Thursday, October 11, 2012

Aspen Ryan and Bubble Brain Biden

In assessing the Ryan Biden debate clear factors must be focused upon for that whiner independent group. Joe Biden fed the bulldog the red meat Chris Matthews wanted from Obama, but the problem is the independents want someone to pet the bulldog.

In examining the debate, Joe Biden failed in his grinning at the camera. He failed in tagging Ryan, but was tagged hard in Ryan made the audience laugh.
Pretty in Pink Martha was biased for Biden and Stephenopoulos could not exude this enough, because in keeping control it allowed Biden the advantage to keep interupting Ryan rudely.......that is the problem in this the whiners notice that type of over aggression and dislike it.

Ryan held his own. He showed an ability to stand toe to toe with a Vice President and could take it. That is all he had to do, and he accomplished it in not looking immature or unable to handle stress. There was nothing in Paul Ryan to show he was anything alarming, but in the haymaker by Ryan which was the best landed in this debate, he defined Biden as the guy who says things which are nuts.

Biden focused on this in saying he meant what he always said, and that would mean racist things about Obama and about chains to blacks.

The puppy press with focus on this as a "win for Obama" in Biden came out and tried to dominate Ryan, but the reality is the whiners do not like this type of performance as they want everyone to get along.

So Joe Biden failed, and that failure was with blacks as it reinforced the one thing that has driven all of these white liberals in they wanted Obama to be trash talking, and they had to send in white guy Biden to win this one "for that lazy darkie" as their AP code talk was sending before the debate.

As stated, Radditz played Obama's advocate in not asking like probing questions. She did her best to hand this to Biden, and in that Apsen Ryan did better than hold his own against two liberals, even as they somehow tried to create the illusion that Mitt Romney should answer the past 4 years of Obama failures as if Romney had been in the Oval Office.

The reality in this is Biden tried to link in a cheap shot Sarah Palin to Paul Ryan. Problem in this is Sarah Palin actually kicked Joe Biden's ass in her debate which was her best showing. While Ryan did not do as well as Sarah Palin, he did rattle Joe Biden for the greater part of the debate in making Biden angry, cantankerous and had Biden referring to Mitt Romney not as Governor but as Romney.

Not once did Joe Biden ever rattle Paul Ryan, even if Ryan was apprehensive at the beginning and a few times had to gather his thoughts. The main point being in this even was Biden's theatrics in smirks and rolling body gestures, do not reveal one is Presidential, but more emotional, and in that Biden lost too.

Biden failed in the Jack Kennedy link that Lloyd Benson hit Dan Quayle with. 

Paul Ryan won this debate on the key points of appealing to the whiner middle. He showed he was more in control than Joe Biden. He is more handsome and younger which is the point margin also, and revealed he was sound.

Granted the bragging over the days will be the red meat Biden fed the bulldog which is what the puppy press will feed upon, and it will be the story that Obama is off the mat from the white guy saving his ass, but the reality is Paul Ryan won the debate against Joe Biden, just as Sarah Palin won the debate against Joe Biden.

It would have been pleasant if Paul  Ryan had said on the aborticide question that it is the single greatest killer of American every year. Abortion is not a disease and it should not be killing this number of Americans as population control with the harmful effects on the women.

 I realize is a great deal to expect from men, but I could have had Aaron Burr's brain leaking out, but then Ryan did what needed to be done, as my sending Joe into convulsions probably would have gained too much sympathy for him.

In the end it comes down to, who will women want to have sex with and who would men be forgiving if their women had sex with in Joe Biden or Paul Ryan.

Black women prefer Ryan and that working things out with daddy vote is not that numerous, so Paul Ryan wins on the sex in both categories, but Joe Biden does whisper that promise if he knocks up the Nellie he will pay for the rape.

Voters are fickle in this and that is why Pretty in Pink asked the question  to manipulate the debate after Ryan won it.

In the end, Ryan won the debate, but the puppy press will be exuding secretions over this for a week offending blacks, so the white liberal in long term will harm Obama, while promoting a Biden still standing bubble brain.

The end point being is Mitt Romney will have to beat B. Hussein twice as soundly in the next debate, as Mr. Obama will be given twice as much excuse in he now has a swarthy crazy white man doing the fighting for him.

nuff said

agtG 269y