Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Asian Quadrant

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive..........

The North Koreans have a new world leader in Kim Jong Un. The reality is he is part of the quadrant aligned against these United States, in North Korea, Russia, China and Iran as the leader of al Qaeda, B. Hussein Obama sits in the American White House after another stolen election over Mormon Romney, as a strawman.

KJU is the Field Marshall of the New Asian Order which B. Hussein has initiated in east to America's humiliation and folly. This is assessed correctly in Kim Jong Un has arisen to the front as leader, in response to the Obama policy of shooting down Korean missiles.

For those who forgot another exclusive of this blog as there are so many, the North Korean's a short while ago launched a "defective" missile. The defect had one thing and that was a Reagan Star Wars shot which fried it's circuitry and brought it down.

Everyone in Asia knew it was Obama who ordered this shoot down and the US military which has been responding as only an Obama political minder squad as in Nidal Hassan in removing American Judges from his case and as assassins in the countless mass murders of Muslims around the globe since 2009 to only leave Obama "good" terrorists who are now raping women in Egypt, not just Lara Logan and anal raping US sodomite Ambassadors in Libya.

This is the state of the US military. It is beyond degraded. It is a doped up group of suicidal assassins with political minders, turning them into psychopaths, and unleashing them back into US society.

What the launch of the Polar Missile from Kim Jong Un entails and is further exclusive only here, is the Asians from Moscow, Tehran, Peking and Kim's enclave are simply lighting up the system, so to speak.

There is above and below the horizon line various Reagan Strategic Defense weapons. The first shoot down of the Korean missile exposed the protocols of the American defense which was measured and recorded in Asia.

This second missile which is an ICBM MERV test from the communist Asians is designed to deal with spaced based and HARP activation and reaction times, and success in dealing with this system.

That is what Mr. Putin's atomic submarines patrolling off of the east coast of America are about in exposing American defenses and resolve. The various Russian light ups have been successful and the reality is the Americans are so demonic influenced blind in the masses that they only have eyes for Obama and the reality is the American gates have been breached.

As was only covered here, the Chicoms after Mr. Obama visited India and threatened China to utilize the Indians and nuclear fodder, launched that ICBM from a Chinese atomic submarine.
What is going to be revealed exclusively here and for the first time, in addition to the first exclusives, is that the Chicom ICBM was not just a missile meant to send a message to Chinoid Obama in what would happen if he continued using India as his nuclear shield, but the reality is no one picked up on the reality in the US UMBRELLA OF STAR WARS DID NOT ACTIVATE FROM INSIDE THE SYSTEM.

To explain this exclusive, there is a hole in Star Wars. It does not respond to missiles fired within American waters or land.

Obviously this antiquated system was meant for not shooting down Vandenberg and NASA rockets, and various US civilian jets, but the reality is China and Russia knew immediately from espionage that the US system could be breached from the inside, and that the entire Star Wars system has nothing hooked into it of Terminator quality in fire controls.
To put it simply, the Asian Quadrant, knows that when Iran fires atomic missiles at New York, the launch and detonation will be successful as the American Star Wars does now respond to in American theater rockets.

This is the basis for what Kim Jong Un is initiating in lighting up the American board in this Star Wars breach. The American military following beloved leader Barry Chin, are now in a damned if they do and damned if they do not, for the reason Kim has full intentions of sending this ICBM over the polar cap, which is where the Peking and Moscow missiles will fly, exactly as Iran's multi stage rockets will respond when they reach hydrogen bomb status.

When the American defense responds, it will reveal tracking time, and response times. This will expose the entire system to how to overload it and how to deal with trajectory fire in finding the weakest points in the defense.

The only reason one tests Star Wars is the reason that one is going to initiate a conventional war in Eurasia to seize lands from Dublin to Sydney. The Americans do not have the military conventional resources to stop such an onslaught and when they are exposed that their Star Wars will not protect the continental United States, and Mr. Obama has so disarmed the nuclear response structure, the Americans will be checked and Eurasia will be ruled by Moscow and Peking.

I will revisit this again in the reason the Bush Cheney atomic doctrine was correct in the creation of miniature nuclear battlefield weapons, as this weaponry is the only dirty mass slaughter weapon which will keep the Peking and Moscow hordes from launching pre emptive attacks.
As only explained here, one must have nuclear arsenals in the 3000 warhead arena, for the exact reason in a nuclear war, the ability to manufacture replacement warheads and missiles will be hindered and stopped. When Mr. Obama disarmed America to the levels he has, the reality is the Russian and Chinese survivor systems now are favorable as they can launch nuclear strikes, absorb strikes from America, including Star Wars, and then re launch crippling the US systems.
America will have no response, and no Star Wars as the radioactive shrapnel bombs are unleashed into the satellite belts.

That is what is behind Kim Jong Un as Field Marshall of the New Asian Order in launching the latest of his Invasion USA projects for Moscow and Peking. They are tracking US systems and only doing so because they are in preparation for a world war which they fully intend to win.

As was only covered here, Mr. Putin is led by the Bolshevik Manifesto. It is a simple document which calls for a Russia from Dublin to Moscow. It also details how to make America retreat behind her ocean borders and later be dispatched at Mr. Putin's leisure.
Mr. Obama is giving Mr. Putin exactly the Bolsehvik Manifesto, and the proof is Kim Jong Un doing what all viable miliatry leaders do, and that is test and exploit your enemy's defenses to later destroy that enemy.

There was a time that there used to be Asian experts who would address these subjects, but in all of these Age of Obama realities, there is not one intelligence, military, economic and psychological expert save this blog to analyze, project and explain what is being initiated.

Perhaps it reveals the sorry state of this American state being readied for Judgment in a foreign despot named Chin is ruling the terorrists out of 1600 Penn as the American enemies are announcing tests of their defenses to make certain the Americans are there to light up the board to exploit them.

The popular girl everyone wanted to date, and only the poor bought her the pumpkin and the glass slippers, but the rich kept their money as Obama served them up a nuclear banquet.
If you rich A Holes like Foster Freiss, the Koch boys, those billionaire Jews need reminding in this, when these atomic warfare bombs start falling, it is your little enclaves which will glow and the mobs will first come to you and take all you have in your pretty mansions.

Yes you rich boys and girls should have been currying favor with the popular girl in buying her presents when she could have saved all of you.

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