Friday, January 25, 2013

The Sex Machine

This is novel......

Oh let's sing first as singing is alawys fun.....

or not as the live feed here just got wiped clean....apparently the brown recluse did not want to sing today.

Let's sing again as the fat lady was before Congress.

Ooooo when you get through to me
It's always new to me
My double visiong get's the best of me
The best of me!!!!!!!!

Tonights the night I'm going to push it to the limit
Going to live all my years in a single minute!!!!!

So this is novel in when Bill Casey was in Iran Contra, the coup set up, that he got brain cancer and Reagan got amnesia. With Hillary Clinton though it is a matter of.......well someone doused the old gal with a Dr. Germ.......and then when that did not make her got tits up.....she does go tits up but that is with Huma and different than a viral infection.....with Huma it is like......well your husband beats you as a serial rapist so eventually you start getting rode hard by Vince and Hub......and after they do not satisfy, you start doing the lesbian thing as lesbians you can change undies with and things.

Where was I?

So it is like this, Hillary Clinton had her brain almost explode. I know this as the radar wave I speak of here, that have hit me, do things like explode my blood vessels in eyes and ......yes rectal bleeding. Did my puppy too which eventually killed her. Nasty stuff all of this and .......where was I?

Oh yeah, so Hillary's brain explodes. Bad shit that, what not eh? It was all Joe Biden and Obama really and the story is, Biden wanted to run in 2016, or told he was by Obama to keep his mouth shut. Hillary was the problem and Hillary bites, unlike John Edwards they both nailed in zipper gate while his wife was dying with cancer.
So you can't just toss Hillary in prison or hound her, as she bites. So the boys with radar turned up the volume when the bug didn't put Hillary down for the count.

So Hillary is like puking and things, and not going tits up. So they zero in on her and zap her hard. Was nasty ass shit them sitting around in the black room wanting to play with the dials, but it is all now digitals in you just set GPS coordinates, bounce off a thermal radar image, and send in the juice.
You don't feel a thing and don't hear a thing. Next thing you know is you got blood in spots that blood should not be. Different than Limbaugh getting  his heart zapped in Hawaii thinking he could piss on Obama at the same golf hole.......I digress.

Where was I?

So Hillary gets the brain bleed and is dizzy, so she goes BADAHBOOM. Is an art form really to make the brain bleed on the outer cranial areas and not the inner or you end up with massive headaches or get a Tim Johnson......see you don't want Hillary cruising around in a wheel chair or arm flapping like Gabby Giffords or people get sympathy and then she can stand up and say, "Barack Obama raped my brain and Joe Biden tried to aborticide it!!!!!"
Be great theater, but Hillary was only left with "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE HOW THEY WENT PECKER UP!!!!!", and that only makes her look nuts.

Nuts is a good thing when you don't give someone brain cancer, as people feel sorry for you in emotional outbursts, being fat and lesbian and having to wear goggles for glasses like a Seinfeld character in that Lloyd Braun with Kramer.

Where was I?

Yeah pay attention as I know Hilary is hot. Man she got it all going on yet with her beaver cleaver.......that lesbian zone is still enticing to the man who knows it will get cut off. Bill said so that Hillary's snatch still has snatch life for 3 more husbands with heavy traffic.
Yes mam, that Hillary is femme fatale......and unfortunately the fatal part of this femme is Joe and Barack gave her date rape wave and she fell down and broke her crown.........not  the story but let's sing.

Huma and Hillary 
Went up to the hill
To fetch a 2016 run
Hillary fell down 
And broke her crown
And 2016 came tumbling after

Ok so that was not it, as it was like Hillary fell down and broke her she broke her hip first and that is what caused the fall. Same with Hillary, the broke her brain first and then she just got dizzy and fell down as a swelled brain will do that.

I just think with Hillary being all know because with Terri Schiavo liberal ghouls told us she was more sexy while being dehydrated to death as Jeb Bush looked on....that Hillary is even more sexy now. She is just so very sexy and I wonder if Barack and Joe factored that in, in the voters for Obama who go in and ride 90 year old depends women in the geezer home are just going to vote for Hillary in 2016 and not Joe.

That puts Dame Hamrod in jeopardy as she is even more appealing now, in octogeneriaphiles will be wanting to diaper her and feed her some protein the penis way. Is probably why Bill Clinton was sexing up his brain defunct wife as Bill probably got some of that down in Arkansas......some of them 90 year old diaper wearers just are too come hither for a man like Bill.

Where was I?

Hillary is just too sexy now, and the danger of Joe Biden is she will sweep through the primaries in such numbers that Obama's vote rigging will not work. Look they tried to rig Ben Netanyahu out of existence and came close, but vote fraud just can't beat a 30 point spread.....and we know the spread on Hillary is big as she has been at this a very long  time.

Yes can this be the undoing of Barack Obama's vote scam machine in Hillary Clinton has turned into the sex machine for 2016.
Mrs. Clinton is now even in more danger from brain blast as she has a history they can point to, and these wave busters are still penetrating the domiciles of competing forces.

Will Jeb Bush be next or did he get the message and is meant to settle for Scooter Bush in 20 years?

Tune in the next few years and see if Hillary's brain explodes again and if she becomes more sexy in the 2016 death run......a corpse elected over Joe Biden.

You do realize posting this here, has probably in the 87% category kept another attack on Hillary Clinton from happening........

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PS: Biden always wants to turn up the juice.....friggin' turn her into Jiffy Pop for f*ck sake!!!!!!!!... well someone likes pumpin' up the volume........
Barack shhhhh and Muchelle shhhhh....

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