Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama in Debate Admits Foreknowledge of Libyan Terror Event

Who gave Obama the questions in the Crowley campaign commercial for him?

The staged questioners of course who were seeded into the audience.

The reality is Barack Obama has a bobble head look which is annoying, from bug eyes, bouncing head and big ears, as he had that annoying cadence about him.

The problem is the staged event afterwards which Obama had the crowds standing about him for effect as this was scripted.

I did find it amusing the woman who stated she was undecided looked very Romney voting after the debate and the black man who was not impressed with Obama, looked off in the distance.

The reality is Candy Crowley and this mob majority was pro Obama from the cheering which was allowed to the Dom attempts by Crowley.

For the reality, Obama trying to look the thug, did not give the impression, as Obama retreated and that was telling as Romney ordered him around.

Obama was helped by Crowley on the terror issue of Benghazi in  Obama coordinated with CNN on the issue in he at the Rose Garden called it a terror issue while his team was blaming the Christian movie about Islam for it.
Problem is no one seems have asked, :"Why is it Mr. Obama knew these were terrorists and the UN Secretary and Hillary Clinton did not?"

Yes there is the rub in this like Mr. Obama knowing bin Laden's DNA was bin Laden's hours and days before it could have possibly been tested, now has the problem of how did he know these were terrorists unless he was in direct contact coordinating with them to take Chris Stevens hostage.

The debate was not that memorable, but that coordination with Crowley and CNN which  kept this  secret from the public and the Romney camp, to set up this "gotcha" has now captured Mr. B. Hussein Obama in, how did he know these were terrorists as Panetta, Clinton, Patraeus, Mueller and Rice said absolutely nothing about it, and were feeding a different talking point.

Yes Mr. Obama just admitted in this debate with CNN covering that he knew these were terrorists, and Joe Biden was not even in this loop.

Barack Obama admitted before the world information no one else had, that Libya was a terror operation, and the only way he could know this was from direct contact with the hostage takers who he employed and they informed him, new terrorists elements Mr. Obama did not employ had infiltrated the operation and murdered these 4 Americans.

Once again, another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

That is the story of the debate that it will require  time to filter through. You know it first here.

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PS: Just as a note in this, when this article was posted it took over 5 minutes to load the blog to check it was posted.
When I disconnected from the internet,  the Windows put up the connect window, but the monitors were still flashing I was hooked up.

As an interesting "proof" this is a screen grab of the Paypal log in page which is only in basic HTML, which I do get a great deal of when I have a great deal of company.

Someone was grabbing the live feed off the blog and reading it, as in multiple sources on this exclusive, and they were bumping into each other wondering what I was doing about the shop.

The story is not the spin in a rancorous debate, and the people who monitor the spiders with the plasma's knew immediately what this blog was posting was a NET QUAKE if the Romney camp, their backers and the internet group figure out what this blog uncovered
The story is not Romney being corrected on Obama terror speak, but how Obama knew they were all terrorists.

Barack Obama was caught with CNN in this question feed set up by that idiot Crowley chiming in on the defense, but the trap for Romney caught Obama in the "prior knowledge" in how he knew when only this blog was breaking the story from Source.

Obama in trying to save his teabagger ass just got caught like Jimmy Carter in 1980 blurting out about Stealth technology when Reagan rattled him. Obama was not rattled. This was planned, and B. Hussein and his dolts have no idea what they just admitted to in hostage taking confirmation.

The people who are the elite became very interested in what was posted here as they know it was Obama outing hisself in an even which got 4 Americans murdered and a clean up crew sanctioning the witnesses days later.

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