Friday, October 12, 2012

I told you children

Who was it, that told you it was all recorded in the gang finger bang rape of Lara Logan? Did I not tell you that bin Laden's actor was also live fed and there were no breaks in the broadcast and they knew exactly what took place?

Did I not tell you that it was a known event of what took place with Ambassador Chris Stevens in it was all recorded too?

Cutter: Benghazi Only an Issue 'Because of Romney and Ryan'...

Says Romney 'Was Looking For An Opportunity... To Take Advantage Of'...


Romney scorches...

Benghazi attack caught on tape; drone also shot video...

Yes, the reality none of this was "caught" as it was all recorded as all of these operations are 24 hours a day. One can not move in certain parts of the world without being recorded, and they can read postage stamps from outer space.

I explained that certain people have replayed that Logan digital for "fun" as there  are those who get off on rape and snuff films. It is a real jack off to see a mob of Marxist Muslims bash about the cute Brit whore you have in your employ.
When I tell you that there are numerous well known people you see all the time pontificating morality to you on the right and left, and these same folks in cocktail conversations can tell you who is raping what child while on vacation or for sport in the ivory towers, these are the beasties you are dealing with.

It used to be back in the day, that the eye in the skies for fun used to cruised past some hot chic by the pool she was known to lay out by, but now this stuff has the Cheetos crowd masturbating as they track people in their daily routines. Loads of this stuff running back channel and is how the regime ran most of it's brown recluse operations was piggyback off of NSA systems which pretended it was not noticing what was taking place.

They do not need pay per view for cage fights or even watching some underground net posts. They get this stuff from cruisers whose entire job is what police reports and then find some bloke who gets his jollies knocking the misses about the flat in the back garden.

You should listen to the gossip here, as many find out that in days following Drudge posts things concerning what is posted here on the things broken here. See it shows up here, and some clever puppy pressette actually asks some wonk about it, and they get a gleam in their eye and hint at things for sport and explain things like suveillance which can be talked about.

There are whole damn sections of this stuff they pick up, which ends up in the personal files from Putin's dick hanging out to more that boobies being exposed in Queen Kate.

Is why I prefer Cowboy Beepop and Vash the Stampede.

Hell it is catalogued in a best of archive.

Wouldn't you like to see Lara Logan getting dragged around or Ambassador Anal getting up the broom handle?

The White House has............and I will end it with that dangling line.

It is not Insider but as I said INSIDE HER.

agtG 285YY