September 8, 2012

Postcards from the Abyss

As an exclusive of the Lame Cherry blog.....


As most of you children are like Rush Limbaugh in thinking North Dakota is named Ummm Dakota and Mark Levin thinks people in Minnesota can not listen to stations in Fargo, North Dakota as they are in different areas of the country, this blog actually has invested the time to inform each of you of the "boom time" under Warren Buffett and Barack Hussein Obama in North Dakota in the absolute disaster it is to the environment and to humanity in North Dakota and Montana.

For starters, let us visit the Pamida store in Sydney Montana...oh that is right it is now Shopko. As you probably do not know where the hell that is, it is in northeatern Montana on the oil fields, Indian Reservations in Fort Peck and has a refinery there.

Oh and like all areas of the oil boom, which Romney and the Romneycrats are bragging about, the Citizens there hate those damned oil workers with a passion.

Ok, let's go shopping at the local Walmart type store.........Walmart type store, because Walmart and none of the other major conglomerates will not set foot in oil country as they will not be able to hire anyone on Walmart slave wages compared to the oil wage inflation there.

Sound like a great place and economy right?

Well let us continue on, as you might be used to shopping where things are on shelves.....oh no, not in Buffett and Harold Hamm oil country as they put merchandise on shipping pallets where the mob tears things off the wooden platforms, or sometimes the stores scatter goods on the floor and people can just grub for them like hogs in a pen grabbing what they want.

Great humanity there huh?

So you get your goods like an animal, but it gets better in you get accosted in the parking all that get rich money trash flowing into oil country......from your part of the world, but that is good as most of them are not raping and robbing you.

This blog alone has warned of infrastructure problems in this desert region and it is a disaster. Roads are torn up in ruts by the semi tankers, and the entire country looks like a Dukes of Hazard trailer park.


Well if one is not sleeping in a bale pile....that would be hay on the ground like a dog, there is the offering of a hotel room at 170 dollars a night, with probably rodents for your sleeping partners.

Sleeping rooms run for 2500 dollars and up per month......this is a place where one could a short time ago lodge for 300 dollars a month and it was not a bale pile.

Watford City, North Dakota, which is nowhere had 1500 inhabitants. It now has 15000.

How would you like to live in Cleveland with 2 million people last year and wake up to 20 million people on the same resources?

Williston, North Dakota, the only appreciable city in the region unless one goes 500 miles to the Canadian capitals, started at 14,000 people and is aiming at 60,000 people.

Locals are now driving a hundred miles away to shop and obtain things as they refuse to deal with the oil zone with all that drain flow being flushed into a region which was once sedate.

An Arctic winter might remedy some of the problems, but the reality is freezing human garbage to death is not a real cure as more is going to be flowing to that region, and for record, the outlying areas are feeling the effects as all this trash flows through and then starts crawling in looking for an Obama welfare check.

Want to make a local cringe? Just watch them scowl at hearing some damned southern or eastern accent start up in "what is was like back home", and the looks in their eyes saying, "Why the f*ck don't you just go back to that sh*thole you sh*thead!"

These are your Andy Griffith type Mayberry towns and they are being raped out of existence in this oil prostitution, as now Harold Hamm in taking his cut is at war with Warren Buffett in the Obama cut in pipeline oil versus BNSF oil tanker car shipments.
The world is disappearing when places like Alexander, which if you blink on the interstate you would miss it, had 400 people, and will soon have 4000. The locals do not even know 1 in 10 people in their own towns.

Granted this gold rush, oil boom, uranium boom times have come and gone, like NASA in Florida and Texas, as much as Ford and GM in Detroit, but when one sees the disasters which took place there as much as the steel cities in Ohio, one starts contemplating as I stated, that the infrastructure is not there for a reason and they are going to drink the Missouri River and Ogallala aquifers dry if this keeps going, with no resources to back up the area.

Oh there is a Walmart in Williston.......locals will not shop there as it looks like a bomb went off in the store.

"Attention Walmart shoppers, you can find your Cheetos scattered on aisle 8 and aisle 12. Thank you for rooting like pigs in America".

Enjoy your future America.....postcards from the Obama abyss and Romney edge.

Oh and it is so comforting to hear Mark Levin pronounce the oil region of North Dakota as the BACON FORMATION.

It is pronounced BACH UN. the F*CK do you get BACON out of that if you have a phonetic brain in your belfry?

That is who leading you children.  A bunch of ignorant damn millionaire whores paid by Mockingbird to lie to you and so fricking lazy they can not pick up a phone and talk to Scott Hennen of Levin's flag station there and get informed of the great tidings Mitt Romney is planning for America built on Warren Obama and Barack Buffetts last four years of rapine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I make mistakes by God deliberately here......your boobs make mistakes because they are paid idiots.

Who pays my bills eh?

You children do owe me your souls.

agtG 276Y