Friday, December 7, 2012


Hey Kevvo! Newsflash: changing the letter after your last name does not transform you into Reagan, and skinny dipping in the Sea of Galilee does NOT make you Jesus (no matter how impressed Steve Southerland's teenage daughter and Tom Reed's wife Jean may have seemed through your wino goggles).

Pick some principles and sign the damn anti-tax pledge, you opportunistic bastard.

For those who are not on the inside track of the disgusting things in Congress, equal to Barney Frank and Barry Obama, there is this perverted, blasphemous creature, cross straddling the state of Kansas around Kansas City, named Kevin Yoder.

Yes, the name does sound like some damned redneck, and Yoder does in fact exist up to his yokel name.

See it all starts out when an opportunistic democrat named Kevin Yoder, decided being a Republican was his advancement into the political world. Yoder then a few months ago, showed up with other Congressional members on a junket to the Holy State of Israel.
Some might need reminding that the State of Israel is the one in the Bible, the Promised Land, the place where the Patriarchs met God, the place of Moses Law, the place of Jesus the Christ, Who laid down His Life for all to be Redeemed, the place of Disciples and Apostles who were murdered, the place of Crusaders like Richard the Lionhearted who died for Christ to make the Holy Land Holy.

It was in that place that Kevin Yoder, decided after drinking wine along with other Congressional members and family, as in FEMALES, all took off their clothes, some to lingerie underwear in one father and daughter apparently were holding hands, while Yoder got naked, and they all took a wetting in the Sea of Galilee.

Personally, getting drunk, getting naked in front of other people is redneck enough, but Yoder and this group of Congressional Republicans had to do it in the Holy Land, in the very Sea where Jesus performed a number of His more memorable miracles.

This is beyond "not right" and is the stuff God sends down fire and brimstone over, or kills on the spot someone who reaches out and touches the Ark while it is being jostled. There is absolutely something missing inside Kevin Yoder, in not knowing sacriledge that some intoxicated naked swimming orgy is nothing a moral person does.
If this is behavior which is so wonderful, then perhaps Yoder should try this in Congress, or perhaps when he trots up to the White House, he can toss a few back and get naked in front of Muchelle Obama and the girls, as he is overcome by fumes from the Obama pine tree which used to be a Christmas tree.

Kevin Yoder is as much what is wrong with the GOP as Dennis Daugaard is who was featured here in his running things like a feudal lord.

Yoder's staff is part of the "boys club" of DC. That is the pretty boys who sit up to bars and wait for Karl Puffy Lips Rove to come by for a sundowner before the glee club hits the high notes.
Their high notes would stun most Americans, as Yoder's staff never has anything bad to say about Barack Hussein Obama, but they certainly talk trash non stop about those damn Tea Party people.

That is Kevin Yoder in he bends over for the elite in the party, and makes certain he stokes up the welfare debt by buying votes in poor areas, and never doing a thing to Reagan opportunity for all Americans.

Yoder has a thing for voting for national security bills which mandate the military has the right to seize you and throw you down some Gitmo hole without ever having a court hearing in a civilian court.

That sound like the kind of America you want to reside in? Sounds a great deal like the kind of world which Barack Obama has unleashed in Egypt and Libya, and it is Kevin Yoder's voting record reality.

In one of the most bizarre insider SINSIDER deals, Yoder put his YEA on a bill which included a sweetheart deal for unknown elite, in Russia had confiscated Yukos oil awhile back from investors by nationalizing it. In some quid pro quo that apparently Obama has worked out in selling the eastern European Slavs to Putin, there was a little present in the stocking that for insider reasons, a select few could buy shares in this billion dollar cash cow known as Yukos oil with Putin's part of the Russians getting into the World Trade Organization.

Let us repeat the paragraph above, so you know what Kevin Yoder joined Barack Hussein Obama in doing.  In exchange for letting Russia into the WTO, Putin bribed the regime with a huge stake in Yukos oil.
Yukos though was off limits due to former US Treaties from the 1970's which would have made such investments criminal.......
Until of course Kevin Yoder and Barack Hussein Obama came up with this legalized criminality, also known as a BRIBE in which select elite apparently get to share in the bribes all legal now.

For those who are remiss in remembering, Nancy Pelosi and democrats went hell for leather a decade ago in making it illegal for any US company to bribe a foreign nation in order to get this kind of deal. Kevin Yoder just voted affirmative for this very deal, and we do not know which bandits made out like bandits in this, as this little gem was tucked away where the Obama puppy press was told to never let it see the light of print.

Oh yes, FOX News is silent too.....imagine that.

Ron Paul though was not silent on this issue and scolded all in stating this was a Human Rights issue in all what was taking place. Yes human rights apparently were washed away when Kevin Yoder got naked with the children of Congressmen, Congressmen and their wives in the Sea of Galilee.

For the record, Kevin Yoder should not just be removed from Congress for being a pervert, but Eric Holder should for the first time actually investigate Yoder and this Daugaard for their playing fast and loose with they cronyism laws of these United States.

Can not we all be proud in knowing that Kevin Yoder and his boy girls staff are the shining example of the GOP with that glare coming off their naked asses?

Obama did not get Yoder naked. That was Kevin Yoder and silence about his perversions and making crimes legal in bribes is keeping this pervert where he does not belong.

Yoder is auditioning currently to be the next replacement Senator in DC. Frankly, Teddy Kennedy died and Congress does not need another Senator Pervert in replacing Tedly in Kevin Yoder.

In a land flowing with Christian, Jewish and Muslim blood, parched for a drink, Kevin Yoder sticks his naked ass in that water, not honoring those who are still perishing nor caring thirsty people have to drink where Yoder's ass bathed.

agtG 269

Full text:
Section 202 B Yukos Oil

Paulie Parrot says is a human rights issue... maybe that is more of a concern.
Paulie Parrot focuses on human rights