Friday, October 12, 2012

I can.... I'm Mormon

I noticed something this morning which absolutely fascinated me as I was starting a post for tomorrow concerning Obama dealing with the performance in the Joe Biden debate.

I do not check blog traffic flow as this a private conversation and whatever God decides to do with it, is God's Will.
What struck me though was I was seeing a number of zeroes as in no page visits to certain stories. That seemed odd as I knew that I had been on the blog yesterday to make certain stories had posted, as I was going through that for a time in an Obama recluse spider had been illegally hacking into my blog and Google to keep stories exposing Obama crimes to be published.
That is criminal in case people need to informed.

What the interesting part was, stories in Jorge Romney, Because Jesus is my Lord, Aspen Ryan & Bubblehead Biden etc.... all were showing no visits.


0Comment count
0View count

That appears to be a pattern in someone with computer connections, who could arrive in Google, was at that moment deliberately blocking the view count on the pages which were dealing with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

I had completely grown to expect the Obama contracts and Naps Napolitano terrorizing this blog, along with the brown recluse from the White House, but this has me puzzled as someone was sending me a short signal that there is interest on the Romney articles.

It is a plus minus triangulation. Either this was the Romney experts meddling in the blog. Either this was Baby and the Plasmas attempting to communicate something to me, or, either this was the Obama contractors attempting to lay a criminal lead toward Mitt Romney for some indictment of him, knowing I would make known the facts.

This happened for one refresh as I surfed the blog to test page count hits in opening the articles and when I refreshed the browser, the real page stats appeared again in numbers which pattern for this blog.

It does fascinate me in why this blog carries so much attention of the people who decide life and death issues for the world. No one has this kind of popularity. I realize that the talking heads are all employed to tow the line they are given like Obama in his scripts, so there is no need to watch them, but I never hear of anyone else even remotely having these nuances showing up as proof  being left that the power elite want it known they are my company.

Is this anything out of the ordinary in the surveillance on this blog ? Not in the least. It is more pleasant than a radar sweep exploding veins in my left eye or killing my dog. Yes Mano Mitt, I too had an Irish Setter and I never once tied her to the top of my car, as she always rode inside as she was a good puppy.

Just so people do not think I'm picking on the Mormon, my puppy lived with me, was under my desk fighting for space every night as I typed things here and often gave me chiggars and ticks, and was not locked in some kennel until the fat ass wife Muchelle or Bearick needed a publicity pose that they were human.

So in any story event, if the Romney people are revealing capabilities in hacking into Google of Google has allowed them in, then it reveals that the situation has changed in America and Mitt Romney is already the new el Presidente'.
If this is Obama tactics, it is just as poor as all of their smiley face operations.
If it is the Plasmas, then I wonder of the ZERO option in Baby's mind formulates complex thoughts in ways the plasmas communicate, as in the zero means there is no Romney in existence which is troubling if  they are picking up the regime is initiating the protocols warned of here if Romney opened up too large of lead in the polls which he now has.

Someone has sent a cryptic message and it has been relayed to the public now, as that was the intent.

Mormon Gestapo, Obama intrigue in framing Mitt Romney or Obama elimination of Mitt Romney. Not very pleasant Final Jeopardy categories for the Mano. None of which America needs.

Time will now reveal what the visitation was about.

agtG  244
