Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lame Cherry: December 21, 2012 : The Mayan Calendar

Human being and not human beings are the pre primordial state of being.

To be primordial is to "be" from the beginning, but what beginning does that mean?

The Living God of the Trinity is a Being Who has no primordial state, as He always was.

Humans have not always been. There was a place in literal time when they were created. It was in the 7 day cycle of the first week that the Elohim or Family of God in the Father, His Thought and His Presence willed to create man in Their Own Image.

If one does not anchor point on these dates, then the mystery of all does not have a purpose as one is basing their time analogy inside this dimension of consumption in the "billions of years" and nothing in humanity can be comprehended on this time scale as the human soul is not billions of years old.
It simply is the Breath of Life from God and it can be destroyed as much as the body can be destroyed in the consuming fires of perpetual death termed Gehenna.

I address these foundations to explain the reality of "time" for in it, one can find a myriad of "times", a time when pyramids were constructed by the ancients, and those structures as this blog has noted, were part of one single continent fit together as one land mass in one literal ocean, before this mass was divided and moved quickly to the points these continents now inhabit.
It does not make a difference the conjecture and theory of science in millions of years, when one has the factual data that tropical plants indeed are on Antarctica. They could not survive there in any form from antiquity, so the land mass had to have moved there at a rate of miles per hour and not inches per million years.

So these Mayans had an understanding of certain stellar time passages in the movement of stars, and the projected patterns of cycles in the thousands of years. It is simply mathematical formulations which would provide such data. Such data can be discussed to origin, but Solomon's genius was God Inspired. We find Metatron the demon gave the dimensional Sacred Geometry of the Tree of Life, so humans can indeed receive understanding in events beyond their reason, but grasp a reality which is what it is.

The Mayan end year is a cycle of time on stellar levels. Thee entire stellar sky was laid out in projection point from the audience seat of the Milky Way.
Far too long the idiot has thought that because the Milky Way is not central nor a large galactic body that it was somehow lessened and proven to be nothing but a figment of man's imagination.

None of this though expresses a reality in, "Is the best seat in a theater where it is dark and away from the screen or is the best seat the one up front looking up 15 foot high nostrils blinded by light?"

Earth is at the vantage point to observe the entire intricate star weave and to receive the stellar symphony God has placed in constellations telling the Spiritual tale and to play the frequency of sound of each age in this 6000 year period as was intended.

The human soul is immortal, but not eternal. It can be destroyed by Whom Breathed it into being by the Consuming Flame. The Mayan recording of the cycles are revealing the end of an age. As this blog wrote long ago, the earth spins in a wobble like an old phonograph. As the stars move and the earth moves, it is like a beacon in the universe and it contacts that point in the sky it plays.
In this age it has been striking that sound chord more frequently so people felt time was moving faster and the mass of humanity is becoming more agitated in being stimulated by this in the ley lines which magnetically cover the earth and connect humans to this energy field.

December 21st is a day of solar death, the longest day. It is also the interesting convergence of other time cycles which the Mayans charted. It is not going to be an "end" to all life nor any sort of tipping point. It is though a time of the earth axis shifting to new points in the sky to make earth and people react to a different stellar sound all through your DNA in your cells which is an antennae designed to pick up that sound.

The earth is in tumult over the contradiction of the shift as wills and evil are diametrically opposed to the God Law which governs all energy fields in what was Newtonian discovery. This will continue, just as the old pageant of the night sky will continue to tell the story of the serpent, the Hunter and the saved and the damned.

If one faces the reality that thee entire message has always been in terms the human could understand at base energy levels, then a new age of light will require a darkness or a death of the old age to come into being. If one's eyes cry at death, then should not the stars be tears of the universe as she cries in shedding those orbs in the cycle of death to life.
One can find these in outer dimensional sources as the Bible is, to gain understanding of this entire process from outside this dimension in terms like Wormwood, the Heavens moved etc...

December 21st is a date of that which was will end and that which will be will come to fruition.

Do not think in your quickened state that voila on December 22nd at midnight suddenly all hell will break loose as that is not in the least what God laid out for your comprehension. All of this is explained in the natural forces.
There is a sexual act of will that creates a life form, which must incubate for a time specified in lunar cycles, and then a birthing process starts. One is not simply voila born in a moment, but there is a contraction period of wailing and fear. December 22nd is the time the birth starts in Life coming from the old host life.

It is not though going to appear immediately as what the Mayan calendar records is TIME cycles and all this signifies is the stellar cycle, like 5 o'clock is the time your watch says your work day is complete. You are not home yet, but must travel a course in time to arrive at your home where the things which welcome you reside.
What I explain is, there is time which signifies a change has come, as Mary's time had arrived to birth the Christ in Bethlehem. Jesus though had always been as the Thought of the Father, and it would require a "time" of around 30 years for Him to come to a point to lay down His Life and take it up again.

Time had sent signs in the Star of Bethlehem of a King would be born to the Israelites. That time though did not birth Christ. It only provided the envelope for the Will of activity to manifest as the universe played out the destiny which had already been recorded from a controlling dimension outside this earth dimension.

There are forces at work in this, and competing forces to the Force of God at work. The Mayan's recorded the time cycle workings on long scale. The Bible recorded the intricacies of the great tribulation which would evolve from this.

The Inspiration in this God has provided me as His conduit broadcasting this understanding is unique and the lone source in linking all the events together in explaining how this all acts and causes opposite and equal reaction.

I do not spread fear nor hype like a George Nouri to goad people out of money nor pretend to care about you while thinking all of you are nuts for believing what you believe.

One of the keys in this is as this blog stated in the back engineering of where the ancient temples or pyramids resided on the one continent. It would be incomplete as some temples are under the ocean and it would require a reverse frequency of the ley lines which generated by the spinning axis playing past frequencies from the constellations and the reality of that massive molten fire ball of ore incubating all life on earth in it's geo magnetic influence as to why the temples were built as infusion energy conduits for purpose of regulating and absorbing energies.

This is about the primordial state of humans on a different scale though, as that is what this entire electo magnetic body was built for in she was a womb birthing children of matter to become children of God. The three states of the human in physical mortal, soul immortal and Spirit eternal.
The earth mortal spins and plays the immortal frequency for the transformation of the New Heaven and new earth of the eternal.

The day of death does not come on the 21st of December. That day or those days are future tense as the womb expels the Life it has prepared. Look for the first day of death in a false peace treaty in the autumn of an unnamed year in the calendar. Look for the second day of death in the spring, 3 and 1/2 years after that unnamed year begins. Look for the last day of death when the age has changed in an autumn 7 years after the first day.

For those who desire death in physical, immortal and eternal those days will provide during that cycle of death all one desires and one will not have to hype the story as one will be well aware of the events in that cycle of time, not by the time, but by the event.

It is 12:34 AM by my clock. It is time to close this in a winter's night shroud as that is enough explanation for now.

agtG 333Y