Monday, October 29, 2012

Analgate: Obama's Ca'an

Pronounced saw AN it is QAL, to tread and to tramp, the warrior, the fighter in the ancient roots my children, it is Barack Hussein Obama's elite "good terrorists" he has been murdering since 2009 the "bad terrorists" who will not agree to this dope trade finance and national Muslim and Jewish lands for not implementing attacks upon Secular Muslim Barack Hussein Obama's America.
If you can comprehend this, these are thee Obama elite satrap guards who are the enforcers for the Muslim Brotherhood and who are the satrapy guards who control al Qaeda proper for B. Hussein Obama's reign from 1600 Penn Avenue.
When this blog broke the story that Obama was the leader of al Qaeda, this is the hierarchy which Obama rules from in his Berlin overtones for the Eurasian masters he bows to.

For those who think this is farfetched, examine the evidence which has been placed here in exclusives tracking all of this as no one else has.

The Team Six Navy SEALS, were sent into bin Laden's stand in compound to assassinate an actor. Soon after Team Six was loaded entirely onto one helicopter which was dispatched in response to an al Qaeda attack on a US asset.
The entire Team was mass assassinated and was only covered here in operational protocols, for in order for this to take place, the terrorists would have had to have prior planning knowledge to know where to hit, how to hit, where to station their missile launchers, all knowing that Team Six would be deployed in response, what flight pattern to expect and where that helo would vector exactly to obtain a kill shot on it.

That is coordinated inside information my children of US military operations. That is devil in the details intelligence which can only come from a finite number of sources in Peking, the UN, Moscow, London or Washington, DC.
This is more than moles dispatching information or they would have been outed. This is planned strategy as in placing US Soldiers in firebases at the bottom of mountains so terrorists can fire down into them.
This is policy of US Soldiers being ordered to wait until they are fired on first by terrorists.
This is  a policy of feeding US Soldiers psycho drugs so their medical response will be to commit suicide.

The satrap guard is Ca'an or Saw AN. It was what was privy to the Afghanistan negotiations to turn it back over to communist rule. It was what Richard Holbrooke before his heart was pulled in his assassination was screaming about from his hospital room, "Stop the damn war!", because Holbrooke knew what futility was taking place. It was all a sham.

For those who need refreshment of mind in being new, Richard Holbrooke died from a heart condition which could only take place if he fell from a great height or was in car crash as his heart suffered that type of trauma. He did not get that  from having a meeting with Hillary Clinton.
Just so you are aware again of things which do not add up as the puppy press reports Andrew Breitbart dead and moves on to another Obama historic moment.

Ca'an was the operatoinal elites behind the murder of Team Six using combined inside information and quid pro quo from the Obama regime.

For those who have a difficult time comprehending such heinous things could even come from the Obama regime, just remind yourself of Benghazi in the facts that two US security personel, CIA SEALS were under fire for 7 hours in the US Embassy, and Barack Obama did not dispatch one measure of assistance, but left them to be murdered too.
Thousands of US Soldiers have been left to be murdered in these Obama cleansing wars as much as Khadaffi and his supporters, to 30,000 dead Syrians. This is about barbaric death, as much as the bin Laden compound and those women and children left to walk and crawl through ponds of urine, excrement, saliva and blood in those 5 dead terrorist actors executed there to hide Mr. Obama's forged birth documents.

Ca'an is the elite guard, but it is more in the 'political minders' of this religious fanatic order, in they are the dispensers of the quid pro quo for Obama political victories in a few dead Muslims means piles of dead SEALS in payment.

It was Ca'an which was dispatched to begin dealing with Col. Khadaffi's fighters. They are in Syria too in this al Qaeda group of elite terrorists attempting to murder the Assad Baathist leadership.
They currently have been awarded from Turkey American Stinger missiles in Turkeygate exclusively exposed here. They have access to every WMD from Egypt, Libya, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria.

