Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Drag Queen

As continued exclusives in matter anti matter from this blog......

When Mitt Romney was outed as part of a series of strawmen, the reality is strawmen can also all fall down in office as George W. Bush did in massive spending and compromise with Teddy Kennedy in massive spending.

Mitt Romney is the engineered drag queen of the 2012 elections in he was by design a Mormon anti Christian without a polarization of a national base to nationalize the elections.
This was all designed to keep Obamacare and the other Obama executive orders in place as this blog exclusively pointed would happen in a deadlocked Senate.

Gridlock is what we want folks.
Rush Limbaugh

Mitt Romney if he was a Conservative like Sarah Palin would have had a 60% polling number in landslide victory over Obama. Her coat tails would have bround in a 70 vote super majority into the Senate and wipe out margin of Republicans in the House.
Sarah Palin and a GOP would have impeached most the Supreme Court for the traitors they are led by blackmailed John Roberts.

This could not be though and Romney has done his damnedist with Karl Rove to puffy lips this election in destroying the GOP>

Look at Minnesota which in 2010 elected a GOP super majority in their state Congress. That Horse Face Klobachar out there has a 20 point lead on the GOP challenger. Romney is not contesting the state........hell in North Dakota the GOP Rick Berg replacement for Kent penis head Conrad is having a horrid time with another Obama skirt named Heidkamp or some kind of Nazi name.
Point is these women were up Obama's rectum and they should be wiped out, and yet with Romney not having any coat tails like Ronald Reagan, the result is a Senate which very likely is going to be Harry Reid led again for this compromise that Paul Ryan keeps promising you to settle for.

That is why Karl Rove submarined Todd Akin in Missouri. It was by these patricians who installed Obama and kept him in there protecting him, and that goes for Mark Levin who shouts down callers saying Romney would win by 60 to 70 percent and Levin doing all he could to submarine Birthers.

Mitt Romney deliberately for the Mormon Patricians decapitated the Chirstian Conservative head of the GOP and is now making certain the undertow wipes out the GOP from a historic landslide.

Hell you know Romney in being outed here in not being Christian and forcing the Mormon  Inquisition on Christians, set up that meeting with Bill Graham for a picture as the heat got too bad for him in this blog exposing him.
Do not be fooled though, if Romney steals this back from Obama it will Mitt doing the HW impersonation in telling the Christians to all go to hell.

I told you long ago that Mitt Romney is going to be George H. W. Bush reincarnated backed by that Texas oil baron money that Prescott Bush took over.

Mitt Romney is the Drag Queen of the GOP, and you can not find one place in this country that Romney has helped one Republican. His process is to just get hisself installed and then to rename things Obama, and chisel his name on them as Mitt the Mormon, telling you it is all better now.

The reason for exposing all of this is to turn up the heat on these barons and tycoons, to start acting human in dropping energy prices and to get rid of Obamacare and start making firearms a cheap national pasttime........with the CAVEAT that when the recovery does come, they do not rape the people of their money again in another bust as has already been engineered.

My children, Obama knows a marginal Keynesian recovery is coming, just like Buffett told you it would. You can only strangle things so long before people need things. Obama does not want Romney taking credit for this natural trend. This blog wants Romney to do a Reagan recovery and deflate prices and make your savings grow as was proven could be accomplished in the 1980's with great prosperous effect.

Only by this lone voice in the wilderness speaking of these things so you know, and you tell a dozen more, and they tell 100 more, will any real change take place as what changes these patricians is the concern you are going to really they compromise and give you a few more dollars to keep you at home and not in the streets.

Now you know more of this which is being played out. As explained, I do not really care who steals this election, as it is already projected out in you get screwed one way or the other. The Truth though will be told as that is my commission for now.

nuff said

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