Sunday, December 9, 2012

End of the United States

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......

There has been a load of horse crap concerning the banning of Karl Rove and Dick Morris from Obama News AKA FOX news, Rupert Murdoch spy network and Roger Ailes pet patrician propaganda project. Here is the reality from Roger's own mouth.

Rupert Murdoch got himself in deep trouble in being a stooge for spying on people, especially during Gordon Brown's PM dictatorship. Obama took it personal in all of it, and ran a counter intelligence operation on Murdoch that caught him in criminal waters and in turn put Murdoch on a leash as his empire was in jeopardy when the privy information he was gathering for intelligence agencies who had no legal right to things, was leaked by the Obama state police.

To counter Obama, after Roger Ailes as was exclusively reported here, set up an electronic spy room at FOX to keep tabs on Sarah Palin, in that corporate leading on of her to be President, in all knowing they were going to knife her in the back when the Romney time came........Ailes got a huge mission in recruiting that secretary screwer, David Patraeus.
Patraeus has always been about as shallow as a paid for prostitute, and he turned down Ailes as for the reality check, George W. Bush made Patraeus, but the little general like Colin Powell, voted for Obama and Kerry.

There is not a head of anything that did not know the 2012 elections were what this blog stated in one Obama stealing his sloppy second or Romney stealing it back.

Karl Rove mouthing off on FOX is nothing knew, as Puffy Lips, wanted to rub it in how he got strawman Romney the Ohio win over Catholic Rick Santorum again on election night.
See Rove called the primary for Romney when Santorum was in the lead, and all there was to vote in Ohio yet was the rural folk who hate crazy Mormons, and yet Romney pulled it out with people who would never vote for him.
Yes Rove stole that election like he did Maine and screwed things up in Carolina in that Gingrich thing there as all has been covered here. Point is, Rove showed his cards too early in that Ohio thing, because Obama's benefactors are running Scytyl, SOE and Sequoia and those cartel folks had it figured out how to not show rural voters which Rove was counting on to dramatic effect this out.

Do not conclude that Rove wanted Romney to win. His orders were to knock the strawman Romney down, but Rove wanted the kingship of tantalizing this all to that Florida thing again which the other frauds in television were trying to torment people on the right with as this blog noted.
This blog called it for Obama first while the liars were still torturing the American public and that was part of what Rove was about in "keeping it close to the end". Problem for Rove was though the reality there are more powerful people than the Bush tribe in this and a whole lot more people bright in this than Rove.

Dick Morris had it right like all the other pundits in Romney had this election won big. He ate crow though in saying he was wrong, when he should have came out swinging in exposing all of this election theft, as Obama rolled all of this in the software and outright vote suppression.

The end result was the player Roger Ailes working a deal for Obama for Murdoch in which Obama does not want Rove or Morris on FOX, as Obama watches FOX more than anything. The canning of Morris and Rove was Roger Ailes chief viewer in Barack Hussein Obama.

Roger Ailes has always been a stooge of the intelligence group when Bill Casey was running things. That is how he minded Ronald Reagan, and his natural selection when Newt Gingrich created FOX news for the right wing in America was part of the intelligence of Mockingbird in the works.
FOX was designed to be right wing, but as much as Bill Casey had ABC early, and that is now the Obama network, the syndicate of the cartel soon enough rolls all of the media to being a deception for the world.

FOX is equal in their entire fraud cast as NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN in being nothing but Obama voters. They have to give an impression they are honest and the right wing or their entire fiction would fold in worse numbers than NBC runs.

Roger Ailes is the one who got Rush Limbaugh a signed photo of Ronald Reagan when Reagan was going brain defunct. Limbaugh got that as his bona fides, and got that from Ailes as they are both Mockingbird stooges meant to steer all you children on the right from revolution, so you die in the gulag you have little idea you are locked in.

Ailes ran a quasi private spy operation, akin to the old CIA Mockingbird "news" divisions around the globe in gathering intelligence, and as stated one of his chief operations was the game run against Sarah Palin.
How's that Chic Fila treatin' ya there Mrs. Palin?

 In an account by New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman after Karl Rove's argument with the Fox decision desk occurred on live TV, sources stated that Ailes had warned the network's election team that "if things don’t go your way tonight, don’t go out there looking like someone ran over your dog."

When Ailes was ordering his people to not buck the FOX prediction coverage before election night, it was Ailes knowing Obama had this stolen and not to buck the propaganda that FOX as been dishing out for all the years Obama has been occupying the White House.
Rove bucked the system and had to be made an example of. Rove has always been fiction in being a date rape political operative with no finesse and blundering into things too close like Al Gore or tainting an election for Bush43 over John Kerry.

