Wednesday, January 23, 2013


We now know more of the Obama operation to bring down Gen. David Patraeus in ButtraeusGATE as was exclusively broken here, and this is due to Jill Kelly, the Obama vixen operative in Florida, who visited Obama at the White House several times, can not keep her mouth shut.

Obama's regime had pretty well ended ANALGATE from the headlines, and replaced it with gun control, illegals and Obama inauguration week long parties, but then those Obama terrorists blew up Algeria using Obama Libyan weapons, and here comes Jill Kelly whimpering to the Daily Beast, "I'm not a whore".

Kelly is typical of Obama operatives which were sent out to stalk Lawrence Sinclair in having a bit too much floofy poofer in emotions.

We know things now and it is all because Jill Kelly will not shut her big mouth. Kelly has always been a bit grandiose in the delusions department. That is why she gravitated to Obama, and that is why she was sending tens of thousands of flirty slut males to Gen. Allen, all as part of the "minder" game where women are utilized to corrupt key people in power for the day they go off reservation.

Kelly basically terms fellow minder Paula Broadwell, a terrorist, blackmailer, extortionist (same charge) and that Broadwell with her big tits was never a sexual rival of Kelly with her big tits with David Patraeus.
Yes the insinuation is there that they were not rivals, because Kelly was the main squeeze.

We know that Jill Kelly after all her Obamaness and up Gen. Allen's flagpole and feelies under the table with Patraeus is really at heart, purer than the Virgin Mary, a virgin really who has nothing but immaculately conceived sex and children....we know this because Jill Kelly is credited with releasing a Bunny picture with here cuckolded husband, named Cuckold, along with her three daughters.
Yes Jill Kelly will stoop to using Easter bunnies, her baby girls and her husband named, Cuckold, as cover to try and save her "reputation" as if America would care, Obama would  care, intelligence would  care, but political operative Jill Kelly does care......that is why she wears clothes so tight that it makes her tits look even more huge and she parades around in front of cameras after stories break, with her big tits on display, because she is virginal and she never uses sex as a distraction in any situation.

This is in reality the big show which Jill Kelly has been playing naughty fingers with. Her charges were dismissed by the FBI on fellow minder Paula Broadwell. Broadwell decided to release her own big tit photos to change the subject also as she was slumming with  her husband named, Cuckold too.
Apparently Cuckold and Barack were very popular names for little soy milk flavored boys back in the Obama era of conception.

What I mean by the big show is, Jill Kelly is playing close to the big players who are being taken down by Obama and his consorts. They do not like attention and women who can not keep their mouths from flapping. A woman's has one purpose and it is when she is on her knees.
For that reason Jill Kelly is being frowned upon and discussed about what to remedy her with......if she continues on with this.

Do not forget for a moment that this is Florida, Central Command. This is the war council. This is intel central. This is the place that Scooter (George Prescott) Bush was run out of when he was slumming in Afghanistan as a Mexican named Pedro Pepi. This is Gen. Allen and Gen. Patraeus. This is an area of DOD power and Jill Kelly played there in an operation to destroy David Patraeus, head of CIA and potential rival to the US Presidency to the Obama's, Clinton's and Bush's.
Do you really think the power elite appreciate for a moment this kind of attention to how people from Congress, Justice, Executive and Military a controlled by blakcmail? Patraeus was brought down because he was a problem like John Edwards in thwarting the elite gene pool of who is chosen already to be at 1600 Penn Avenue.
That is what Jill Kelly touched on.

Jill Kelly is not that bright and is why she was chosen in this. She is a glamour puss like that Salahi twat who finger sexed Obama early on. Paula Broadwell set this cat fight in motion for the expressed purposes of what worked out. These two kitties simply were aware unaware skirts on their missions.

This quote is interesting in the psychology of the propaganda of Jill Kelly.

“I never met Paula in my life,” Kelley says. At the time, Kelley says, she didn’t even know Broadwell had just published a glowing biography of Petraeus.
The question is this for you children to comprehend this. In normal psychological response, when Barack Obama is messing with you or if for example some criminal named Kobe Bryant tries to rape you say, "I never knew Barack had it in for me......or.......I never knew Kobe wanted to rape me".

First names imply intimacy and Jilly Kelly stating she never met Paula Broadwell, disclosed an intimacy with this woman in an association.
Normal reactions would be, "I never me this Broadwell woman" to other things like, "This bitch!!!", as we do recall that Jill Kelly just said Broadwell is a terrorist and blackmailer.

See Jill Kelly reveals things she never intended. Those are the things that the people who run these operations frown on, as now everyone in Moscow, Peking, Paris, Berlin, Tel Aviv, knows by this confirmation that there was an Obama operation taking place against David Patraeus and that Jill Kelly and Paula Broadwell had an association, which has now been revealed.

That is the sort of thing that brings on real blackmail, as in half a billion dollars in cover up money to Egypt or Patriot batteries to Turkey over Syria.
Piles up enough and Obama signs in Chinese land ownership in America......see all sorts of things start cropping up and have to be deal with when Jill Kelly is not content with her title of POLITICAL WHORE and be content that she did her job well.

I do hope that if Paula Broadwell feels compelled for more spotlight that she poses on a bear skin rug in furs to prove how she too is more virginal than the Virgin Mary.......

Odd how grey dresses make Jill Kelly look fat and sinister and grey dresses make Paula Broadwell look centerfold and sultry.

Always interesting to observe the loose cannons causing problems.

Note to Obama: Just pack up Jill Kelly to Guantanamo Bay as some liaison to Castro Cuba. It will allow her to get felt up by uniform wearers, she can go to Raul parties, and it will feed her psychopathy and it will all be off the beasty press.

I'm being nice there BARACK.....oh how intimate, it seems to work for Jill Kelly.

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