Friday, October 26, 2012

Because I can....

I'm running out of room here before the election, so will live post this as this needs to be said and it will be a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as no one else has bothered with this.

I really noticed how sh*t faced Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have been to former President George W. Bush. Especially in that town whiner debate in that person asking the question what was the difference between Obama / Romney and if George W. Bush was some kind of goddamned mullah Muslim raping sheep and penetrating Jews with nuclear missiles.

No one has stood up for W. and that really is piss ass in the extreme, as this American inherited the messes his old man created in that original tax with George read my lips Mitchell that started with Clinton's retroactive taxes that started the 2000 Clinton recession.

W. then had that little 9 11 economic attack on America foisted on him by Al Gore compartmentalists to embarass him, and with Obama Berliner boy assistance.

George W. Bush then tried to fix Colin Powell's horrid advice in leaving Saddam in power and in doing so had two terror wars on his hands, and a world economy on the brink of depression.

W. answered with a trillion dollars in money printed up, and in return the Soros cartel set it up for the collapse in 2008 using food and high energy prices.

On top of that Colin Powell and Dick Armitage were running that little Plamegate coup to get Cheney and Bush both impeached so he could be the first black President for the Rockefellers, along with that little hide and seek of WMD's in Iraq which had to be hidden as it would have brought down the entire European government structure and throwed Bill Clinton into prison for bribery, and one gets an idea that George W. Bush inherited and fixed one pile of sh*t compared to the self created compost pile Obama generated for his installment.

Oh yeah, and Bush had the press and Pelosi trying to coup de grace him via Cindy Sheehan for his Mission Accomplished.

In 2009, after all this, the news was in January that Bush43 had stabilized things. Afghansitan was sound as was Iraq. The Middle East was in good shape. The world was ready at 1.87 gasoline to mend things and be prosperous, but Obama strangled it  all for green and Obamacare Marxism.

That is the history of this social democrat in George W. Bush. He tried to fix welfare, but was abandoned. He had his faith shaken in God and while I did not like his spending or Karl Rove sodomizing of America, it was what it was and he minded well in putting Sam Alito on the court after Rove blew that.

Except for Rove, none of that was bad for America in the least. Geroge W. Bush did the best he could do with the disasters of his old man and Bill Clinton, and the only bad things which took place were the outside terror attacks which he had no control over and the inside killing of Conservatives which he allowed via Rove.

It is in all of this piss poor that I have to set things right for George W. Bush, as I have had it with his mother in bashing Sarah Palin and in Jeb Bush running over Ronald Reagan. His good looking daughter sounds like Megs McCain in an Obama voter, so that Prescott claque just disgusts this Conservative.......but then all of those "conservatives" disgsut this Conservative for the damned frauds they are in keeping Obama in power.

George W. Bush deserves better than what Mitt Romney and Barack Obama did to him in that debate. George W. Bush deserved at least one person to stand up and defend him, but no one did.
Hell this blog deserves George W.  Bush to donate a million to it, but I doubt that will ever happen either, as the patricians never do figure out that greasing the skids in good will keeps the press that matter saying nice things about them when their whores in the media are covered in Cheetos and stoned on coke.

There was a time in America in Ronald Reagan's America of the Reagan 11th Commandment in Thou Shalt Not Speak Evil of a Fellow Republican. As you can see, George H. W. smashed that in skewering the Gipper and Jeb is still putting tire tracks on Ronald Reagan.

So I suppose what comes around goes around in Junior Reagan skewering George W. Bush and now Mitt Romney doing the same thing.

I voted for Bush43 twice as that was all there was. I defended W. for 8 years and only stopped when his family became too repulsive to deal with. He is though an American President and it bothers me the mistreatment he has suffered as he held things together well considering the coups, the wars and the disaster he inherited in foreign and domestic policy, all with puffy lips Rove rocking the boat.

Mitt Romney is of low regard. He violated something which should never have been. Barack Obama is a foreign agent of Peking origins, so it is his orders to rip apart Americans, but Mitt Romeny being a border buster Mexican has more expected of him.
Sure it stems back to old Prescott and his old man George Romney no doubt like Joe Kennedy and FDR, but there are no excuses in this, because Romney can cuddle with Bill Clinton and grin at Obama, he sure as hell can at least nod at George W. Bush and say, "Bush inherited a hell of allot too and people had better remember they were the ones screaming for him to liberate Afghansitan and Iraq, and it was not George Bush forcing them to."

This blog does not want to have to keep setting the George W. Bush record straight, for a Texican who could not give a damn about me nor will ever raise a finger to help out.

Mitt Romney though is as low class as Barack Obama in this bashing George W. Bush. Same garbage that Richard Nixon had to deal with in what he was set up over.
I can state on thing though, and Mitt Romney is going to need George W. Bush if he gets into 1600 Penn Avenue as W. knows what to do.
Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton turned to Richard Nixon to make their administrations work.

Barack Obama was a damn fool for not reaching out to George W. Bush in having W. solve things for him.

Mitt Romney has already proven he is a fool in slapping at George W. Bush. The future will reveal if he is a damn fool for not heeding Bush43's advice.

There are a hell of allot of people from Trent Lott, Richard Pearle, Paul Wolfowitz, Larry Craig, Norm Coleman to bin Laden's family who were ruined by the Bush machine and they never said a word in taking it with class.

It is classless the current Occupy White House in Obama and the Lease Looker Romney do not have the same class when George W. Bush did nothing but provide these two with the stages they are now preening on.

nuff said
