Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Foreign Obama

From the start of this, this blog noted that Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin was not someone chosen by God to lead His America. Obama was the "people's choice" of a deluded minority of self hating Americans filled with racism.

In the Mosiac Laws, one of the first warnings to the American forebearers in rejecting God and setting up a leader of their choosing, instead of God, was in the verse of Deuteronomy 17:15:

Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.

The Founding Fathers of America took heed of this in the Constitution the Holy  Ghost Inspired them to craft in the Natural Born clause exclusively for President. They knew that letting any foreigner with foreign allegiances anywhere near absolute power would bring absolute destruction to America.
Obama can not serve two masters. He loves his foreign benefactors in bowing to them, and hates Americans who he seeks to change.

America in national sins has born numerous heinous crimes and one of the worst is this violation of the Mosiac Laws on foreign leadership in Obama.

These Codes of Moses are very specific. The national leader MUST NEVER RETURN TO EGYPT.....Obama did that as his first act in the Cairo speech.

In this series of Laws in chapter 17, the leader is not to import horses from Egypt nor send his people there to breed them........horses mean wealth and power. That 300 million dollar 2008 campaign donation Obama took from terrorists is the figurative horses or becoming whored to Egypt, meaning enslavement, and Obama has been paying this off since with American money and blood ever since.

The leader was not  to have "too many wives" unless his heart wold be turned. That  was predicted for Solomon who violated all of the above Codes, but Mr. Obama in his adulteries has his own sodomite problems in the US Military sullied and not to mention the Chris Stevens rape in Libya in all of Obama's machinations of treachery.

The national sin of Barack Obama is nothing that can be wiped away. It is adultery against God in rejecting the True Messiah in Christ and the ones who God chooses to be at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

In the history of the God Chosen peoples, never in all time, have they ever prostituted themselves to such a horrid state as America did with Obama. Only the Herodian kings of the Jews, which were that Edomite bunch did anything approach to the appointed Obama like the Roman appointed Herod's.

Barack Obama is a Designer Negro fraud. An Asian whore bought by the Berlin elite of Europe to pimp America.

I have warned that this world is more than dirt and blood. It is a Spiritual matrix connected and the things going on here inflict upon the matrix, and that matrix when it rolls and moves does rectify things which are in violation of the order which is prescribed.

No nation can break God's Laws without consequences. When Saul did it, the kingdom was ripped from him and given to David. When Solomon did it, the kingdom was ripped from his brat son and given to an Army General in Samaria, before it all imploded several hundred years later, so all of us could wake up as exiles in the west under new names hiding us, like Americans, English, Swedes, Normans, Norwegians, Belgians etc...

These Biblical Laws are what Govern all of this world. God's Will is done, and no matter amount the denial nor the smug holier than thou diatribes from those who engage in this, things done incorrectly cause chaos and chaos always balances out to the order God concludes with in His Will being accomplished.

Every American leader is to read the Bible and rehearse it in their minds. This is the foundation of a continued leadership. Mr. Obama has been intent on recording his own manifestations in handing them out to Queen Elizabeth as messiah.

There will be a reckoning in this by the True Leader of America in Jesus the Christ. It happened in Israel and will in America and the west in the violations of the Mosiac Laws which occurred.

Do not think that Mormon Romney is any  better in his cult denying Christ and teaching Jesus is the brother of satan. This all comes with blame on both sides, and will be answered for in horrid ways which are Biblical.
 What you think is unpleasant now is going to be longed for in what is coming in God's sentencing.

Does not matter if you hate the messenger as God is the one doing the Judgment as the brats whine about the message here they think they are reading and not getting right. They have plenty of Ann Coulter to sooth their gayness and they have lots of FOX to tell them how wonderful they are.

America has a foreigner in Obama. The Bible says nyet and the Constitution says nyet and no matter how much dah keeps being said about this, it does not make it right when it violates God's Laws He Inspired holy men to write and violates the Constitution He Inspired set about men to compose.

This wearies me as the brats will not change in all being "innocent" and is only evidence for the Trials.

nuff said

agtG 244Y