Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Devolution Factor

My children are aware that my lineage is of thee aristocracy on my European Israelite side, meaning that satan has deceived the world literally by two of my family trees in thee worst of deceptions. One of these relatives I have spoken of several times in Charles Darwin in the hoax of Evolution.

Charles was a sensitive man, who came upon evolution after the death of child friend, that shook his Faith in God. It was later said before death he renounced the fallacy of evolution, but the damage was done.

Genius runs in my veins as a family trait for generations, and it is Spiritual Israelite Genius from God as in Solomon. I do not pretend in this nor brag. It is a simple fact that has proven  out in this blog that here am I a jove among the ants of the picnic whose flat world is all they can measure anything by.

This post is to right further the wrong of kindred Darwin as only a family member may accomplish this.

The fact in the Lame Cherry Doctrines in Inspiration is that there is not any proof of evolution nor missing links. The reason there a missing links, is because they do not exist and never did.
One can examine the 6000 year history of all animals and humankind, and not find one instance of a mutant, being born from an ape which suddenly started playing the piano or running  for 1600 Penn Avenue.

There are no lizards born with feathers, and no ostrich born with fur.

The literal fact is in this planetary dimension is that instead of evolution being the theory, that Devolution is the Law.

Examples of this are constant. Take for example the common swine, el porco. If one takes the common pig and turns it loose, within a few breedings it will become the razorback, which is a rogue hog.
By the time that many breedings occur, that same farm pig will turn into a wild boar, as it devolves back into what it was.
It does not devolve to a bird of reptile, because that is not in it's DNA makeup, but it does devolve from a civilized form into a lawless form.

Human civilization has constantly battled this, as successive generations in 200 year cycles rise and fall, as new progenitors arise to destroy the lawless nature of the old order.
Babylon was destroyed in a drunken orgy by Persians who were not interested in bribery. Persia was struck hard by a few Greeks, and then that Macedonian Alexander arrived wiping  them out, but in stupor he fell, and Rome arose to be wiped out in Nero's time, and in successive waves Rome disappeared in favor of other empires in Europe.

That is the current genetic cancer destroying the west from the top down, in the leaders are debaucherous and have stolen from the people their goods, so the people are not inclined to fight nor rise up to protect the nations being aborted.

This dimension is an anti dimension. It is one of consumptive forces which break down structures built up, put them at base elemental structure again, and then rebuild to repeat the process in various forms.

Is there a natural selection? Yes, in genetic ways which point to the process of survival of species,  by the factor of fear. The reality is though the dodo to the passenger pigeon did not suddenly evolve to save themselves. They died due to not adapting, and the only species which have survived are those conserved by humans in the likes of the buffalo to the canvasback duck. There was not some mutant buffalo who arose learning language and running for Congress, as that genetic leap is not possible in mutation nor in a million year evolution.

The reality is one does not see mold, algae or fungus graduating from Harvard. According to false science they have been around for hundreds of millions if not billions of years. One must comprehend this if evolution did take place, then mold would become more intelligent and not just simply remain static as one of it's number suddenly became a tree or a worm.
Focus on that fact which the idiotry of science never touch, as it blows their entire fallacy out of the discussion as there would have to be millions of examples of multiple genetic leaps in history, and several hundred in this 6000 years, if the simple life forms evolved, and yet there is not one example and never will be, because nothing evolves genetically, physically nor Spiritually.

Humans are born unique in being biological entities who have inside of them an incubation chamber which is a soul, that if they associate with God, His Spirit is sown into this womb and a higher life form begins to come into being. This is not evolution but, transformation, a Spiritual DNA signature which transcends the limitations of humans and bridges the barriers which are in place in this dimension.

The demonic realm is one of devolution also, in these spirits were created as pure light forms, but they chose to become anti Light or against God's Light in His Attributes, and the end result was a group of devolved entities who became abnormal or uncivilized. Lucifer became satan, but once that process was completed, there was no more devolution nor redemption, as the process was complete.

Humans devolve, whether it be various forms of theft ranging from murder, suicide, aborticide, coming from various other forms of devolutionary savagery in abuse of sex, food or chemicals. Each though comes from a place of consumption in the human is devolving like Lucifer to become the abnormal satan.

It is all quite Biblically simple. If one builds things, one behaves in moral ways and one denies indulgence, then one has life which endures in the biological process. When one destroys, acts immoral and self indulges, then death occurs immediately or prematurely.

In all cases though, humans are set in their genetic lines, and one does not see a human mother birthing some ape or orang, and they never will.

I will to continue this in another post shortly in explaining the factors of human production in their genetics as related to origins, but this will suffice for now in assisting my kindred in rectifying his mistake. Many people under emotional distress make horrendous mistakes. My kindred have created all sorts of problems, but in this I have made up for their psychosis in explaining the correct analysis.

nuff said

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