Thursday, January 24, 2013

Silence of the Goats

Being popular, I realize things, but it is also like Davy Crockett at the Alamo, as the pretty boys who got credit for fathering Texas lived for another day, while that small bunch took the tits up position.

I can understand prudence. Prudence is what the Paladin had in scurrying off his horse and climbing a tree while Joan of Arc faced murderous mobs. Prudence is what President Grant did in sending General Custer to his mass murder to cover up administration crimes. Prudence is what the Sanhedrin did in murdering Jesus so the Romans did not invade.

Prudence is what I understand in being expedient, as I notice things like people with really nice jobs, really nice things, really nice glam and really nice lives protect what they have as someone like this popular girl breaks all the stories, ministers to the Americans left standing, while the prudent take credit for leading the charge.........hiding between the sheets.

It was prudent in the autumn of 2011 for Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi to........well stop driving the Obama stories as being dragged out at 3 AM by state police sort of scares people. Mr. Farah has a hot wife and I'm sure it is more fun that he gets rode by him than a baton up his butt from the BATF.
Mr. Corsi is the same type, although older and having almost been assassinated in Kenya by Cousin Odinga, it is just at that time of life to look to past glories and die surrounded by the illusion that prudence did not win out.

There are allot of prudent types like Christopher Ruddy of Newsmax and Robert Morton of World Tribune. It is enjoyable to get up and be an editor, decide who writes and does not write........on suggestions from those from Mockingbird, as one goes to restaraunts and dinners having the public acknowledge who special you are.

Rush Limbaugh is really prudent. He has his millions and knows many of the secrets, but it is just easier to go home and sit on the couch and play with your daughter who is minding you. You get to keep all the toys and pill bottles with listeners telling you how wonderful you are in decreasing market share, but when you are old, it is nice wearing golf shirts and smelling of a lounge, remembering how you once mattered, compared to having your underwear on display at 3 AM.

Same with the also rans in Mark Levin and Sean Hannity. They get told things, but do not reveal them. Levin tries to act tough, but he is one of the most easily intimidated of the leaders. Hannity learned his lesson about the Tea Party assistance in Ohio when FOX recalled him and told him to choose between a job and the Tea Party..........ignoring the real stories for the feed won out, and Sean Hannity like Mark Levin get to pretend they are leaders as all those diminishing adoring fans always tell them.

It is like Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage. Both restructured leaders in contracts. They certainly find all sorts of things to not talk about now.........the pet dog or some crippled football player. Yes that is prudent air time as why would anyone want to mention things like ANALGATE, blackmail and the dead diaspora as.......well it is just prudent to not talk about those things.

Alex Jones talk allot about things......sort of like Charlie Daniels things or Ted Nugent things, that happened long ago in a galaxy far, far, far away. It is just prudent to mention things in a new way like Rush Limbaugh to keep your mic hot, while other prudent people repeat old things to distract the mob or are a part of the Obama NRA leading the charge.

Andrew Breitbart was not prudent.

Dick Wolf is prudent in not going into places of large gatherings any more to keep Law and Order alive.

Bill Bennet was prudent in certifying that traitor John Roberts on Obamacare was holy.

Mike Gallagher was prudent for certifying Foster Freiss was kosher on a pheasant hunt for the Aspen Institute.

Ann Coulter was prudent for certifying Obama was genuine when all the evidence proved he is a foreign agent.

Prudence is what one exhibits when one has most cases.

Andreiu Riera was not prudent with Scytl and found a car wreck with his name.

Aaron Swartz joined the dead diaspora when he lacked prudence in mentioning an election system that would break the Obama vote theft.

It is interesting though examining prudence as so many people enjoy your taking point, and then leave you like Crockett to assume Mexican temperature.
Interesting things happen like when you are used like a whore for Obama birther things, you just are used and thrown away.
Interesting things like it is your pet being tortured to death in radar sweeps or it is your eye veins exploding in radar sweeps, because all the prudent people are home enjoying all that money which prudence produces.

Prudence is fascinating in they know how close to regulate the radar sweeps for effects to send messages meant to scare people who scare with bleeding eyes or bleeding colons, but they do it any way just for fun, as they go home to all that comfort their prudence produces for them.

How nice it must be to be so prudent in life, to enjoy so many nice things, knowing the things you did to others and the things you kept your mouth shut about, has kept you locked in your luxury of illusion disappears as the lords and the priests decide to come and make a Khadaffi out of you.

Yes a little Sandy Hook or a little Colorado and ..........well you never know if it is you who will be next when they turn the wifi up and it is you making the headlines like John Hinkley.

It was good that Michelle Malkin was prudent in certifying that Scytl was perfectly sound for the Obama election theft, for who better to investigate the Obama Filipino birth and the fleeing of Anna Chin back to her native Philippines and a Malkin of Filipino heritage........yes it is more prudent to just sell your website for cash and be prudent about things, and let someone else deal with the the things that prudence allows one to ignore.

It was prudent of Sarah Palin, after all one can pretend a great number of things when one has money, to just allow prudent people like John McCain and Mitt Romney to have elections stolen and pretend they are good Americans too.

I really do try and look around for people not being prudent, but it seems like everyone is prudent. Matt Drudge does what he can in spidering the information to mould the masses, but he too is prudent as prudence is how one survives in the Soviet.........I mean the American gulag.

It must be nice to be prudent, at least until one meets Christ and there sitting about the place are the Spirits of America in George Washington, John Adams, Elizabeth Custer, George Patton, Ronald Reagan.........who all never got to be prudent.

Interesting how prudent it was to say, "Never again", after what the leftist National Socialists did to Christian Germany............and how prudent to not notice the same silence from the same people is deafening in America..........while the few hold point and the prudent hold court.

Let's just all be prudent in Andy Dean, Rusty Humphries zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oh that's right sleeping on guard duty is now rewarded.

......oh and we all know we can trust the prudence of Micheal and the insiders who posted so many inspriational things from this blog to ......well do Irish things, and how prudently they led the rats out and simply vanished once the contract was fulfilled.
So love that Alex Jones all Nightline, Drudge......yes the new Limbaugh now that the old one has lost it's shine.

 I've seen the future, I can't afford it

Tell me the truth sir, someone just bought it

Say mr. whispers! Here come the click of dice

Roulette and blackjacks - build us a paradise

Larger than life and twice as ugly

If we have to live there, you'll have to drug me

Maybe these luxuries can only compensate

For all the cards you were dealt at the hands of fate

So tell me

Tell me! tell me! How to be a millionaire

Tell me! tell me! How to be a millionaire!

Millionaire! Billionaire! Trillionaire!

Just let the popular girl do the wire work as prudence is a modern virtue in the Age of Obama.

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