Ca'an is a known entity and flies carte blanche out of Pakistan as it did into Egypt, where it was waved through, as 'necessary American assets' in having the Obama regime's declaration of "protected assets".
As was exclusively reported here, Ca'an touched down in Egypt and were taxied to the Libyan border for a special mission, which was to occur on the 9 11 anniversary at Benghazi in taking of American hostages.

Too many cooks spoiled the pot, but from Ca'an's view, they were not going to benefit Obama who they figured out was going to assassinate them. They were not going to deal with the Casey Associates in releasing the hostages after January 2013. They were not there to murder Khadaffi forces who this was to be blamed on as Obama kicked around a dead Colonel. They were not there to help Libyan radicals. The formulation on the new intelligence they were being fed was, "They could murder the Americans who were supposed to be hostages and Obama would not be able to do a thing about it, as he instigated thee entire plan for his 2012 campaign to undo the ghosts of bin Laden and Jimmy Carter".

Exactly as in the murder of Team Six, the Benghazi operation was filled with insider information from knowing which intersections to place heavy munitions on. Knowing where the safe houses were. KNOWING THAT THERE WOULD BE NO OBAMA RESPONSE TO RESCUE THE HOSTAGES AS IT WAS AGREED UPON, and knowing where Libyan security would be dispatched from to neutralize it.

Ca'an could afford to take it's own sweet time in a 7 hour operation which ended in a "smart" mortar round into the Embassy, because they knew no one was going to be sending in any rescue.

The reality is, the chanting Muslim teenagers about that Muslim video were paid stooges by the Obama regime to give it that "intimidate the Christian persona" as what this campaign event against Romney was all about.
Every Muslim there was being funded by US taxpayers via the Obama re election campaign. That is why all the stories from Libya were pointing fingers in four directions as all were involved and the Libyans did not want to be the ones blamed for this botched Obama operation.

B. Hussein, as you have seen the camera work of Chris Stevens dragged about with the false flag talking points, was supposed to have that headline of being removed, but what was taking place was the reality of the talking point was sent out, but the digital showed his murder.
That is how this unraveled as Obama was running this as a campaign event he intended to exploit for 2 weeks in the hope he could still mould it and fashion it as intended. That is what was behind that enormous bribe to Egypt in the Egyptians knew Ca'an had been desposited on their soil by Obama for this Libyan operation and they could agreed to keep silent for a half a billion dollar more in bribes.

Obama took off for his campaign stops the next day, and was joking, because that was what was deemed best to try and ignore this. That campaign stop was supposed to be Obama looking grave with the video of Chris Stevens ramping up the gay vote and voters to support Obama. When the feeds came in, that all the Americans were dead, it was the regime's talking points to stick with the original blame the Christians plan, but it soon became like Trayvon Martin in that hoodie event for Obama intimidation, that nothing was matching up to what the regime was propagandizing about.

Ca'an was back across the Egyptian border before 9 am the next morning. The Libyans who sold this operation out were executed five days later as the posse figured out what had taken place.

It is the impossible situation in this and Ca'an knows this, as Obama has been utilizing, working with and deploying them in concerted efforts. This is the group which has been showing up in all of Obama's revolutions to start the murder and mayhem.

There is something in this about one of them liking to travel "western attire" as he enjoys the lizard skin of taking on the persona of his victims. These assets though are all western trained and professional. It is why Team Six is dead and is why Benghazi turned out the way it did.

You know now the inner workings of this Obama terror squad in the order which he runs out of 1600 Penn Avenue. More information than you Americans were ever intended to comprehend.
It all fits into place though once you know the rules of the game and how it is being played. It makes sense of the things you have been watching which did not make sense.
It is always much easier when you follow the rules and know the patterns.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive which money can not buy apparently as the rich can not donate the five, six and seven figure sums they can afford to get this information out and save their sorry asses, and leave it to the poor who have nothing left to donate.

Let us review my children and ungrateful brats, your new words. ANALGATE, SADDAMIZE and CA'AN.

It is my undiscovered country and I can name the creatures any bloody well name I choose.

Lame Cherry

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