Just like Allan Greenspan Dotcom bust in sticking the European elite with the debt of America caused Obama to be installed to 1600 Penn Avenue, Karl Rove screwing the pooch to openly in swiping elections for Bush, and then being blackmailed over it to allow election thieves like Al Franken to get that Minnesota Senate seat over Norm Coleman, is all what got Obama installed in the first place.
The tricks Rove pulled in 2004 are what the cartel used in 2008 and 2012 to steal thee entire American electorate.

Look if they had not given the Tea Party specific wins TO A POINT in 2010, the Americans would have revolted. They scammed you and set you up for 2012, and now you are being told by Mockingbird to wait until 2014 and then 2016 and in those 4 years you will not have a pot  to piss in and those with a window to throw it out, will be that much more impoverished joining the poor as the feudal state encloses everyone.

Roger Ailes knows all of this. Just look at the damned Obama frauds he hired in Chris Wallace, Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly........they all voted for Obama twice and they are more liberal than Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow combined.

Ailes represents that carnivore capitalist group who sent in Romney after setting up Palin. They get their big oil prices, put the hate on bio fuels in stooges like Mark Levin and they manage it all as beastly bastards while little Aspen Institute fags like Foster Freiss have pheasant hunts with other lesser stooges to bring the Mike Gallaghers on board even further as the information here is roadblocked from the masses.

 So do not make out of Karl Rove's banishment nor Dick Morris' humiliation than what it is. It is just Roger Ailes concerned about FOX's number one viewer in Barry Chin as that is what the programming has always been about on FOX.

Sean Hannity is not going to expose any of this, as Ailes jerked his chain hard in 2010 over supporting the Tea Party when Ailes and the syndicate were in the process of destroying it. Hannity knows which side his check is signed on, and tempers all he does so he does not get the Rove treatment.

The Obama media just can not have a puffy lips Rove on television until he cools off no more than Dick Morris on television being made a fool of, in one of them blurting out the fraud they know of and giving the chatter something to focus on as all of this is being effectively shut down.

Chemcial weapons in Syria is but an example with Korean missile launches designed in cliff debt to distract all of you from the reality that Obama stole the 2012 elections and ANALGATE with all of this fraud should have him in prison.

You really have to understand Roger Ailes. He like all of this mob views you with the contempt of a dog on a leash or sheep in the pen to become chops. They are the patricians and some get off on it more, and some like Rush Limbaugh liked pretending they were Reagan and when they had to start lying more than they liked, they just played with their blondeberry in 2008 and let Obama steal the election as those were the orders.

There literallly is no one now not on board on this. WND has gone into hiding and Alex Jones has it all hyped up in tidbits, never mentioning the things he is never to speak of.

It is the end of these United States. Roger Ailes should be more proud and making his part known in taking credit. It is much more glamourous in revealing how one spies on people like Sarah Palin and making a fool of her and how one joins with CNN and NBC to manipulate millions of people into thinking they matter as fools, than to just ban Karl no one cared.

The Fox News boss downplayed the dispatching of McFarland, whom he called a Fox contributor rather than a staffer, telling Woodward: "It was more of a joke, a wiseass way I have. I thought the Republican field [in the primaries] needed to be shaken up and Petraeus might be a good candidate."
He said: "It sounds like she thought she was on a secret mission in the Reagan administration. . . . She was way out of line. . . . It’s someone’s fantasy to make me a kingmaker. It’s not my job."
Yes Roger dearest, knows his place in the food chain and does not want to be no one would care either.

Want to meet Roger dearest my children?

  1. ABC and the rise of Rush Limbaugh
    One of Capital City's early founders was William Casey, who would later .... his producer was Roger Ailes, who was Bush's media advisor throughout the ...
  2. Lame Cherry: the cat whacker
    Sep 29, 2011 – Roger Ailes was right out of Ronald Reagan's and Bill Casey of CIA's war room. The entire operations like Casey's ABC changeling which ...
  3. Israeli Agent Names Names, Sources Reveal Bank Transactions
    Menashe claims that William Casey personally invited him to Paris in October. ... Michael May of CREEP was the custodian of the funds and Roger Ailes ...

In case, you are interested in this to understand this part, Roger Ailes played a key role in the 1980 transfer of 40 million dollars to the Iranian Islamocommunists in the "hostage deal". The money originated from the President Nixon slush fund known as the Committee to Re Elect the President or CREEP as it was nicknamed by those not fond of the President.

Roger Ailes is one of the Casey Associates assets. Not top tier, but an operative who directs for the socio conglomerate complex as revealed here previously if you were paying attention.
Rupert Murdoch provided the financial cover for this manipulation of those on the right to keep them from revolution and Roger Ailes was the operational control of this operation.

....and you thought like DailyKos this was just about pissing on Karl Rove.

Roger dearest is psychological manager of the right wing in Mockingbird.

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