Saturday, October 6, 2012


Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.........

This will surprise most as I actually am beginning to like that apostate Mitt Romney as in Inspiration the story of his Debate Win is something which my appreciation and respect for Richard Nixon witnesses in Romney.

As this blog eluded to first while others were Obama gnashing teeth or thinking on things of how brilliant Romney was.........the brilliance was not in the Romney performance as it was not that great, but the brilliance was in what Mitt Romney tadpolled into this entire mob.

For those who know history in what the British and Americans did to the Nazis in the Normandy Invasion false sowing of intelligence to bushwhack them, that is a great deal what Mitt Romney did to Barack Obama.
Romney has displeased me greatly in his predatory underhanded things he pulled on Fred Thompson and the worst of it on Sarah Palin this past year, but this time Mitt Romney initiated something which caught the Bush family off guard.

From my Connect, the following tale is one which started out in a most complex manner in Romney feeding all the major players their egos. See Romney knew who the people were inside his Rovian camp who were leaking directly to the Obama regime, exactly the way they were feeding intelligence to Obama about John McCain.
Romney fed these operatives exactly what Obama wanted to hear and they expected a different Romney to appear on stage that night......that is why Obama's folks were stunned and Obama looked phaser stunned, as Romney had been making certain those operatives were giving Obama information "of that other Romney" which Obama has been harping on.

This so discomfited Obama and the mum that they let him go out in public and confirm to the world this was not the Romney they had been spying on. Little hard for Obama to call the cops on Romney's insider information being fed him as Obama has been guilty of worse for years.

See and see this good...Mitt Romney gave David Axelrod, Val-erie Jarrett and David Plouffe the Romney playbook and that is what Obama was prepared for that night, complete with Obama responses. Problem for Obama was though, is that Mitt Romney anticipated thee exact responses Obama would give, and Romney was waiting there to hammer Obama as he tried to get up off the mat he had just been knocked down on.

Obama was expecting the strawman he was promised, and Romney was several steps ahead in this in giving Obama information, that Obama thought he stole illegally, and Obama had that dumbfounded look on his face, mixed with anger as he could not figure out why Romney was not behaving as the moles he had placed around Romney were informing him Romney would act like that night.

This becomes even better in this, as the not Ulsterman's insiders he interviews, but the insiders who Romney  has had things promised to him from, and why Romney has been waiting around acting like he has a victory in the bag and was preparing for this haymaker night in the First Debate, they were the flies on the wall of the Obama preparations for this night and they had Obama's playbook and that is what Mitt Romney was crafting all his responses to as he played for that nitwit in the middle group of 6% in psychological tests in knowing what would make them respond.

Obama and his crew were shellshocked and they went into that "Romney lied" spin, because Romney had been feeding them those lines in selling it hard, and this group of Marxists bit on it all.

Nothing was left to chance in this, in the Mormon operatives, in the coup de grace in this was the information on what Jim Lehrer was going to be asking in the questions. The reason Romney kept looking like he wanted to do something in that Obama split screen shot, is he was just in jubilation running though what he knew Obama would respond to and how he would hammer Obama again.

Romney knew he could out CEO both Lehrer and Obama in muscling them on time and positions. That is why Lehrer lost control of the debate and let Romney run it, as he was canned and Obama was following Romney's lead all night in trying to catch up.

This is the kind of thing that would make Richard Nixon proud, and it makes me pleased too as Romney in his inner circle played this so close to the vest that he led the Bush Rovians to believe that little Jeb was going to be President in 2016 as Romney was going down hard.

For the record, if you think the Obama claque was stunned, you should have seen Jeb Bush and his mouth  droppers looks at what took place, and how their eyes narrowed when they figured out that it was the Clintons who were running wild in the aftermath driving this story of Obama being wiped out, the left wing media going nuts, and every one of them stating how awesome Mitt Romney was.

The Clintons are not done with this yet, and Romney will not trust them, but Bill and Hillary had allot of payback stored up on Obama and the Rovians, and they unleashed it with their own skeletons in the closet.
It is win win for Hillary and Bill for 2016 from their tactical point of view, as they now have Obama crippled as is Joe Biden. They now have the Rovians figuring out that Romney just end runned them with his own caste of the powers that be, that loathe Obama, are uncertain of the Clintons in how they have been bashing Jews and never did like Prescott Bush.

This was one of the sweetest operations ever in an American political operation. It was vintage Richard Nixon with thee absolute perfection of the Reagan team for loyalty. I will not vote for Mitt Romney unless he confesses he is a Christian, but at the same time I do appreciate the light fantastic he just tripped.

Romney has been playing the fool, but he just played the outer circle all for fools.

Obama was counting on that inside feed as in 2008, and frankly I do not think they have this figured out yet and will not until it appears here today. If Mitt Romney does not want his secrets appearing then he should stop being unfriendly as some of my friends are Vulcans.
Obama is flying blind in this now. They are in a panic in that sycophant "he lied" spin, as the Clinton's released that "What a guy " Romney was absolutely cementing the debate victory.

This is not over yet, as Obama in another criminal act fixed the unemployment numbers, but Romney is waiting for another round in this, in this time it will be Aspen Paul going at it with Joe Biden.

Obama and Biden's inner circles are either reporting to Bill and Hillary Clinton or they are reporting to the people reporting to Mitt Romney. It is leaking so bad there that one could hit a third rock from the sun when even having a blonde moment.

Romney on the other hand only has leaks which he is feeding directly to Axelrod. That is fitting in this Obama crew pulled all this on McCain and Palin, acting like they were so brilliant in 2008 in running that Obama campaign, and all it was, was spying and watching the opposition walk into the trap which was set.

These Obama moderators which are left in Pretty in Pink Raddatz, Candy Crowley and Bob Schieffer are all now looking to save their Obama in Ryan and Romney are going to have to deal with them defending Barry Chin......whose folks have let it be known that all that information they have on them is holding their careers in the balance.

Preparation for this is going to be most interesting in the Romney camp knowing what is coming and the Obama camp flying blonde.

Ah if you noticed, this blog suggested that Romney prepare Obama to mop the floor with him. They did not in the way suggested and Romney waited with the :"boy" comment on stage to set Obama off, but preparations continue.......

Bill Casey Associates?


That is why Obama looked like he did. He wasn't bored. He was supposed to come in with the "my anniversary sympathy",  Romney was supposed to be a savage so Obama could play "the nice guy". Obama's camp told all of you that in he was playing for the middle and that is why he never broke out of that mode as his "balance" was to be pleasant to Romney's being brutal.

Romney though was pleasant and Obama was clueless as what to do, and could only keep voodoo chanting 5 trillion in cuts like a "boy".

Obama is good at being an intelligence agent when scripted, but he is no good at Romney counter spy.

Barry Chin lost his hostage operation in Libya. He lost his debate night. Someone who knows intelligence might have concluded by now that Obama's intelligence is all bad and operations are being run against him and he and his people have no idea how to deal with it.

Romney has made allot of enemies. His friends had better be more than jacking up gas prices in California, as they got their election handed to them in 2008.

To be continued.......

agtG 312Y