Monday, October 1, 2012


My children, as Ann Coulter is now sounding very shrill this morning on the Mike Gallagher Show in whoring for her new book, MUGGED, it appears the weight of this blog has been doing the effective treatment in exposing this fraud.

Do not forget Ann Coulter is the one who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and then spent the next 3 years ridiculing, mocking and ruining all of your reputations over the Birther issue, which she said she investigated........and yet Sherriff Joe investigated and found Obama is a forger.

Do not forget Ann Coulter teamed up with Al Sharpton for effect and then hopped into bed with Jerry Rivers AKA Geraldo Rivera.

This is the same Ann Coulter who was lifting her skirt in promoting the sodomite agenda of the elite into your Conservative, Christian, Patriotic and Right Wing parties, just like her Obama has been infusing across the board.

So do not forget this Obama voter in Ann Coulter, and as Mike Gallagher and all the other Mockingbird frauds on the right whoring for cash, as they slather "God" onto their propaganda shows along with this fraud Ann Coulter, along with that other sodomite backer, Mark Levin, as they all claim to be against Obama, but sure seem to be dropping a great deal of soap for him, before hopping into Dinesh D'Souza who said before his 2016 film which stole from all the work of the right wing bloggers for the past Obama years, as he was blaming America for the 9 11 terror attacks........that you will never hear Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity or Gallagher ever ask Cleavage Coulter about her attacking Birthers who have been  vindicated, and will never ask Cleavage Coulter about her book posing on tits hanging out called MUGGED in how the picture means that white women are asking to be assaulted as they are such whores and they will never ask Cleavage Coulter why she was with Thomas Sowell calling you subhuman crackers in flyover country and only those "well bred and educated" east coast elite were the only humans on the planet.

Never forget my children these betrayers who are not insulting you in thinking you are so subhuman in you will not remember like the horses in Animal House, just who Peggy Noonan, Chris Wallace, Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter all had their legs spread for in 2008 for Obama and are trying to con you into paying for their brothel stay for another 4 years.

Ann Coulter is a paid for whore of the elite who just spent 4 years defending Barack Obama and ruining your reputations.

Why do you think NONE of these talk shows ever ask her about these realities? You know the reason in these frauds. Coulter is funded by intelligence assets to divert you from the reality and having you settle either for a Romney money manager or an Obama despot.

If these Elton Blonde propagandists were not frauds they would demand answers for Ann Coulter, in asking her why for four years the book on her was, I TIT OBAMA.

Remember my children. Do not forget.
