Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bah bah Obama Bribery


Bah bah Obama sheep have you bribes for me
Yes sir, yes sir, I have your bribery
One for the Berliner boys
One for my terrorists who came
One for the GOP wives who want to play my game

The biggest challenge for the Republican party is their males are all pussy whipped. It is not that bawl baby Boehner I'm speaking of, but it is the decades long trend of John Heinz being murdered and his Afrikaan wife, Theresia, turning that Conservative nest egg into a John Kerry Obama assault on America.

how much is that blondie in the window

The worst of this is the found of Univision, the Spanish station which did wonderful work in Jerry P, uncovering all that Obama Gun Runner piles of dead and piles of more guns Obama and Holder dumped on the Mexicans.
Problem is the owner of Univision, Haim Saban, who like Dinesh D'Souza has a thing for blondes so blonde they hurt your eyes to look at, gets an Obama bribe immediately in Cheryl Saban, is appointed by the regime to a diplomatic post when she has no experience in it.
See Jerry and his station did the work for the GOP fags who are all Issa up Obama's tampon, but what happens immediately is another Obama billioinaire swoops in for democrats, and then Obama shows up with the bribes and lures in Jerry's wife to Kal Penn the situation into sulliness.

This is not isolated as you can look back to John McCain and his talking vulvas. That blonde wife was all over sodomy and that Megs is beyond blonde brain.

George W. Bush, you will recall, immediately after he left office, had his pretty daughter, the brunette one, start spouting off liberal stuff which Conservatives went ballistic over. It did not take long for the Rovians to tell her to shut up and she went away.

Time and again, we see males in the right, and those in the left led around in being pussy whipped in not being able to control their women.

Harold Simmons, the Jewish billionaire of Texas, gives mega donations to the GOP, but his foundation run by his skirt daughters is so left wing, they make Obama look centrist.

It all comes down to these fag males, and it is homosexuals too, who just got that girl thing going on in trying to make the GOP stand for the GAY Olde Party in their billionaire donations with the NeoFags like Ann Coulter and Mark Levin supporting all this garbage with "I don't care what they do behind closed doors".

This blog certainly cares, as Limbaugh's castrati males, who he is one in Elton Blonde, are the problems in this as the world has enough  problems with some Haim and his skin tight blonde wife taking Obama bribes, with all this anti Reagan dogma, all thinking, "Well we can just do our little sin, and it will not matter".
All those little sins suddenly have you Aspen Institute in bed with George Soros and the entire Obama caste.

I'm going to keep exposing these frauds who have bought out the Republican Party as they are the problem, and that includes Harold Hamm not crawled up Newt Gingrich's butt and that Mormon mafia which Mitt Romney bows too.

You know I keep typing ROMENY for Romney and have to change it, but in Inspiration, I will leave it stay, as this is ROME in the cense of the global feudal empire of Caesars and slaves. Romeny is a perfect definition for all of this, as we witnessed that weird Ann Romney speech at the RNC talking about love and other such bizarre things that Chris Christy thought she was talking about cherry pie.

This is America, but Citizens do not have the right to destroy her. That means these GOP puffy lippers had better start putting their wills in order to STAY CONSERVATIVE IN FOUNDATIONS, so their hot wives will not be donating to liberals afterwards.
Same with people who found businesses and then sell out to Obama voters. Sure Univision did a story exposing all of this Gun Runner criminal stuff, but then here comes Obama bribing the blonde skirt leading Haim around.
Who the hell knows if this skirt is not some intel Mattahari as all these rich guys seem to have liberal women doing the thinking for them.

Ronald Reagan was not immune with Patti, so the rotten apple is produced from the best of trees. The point is responsibility in the males to stop being limp dicks and inform their women which end is up, and how that end is going to stay up when they are not around.

One expects this from the Jane Fonda types, but all this Peggy Noonan backstabbing and then this marketing a blonde wife by the liberals is just too much.

We have here another case as Egypt getting half a billion dollars in hush money over the Chris Stevens rape and murder. We have here Libya turned over to the Muslim Brohood for that 300 million they donated to Obama illegally in 2008 for his campaign, and now we have Univsion owners getting something after their station exposed Obama crimes...............Haim was a Hillary donor, so do not think this was not the Clintons knifing Obama in the back for what Obama did to her.

It is about responsibility though in people on the right minding their families and minding their businesses they build, and their inheritances so it does not end up in the hands of people who have destroyed America.

Look at that Mr. Huffington, got that hot blonde Ariana, and soon as he gives her the stage, she lifts her skirt and goes all Clinton and Obama. All betrayal and trecchery and it is all  coming from the Pegs Noonan patrician GOP.

Cheryl Saban and the Obama regime must be investigated for criminal bribery. It looks like that is what took place and Obama has a pattern of this, starting with that Pennsylvania Congressman, Rod Blagojevich, Patrick see the pattern on the left with Obama, and these crimes must be accounted for.

On the right, the heat must come on the Freists, Simmons and McCains to control their skirts as their nuts are on the mantle and none of this is helping the shards of America.

Oh and you tight wad elites on the right and left, do not expect me to be friendly when you are nothing but unfriendly. All of your dirty secrets are going to be coming out.
