Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Silence of the Din

I perceive when the end comes, that it will come with a resounding crash. It will be a two part physcial process in the first wave will stun the public, and leave it with the euphoria of a false sense of peace, because it will edify the masses "that something was accomplished".

I feel in this that this Obama wave, the matrix liquidity quake he created to steal the 2012 elections as natural forces were beginning to wash the piracy of his tenure from the present age, will be the event which crashes back upon civilization.
By this I mean it is as the ancient New Madrid quake tearing the earth and making the Mississippi River run backwards, defying the natural forces. That wall of water then returned with a sweeping deluge in that dry bed once the dam was broken.........a damn of invisible force by force.

The energy required to install Mr. Obama in 2008 was immense. It's fuel was thee entire American generated wealth in life and death forces for 250 years as an initial payment.
It required enslavement of the Slavs, an entire return to the old Soviet orders, and an initiation of a New Asian Order and the old Caliph.
Castro and Chavez were burned with cancer over this shapeshift in time, and they were court jesters of the spell.

It will be a common will which pushes this flow on after it starts, enabling it and succouring it. The will that the mass mind of humanity, freed from the God their fathers and mothers knew for a new entity, will reach license in denying their called nature for their chosen nature.

To put it plainly, the Lord Christ spoke of "and then the end will come" in Matthew 24. That end is triggered by the offering to satan in a new Temple causing the abomination which makes desolate.

Barack Obama had conjured for him from the lords and priests of the old order in Europe, a new world order, the prostitute daughter of perdition. It was in demonic matrix generated out of the Asian demons, chiefly hanuman, the monkey demon of India. Tim Geithner is of this school and ran the looting for the financiers for Obama from this power source.

The American Spirits were at odds in this, and even the storm demons tracked Obama, but even that warning hurricane only provided cover to generate a large Obama election theft.
The Spirits of 1776 have been stunned, but not placated. Their prayers now arise to the One Who Sits upon the White Horse.

That coming crash though is the key in  generating this entire tidal wave of destruction which Obama had generated for his creation. It will come. In it the Pope will die in that period and be replaced by the false prophet, the anti pope, who will provide the adhesion for the anti Christ to wield the power as the whore rides the beasts.

The son of perdition is here. It all puzzles me, as it is all Sword of Damocles hanging and will not fall. Like the gravity of the situation is so immense, the crystal glass hangs above the floor before all know the coming shattering will break the silence of the din.

There are no known measures in this. Alexander, Hitler, were events of immense energy and expelled their force in the curve in a decade type period, but as Obama draws the shadow the real darkness is in the shadows lengthening the cast and absorbing more power.
Everything Barack Obama is in sacrificing the American Virgin after her gang rape and the offering of the Muslim dead is about his being the pagan despot bringing about that thing from behind the altar.

King Solomon on dedicating the Temple enlisted an order of worship that God's Shekeniah appeared. This thing Obama does is beyond all the others. No one has ever had a precursor preparing the John The Baptist did for the Christ in Good.
Nothing in evil has ever generated anything like this. It is as if Obama is the Elijah and that which follows will have a double portion of evil in an Elisha for satan.

Barack Obama is initiating not the anti Christ, but satan to bring forth it's son of perdition.

All the dates are gone from the Plasmas. Over a month now and the numbers have not appeared, but something is appearing in this feed from the old patterns in Soebarkah as of December 6th, to the election month day the first inkling is appearing the power shift has run it's course and is no longer being held at bay.

Lame Cherry
2 hours ago – I wonder about the Mike Gallagher, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin types who have joined with Howard Dean, the uber liberal, in stating that ...

FOX News now

FOX News now proves Lame Cherry right on ANALGATE. The ...

Told ya Obama was behind

Yes my children, from Islamocommunist for Obama ...

Obama's Dirty Laundry

Obama's Dirty Laundry, second load. As another Lame Cherry ...

ANALGATE: Weapons of Anus ...

There is a reality in Chris Stevens which no one but this blog is ...

Analgate: Quid Pro & Ho

When one examines the murder of Sheik bin Laden's corpse, it's ...


There has been so much written and conjecture on the forced out ...

A full 30 day lunar cycle......moon diety allah of secular Islamist Obama. If that first indication is correct, then the time is lunar in cycle and can be predicted in this according to the lunar festival.
This will publish from the archives in a few days, but in checking this December 6th is the WANING CRESCENT in the first month after the election theft.
Sunset is at 4:44 pm central time in America. That is Obama's historic 1600 Penn Avenue number.

The reality is Obama must decrease so another in the European order will increase.

Dead sun is the 21st in the Mayans, new moon is the 13th, full moon the 28th of December. The old projection dates were on these patterns. Obama and this anti Christ are linked to the solar and lunar cycles.

That is in part what the Plasmas were talking about, a winter or death cycle and then one which appears also in the spring.

I do not know this code, but it is there. The spiders are chattering about the Lame Cherry links.......Muslims have disappeared, but the French, lament and the fame have taken stage.

I will have more on the French thing perhaps tomorrow in a suspicion I have in that with Joan.

Finally Inspired to learn what Baby was talking about. A good day for a Virgin's Prayer.

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