Monday, October 29, 2012

The CONpromise

Hillarycare was the first step to get you thinking on this two decades ago and you celebrated when it went kaput. Problem is children, it never was meant to be installed as something worse was coming in Obamacare.

Obama was installed on the timeline and railroaded it through in medical rape so bad there would be a revolution over it in 2010.........guess what, you voted for it to be gone and your GOP and Rovians kept it all in place lying to you.

Paul Ryan has explained exactly what will happen if  Mitt Romney gets into 1600 Penn Avenue. Romney lied to Michele Bachmann in saying he would repeal it, and now we have "compromise" in what Romney did exactly in Massachusettes.
What did Romney do? A first version of Obamacare.

What Romney will do is by design in a stalemated Senate by Karl Rove design, is to shuffle a few things so you think Obamacare is kaput and repealed, but it will all be in place which it was meant  to do to murder you legally, hammer small businesses so the socio conglomerates have no competition, and you slowly will be ruined as you are cut off on the vine and will in sickness and poverty be herded into the inner reaches of the American Gulag.

This is what Tavsitock and Stanford do. They are psychological masters at this protocol in knowing how far to push, how to create a Tea Party so you pick up ballots and not guns to save yourselves and when some caller on Mark Levin says, that he thinks Romney will win by 60 to 70 percent, there is Mockingbird to talk it down to a few points, as that is what this has all been engineered to "win" by to keep the masses thinking there is this deadlock in America. It is all conditioned response and you are Pavlov's dog in not figuring out they are making you bark and wag your tail on command

It is all set up in exactly the way this  blog said it would play out in the "close election" and the reasoning behind it. In reality, a Conservative Palin or Reagan would have a 40 point lead on Obama in trouncing him, and making these elections Gingrich nationalized, but as you note the Rovians and Romneycrats have made certain this is Mitt on the heel and the toes of the GOP Congress are digging in for their lives trying to hang on.

This hierarchy destroyed the Tea Party candidates in 2010 by Sen. Cornyn of Texas bleeding them dry for liberal GOP candidates who lost. This was deliberate in the ten year plan by the Rovians and the fruition of this, THEY TOLD YOU THE TEA PARTY WOULD DIE IN A FEW YEARS and by them it did. It took them that long to strangle it and to show them the GOP would betray them again in Congress by not doing a thing.

They would give you Mano Romney and Aspen Ryan, and all of you would languish as the big picture is settling for a fraud like Romney who will then keep Obamacare in place as Romneycare AS IT WAS INTENDED ALL ALONG.

Why do you think Romney decapitated the GOP Conservative Leadership? It was because he is a liberal Mexican who hates American Conserervative Christians.
The LDS is the beaner religion of Catholicism of the imported English who flocked to America to follow Joseph Smith to that sand hell of Utah.

That is the reality. The Compromise in what Ryan has informed you is coming, and you will have cemented into place all of Obama Marxism under a pretty name.

Romney is not going to roll back high priced BATF gun licenses to put guns back into people's hands. Romney is not going to bring back cheap energy so you have money to donate to Conservatives. Romney is not going back to Reagan healthcare in cheap care and people getting well. Mitt Romney is the CONman PROMISE of the feudal lords to make you think that scary nig in Obama Chinoid Barry Chin is gone, so you all settle down for a few years in getting used to the chains so they can come put a big 666 brand on your foreheads.

nuff said 241