Tuesday, October 16, 2012

America the Beautiful


America is a nation where thereare the Obama haves and the majorty of the have nots.

In a sea of all this ugliness sometimes a refreshing course of beauty is necessary to delve into.

Perhaps the people in business, the retirees, the investors the workers who are slowing having all the things of this world siphoned off from them are really in preparation for Christ's Kingdom and God's Heaven.

It bothers me immensely in touching the land of America. As I have walked the rock strewn ground my grandparents hometeaded on and know the effort with shovel and horses it took to clear that land, to pour concrete for foundations and now it is all gone.

There is not a road I travel on that I do not think of the horses with fresnos who laid those beds so people had gravel roads to travel on easier.

Bridges..........hospitals.........schools........Churches.........homes, all from hand labor, square nails, real boards two inches by four inches.......that is what took generations for America to build and it is now gone.

I ponder about my mistakes in life in doing the right thing in trusting in God's Provision, working myself to sicknes in that service of others, beign lied to, robbed, soul raped, plagiarized and sold as a slave as the elitists all think they have affinity with the poor who are nothing more than ad revenue for their massive whore paychecks.

That is why some beauty in what is America in artists who create something unknown and allow others to share in their delights.

I watched America disappear before my eyes
I watched the blues for rain tear skies
There was no rainbow in hopes to send
There was just mysts in this end

I was there when this land breathed
From natal blood in birthers womb
No I stand next to her grave
The silent cry beside the tomb.

There was a time when it was said, "We either all hang together or they will hang us separate".

Something new has arrived now in we will all hang together in hanging together or separate.
