After reading the headlines on the Obama regime's bloody, brutal and mass human murders due to his Fast and Furious gun running with Eric Holder, there begs the reality in this:
UNIVISION report connects 'Fast & Furious' to murders of 16 Mexican teenagers...
RYAN: 'Holder must go'...
Who was it that promised ALL Americans that if he was re elected, the complete arm of investigation was going to hold Mr. Obama and all of his crooked confederates to the mechanisms of Congress for all of 2011, until the full details of all of these crimes were answered?
Why it was GOP California Congressman Darrell Issa of Middle Eastern heritage. In fact, it is Obama's Osseiran Lebanon where Issa originates from.
For almost four years now, Americans have been lied to again by the Republican leadership of Boehner, Cantor and Issa. These establishment liberals have plenty of time to rough up the Tea Party, and it is common book in the various GOP lackies to spew venom at the Christian Right and Patriots, but for some reason in all things Barack Obama, this group just can not find an Obama crime if it was stuck up Chris Stevens anus.
You know that when Obama threw over the side those Justice Department officials that Issa worked a deal out for the election to keep all of this Obama criminal stuff off the front pages.
Paul Ryan can chime in all he wants about Eric Holder "must go" but the reality is Eric Holder should be prosecuted for conspiracy in murder and subverting the Constitution.
The question in this where was Paul Ryan a few years ago? No not on the Obama Holder cuddle crimes, but where was Aspen Institute Ryan on asking what kind of a fraud Darrell Issa is?
Darrell Issa PROMISED Americans he would investigate this and the reality of it is, Univision has done more goddamned investigating than anyone in the GOP!!!!!!
Judas Priest on a mule!!!!!! Univision found 57 more weapons that Obama, Holder and Napolitano dumped into Mexico that have murdered piles of Mexicans and Americans.
This blog does not want just Barack Obama indicted in this, but demands that Darrell Issa be indicted as a co conspirator along with John Boehner and Eric Cantor. These GOP frauds have sat on their asses and done nothing but attack the Christian Right in America like Ann Coulter while leaving Obama loose to murder his way around the globe.
Because of Darrell Issa, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh, in bashing Birthers, Barack Obama has had murdered 20,000 Syrians and American Soldier murders in the Obama Wars are topping multiple thousands, so what difference does it make when Aaron Burr Biden gets his dead count wrong for Muchelle crocoshit tears.....none of this butchery would have taken place if the GOP was not worse than Obama for not stopping global murder machine.
Oh yes they have plenty of time to prosecute that Arizona law man, but where was a single person in the GOP in Washington who stood up for that investigation? You know damn well if this was Nancy Pelosi she would have had this issue if it was Bush related tied to hearings for months, but when it comes to Boehner in charge and Issa in command, it is all a delaying thing of years in these crimes going unpunished.
Boehner and Issa are frauds enabling Obama. This is beyond any fear of racism as unless Eric Holder suddenly became Chinese, that is one Caribbean Queen who is blacker and more American than Obama, who seems to be the focus of this group, as the white folks get fired and Holder plays pattycake with the GOP.
You want frauds. Try that Yoder in Kansas, to that Aspen boy Ryan from Wisconsin. There has not been one since Joe Wilson yelled out LIE at Obama.
What did Issa get from Obama to stop this investigation? Just what does Obama have on Boehner in digitals to keep the Crying One out of the game?
This is beyond ghetto green vomit puke upchuck spew. People are being murdered in piles. people have been murdered in piles, and the best the GOP can do is trot out frauds like D'Souza and Coulter to make a whores buck saying how bad Obama is when they are not like Boehner bashing the Conservative Right.
For just once, God's SAKE.......I would like that Michele Bachmann to open her mouth and tell the truth about all this excrement which silenced her into supporting Romney. Sarah Palin ran for the woods after she was threatened, but this is beyond fricking ridiculous as none of these people give one care about the pieces of America in telling what they really know on all of this.
Yes I'm sick to my stomach and filled with righteous indignation over this, as there is no excuse in this in people are dead and more people will be dead, and Darrell Issa is to blame as sure as he watched a black man crawl into Peggy Noonan's apartment and rape her.....well bad example as it would probably be Noonan ravaging that hoodie, but you get the point in this that this is disgusting in the absolute fraud which America is.
It should not fall to this slave wage blog to expose any of this. Are there not any people with conscience left who are not like Foster Freiss hiding in the right or are not like this Ann Coulter smearing World Net Daily a year ago and now begging you to buy her book?
Darrell Issa has had over 2 years in this, and Univsion does the job without the entire power of Congress to deal with B. Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin.
These are Romney's own people Obama is slaughtering and Mano can't even open his Spanish mouth attached to that Latino jaw he has.
This entire GOP leadership belongs indicted along with Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and John Roberts.
Darrell Issa is a liar. The GOP leadership are conspirators for the Obama regime. They are the Orange Marmalade cocktail crowd. They are damnedable traitors and belong before the Courts so the world can see like Nuremberg just what heinous fiends they all are.
How many more people are going to be murdered? Yesterday it was one bin Laden corpse. Today it is 20,000 Syrians. What brings tomorrow some nuclear event for Obama's legacy murdering millions as Darrell Issa still can't find his ass with both hands?
Who found John Boehner's ass and what was that Cantor thing stuck up it?