Friday, January 25, 2013

Welcome to Tarzan Obama's Jungle

Before I got fed up with Facebook in being stalked, hacked, backstabbed and whatever, there was this little dog humper named Ginsu chic who liked going around ragging in PMS on males on the right or females on the right who were not as perfect as her blade.

Got really disgusting in she even lowered herself to slap around my dead sister, after she had these beasty tirades about NATURAL LAW in it was quite wonderful to mass murder Col. Khadaffi as this Ginsu got off on things Mark Levin slobbered over in Obama murdering people in the bin Laden home and leaving children to crawl around in the blood.
By Libya, even Mark Levin wised up in figuring out this savage nature only spawned worse things.

This blog was proven right in the anal rape and posse murder in Benghazi which is ANALGATE in the connected murder of 30,000 souls in Syria and now the Obama armed terrorists in Mali and Algeria piling up more bodies.

That is what brought Ginsu to mind as she chased around the Tea Party in Kim Jong Un must be her dream guy Mongoloid.

“Settling accounts with the US needs to be done with force, not with words, as it regards jungle law as the rule of its survival.”

Complete with nuclear warheads, ICBM missiles and direct threats about vaporizing American cities, that must make Ginsu's lily dewy wet.

 “We do not hide that a variety of satellites and long-range rockets which will be launched by the DPRK one after another and a nuclear test of higher level which will be carried out by it in the upcoming all-out action,  will target against the US, the sworn enemy of the Korean people,”

Don't get me wrong in this, in I do admire Kim Jong Un as the only man in the room. He is on par with Vladamir Putin. The rest of the world has these Obama fags prancing about and that is what makes Kim look so viril.

 When it came time to tie the knot, Kim married the hottie Ri while Obama tagged that guy Muchelle.

When it came time to pose with kids, Kim pats them on the head and Obama fondles them on his lap.

See Obama just makes Kim Jong Un look more moral and American than Chinoid Obama ever will.

Like David Patraeus. Obama sets him up with big titted women to bring him down, and then Dave is just out there as the women do the posing with rabbits.

Kim has a problem with a military guy, and Kim just fires an artillery round at him, and obliterates him. Kim instinctively pulls out his big gun and Obama instinctively goes for big tits.

It is just bad for everyone when even China, place of human cannibalism is even more girly than Kim.

China, North Korea’s sole significant ally, even come down against Pyongyang’s intransigence, with Xi Jinping, the next president, telling a visiting delegation of politicians from South Korea that he opposes the regime developing nuclear arms or any weapons of mass destruction.
How can you be the popular girl when you are sounding like Obama broadcasting from the Forbidden City.

Kim Jong Un is not a fool. He is probably one thee most adept natural leaders the world has produced in the post Reagan era. That is the reality and it is not going to change.
No matter if Obama makes al Qaeda his terror group and arms them, they are still going to be lusting after atomic and biological weapons, and this is what Kim Jong Un knows and still has the network of Obama marginalized terrorists to perform kabuki with.

You must comprehend this that North Korea prints almost as much US currency as Obama does. The little Korean wives they are sending across the border to fulfill the needs of Chicoms are agents of the dear leader, and they are pumping more than their hips in pillow talk.

Kim realizes the weakest links are China and America, and not Japan or South Korea who will bite him. So Kim shoves a broom up Obama's ass just to show the world who is the man in the room.

Sure Kim is a bit touchy about things in going off on Peking girls printing he had plastic surgery to appear like dear leader one. He will get that figured out in  time too and realize he has the babe for a wife while Obama just goes around fondling Indochinese chics on his election theft tour.

If Kim was up to his game, he would be featuring all the Obama Birther stuff in Obama being a Chinese agent, along with Obama being the had of al Qaeda which is all factual. That might be the most dangerous thing he could do as Obama would react to that, but Kim would have the American underground championing the propaganda in stating Kim was the honest one in the conversation.

I do plan to touch on this further in what is taking place in all of this. I have the art work on the comp here, but just have not written the story in exposing things as was awaiting Inspiration.

For now though, what could be more wonderful than Kim Jong Un actually threatening Barack Hussein Obama with his own policy of Jungle Fever.....I mean Jungle Law in which Obama has murdered piles of people with around the globe.
It certainly appeals to the Mark Levin slobberers as they do like the blood lust in things.

Oh if Kim Jong Un would like to donate some of the Clinton bribe millions that Jimmy Carter negotiated to his dear leader dad to this blog in order to do have Ri do an interview, it would be welcome. Need her in some pin up pose though. Nothing slutty, but when you are selling North Korean communism, you got to show the wares in exposing what a guy Muchelle is.
Just some leg and a coy pose....think of Grace Kelly in a silk dress with her legs crossed.

nuff said
