Thursday, February 14, 2013

Christopher Dorner

Today my children, we have a class on Mockingbird.

I focus on the "happy conservative" Mike Gallagher as of late to exemplify the fraud, the manipulation and the psychopathy which is the "conservative brand" whose hosts are funded in this graft called talk media. It is vital you comprehend this, and start discerning exactly what you are hearing, as you are missing all of this and it is the Obama coin, no matter if the host is "right wing".

Today, Mike Gallagher invested his talking points to brand Christopher Dorner, a black man, as a monster. Dorner is no monster, he is one of two things:

1. An agent of the Obama regime instituted to ramp up this race war stuff in the Obama ledger, and Dorner is still alive.

2. Dorner was a man pushed to far by the system and his nation destroyed him.

For those who do not know Mike Gallagher and those who heard his Feb. 14th program, I know you will have missed these manipulations and outright lies as he was ramping up the race war stuff in blaming blacks in this hysteria of Jamie Foxx blathering on about shooting white people in Dajango or whatever that Obama movie is about.

First, you might be surprised to know that Christopher Stevens shot only white people. This is according to Mike Gallagher.
I will let that soak in for a moment and have you run through the facts as you might recall a person featured here named Qoan or whatever Kwan is in ethnic stuff, but this woman like her parent is Asian.

That is interesting to me, in Asians who are Mongoloids are now white folks. Somehow on the genetic scale Asians are now Europeans, not slanted eye lids for sun shields and no chop sticks.

Now Mike Gallagher knew very well that it was not all white people that Christopher Dorner shot, yet he lied to his audience to spike this, as he has been the one stating that black people are beautiful when they are being abused by white rabbits and white people.

If you care to listen to Gallagher in repeat, you will notice something in your ear, as I point this out........the callers are all SOUTHERN REDNECKS agreeing with this being a racial thing with Dorner.
You should be smiling in that smear by Gallagher, that all of you Conservatives are redneck racists from the South.

It is all subtle in this stuff and just does not happen by accident, no more than the punchline delivered at the end was an ASIAN caller after Gallagher lied that no Asians were shot by Dorner.

I will repeat in this the facts that point to more was going on with Dorner in this, than meets the eye or ear.

Dorner in profile changed, and people do not change. Under stress they cement harder to that profile. I noted that the DC Sniper changed profile as in being white. That happens when a white MKULTRA handler is pushing the buttons.
You have an urbanite black who suddenly decides to go snow mountain white guy, isolating himself after burning his truck to pinpoint his location?

The same holds true with no ammunition going off in that massive fire, as Dorner would have had thousands of rounds of ammunition.

Things do not add up, and yet things when added, like his driver's license survived and he did not.......reports of tracks to the barn........certainty that Dorner was in the cabin, when it was so hot no one could have searched it. All point to the trends in these Obama events of sowing oddities into the stories to make conspiracies grow to keep the public focused on the shooter, instead of the political machinations being run off the event.

Personally, I beg for Arizona to seize Gabby Giffords from that pimp husband of hers and Obama, because if I see one more event of her flapping her arms around as an Obama gun whore as her husband auditions for political office, I will just cry. This abuse of this woman is one of the worst things in all politics, media and history.
It is though like all of these events to keep you from asking about that second shooter in Arizona, why Loughner was set loose after being stopped and yes, why those rubber bullets were bouncing off of key people like Giffords skull and others got the real lead.

Why is right wing media making Dorner about race and why is left wing media making this about race, when Dorner loved George H W. Bush and the Clintons? Dorner loved Dennis Miller. Dorner loved that white Kelly Clarkson or whatever that amateur was.
Those are white people and Dorner's problems were with all people by what was going on between their bigoted ears......that included lesbians.

Right wing media is a fraud, as it is designed with message to keep the right wing hyped up on things they respond to. Gallagher gets script to appeal to the unintelligent redneck group that Andy Dean is stuck with for his callers as he is not large scale enough.

This is not isolated, Mark Levin stated that he wanted the police to blow Christopher Dorner away.

The people being smeared for backing Chris Dorner's illusion are people who are victims of the police state which Mr. Obama runs. They have been robbed by police, glared at by police, raped by police and roughed up by police. People like Levin never have those problems as they are millionaires, driving new cars, and only drive in select areas, so their "expensive police", who target out of state and out of county plates, wave at them and follow around the poor people making their lives hell.

So Mike Gallagher ramps this up in wondering why Face Book has thousands of people liking a Chris Dorner memorial page. People who are getting screwed over always gravitate toward someone who is doing what they could not do.
No one wants to examine the reality that Dorner exhausted all of his legal remedies for 5 years as the system shut him out by design. That is when he struck back, as there was no Obama to Patrick Fitzgerald save him.

I believe Chris Dorner was a whistleblower and got nailed for it. I know enough of police to know what crooks they are, how certain people get away with crimes and how the apparatus works.
The manifesto Chris Dorner wrote, was pure right wing as he exposed all the failings of each group correctly and how they made the situation worse. The thing is Chris Dorner had an affiliation for the patricians and his tastes were for low class entertainment, all wrapped up in left wing politics.

Whatever the illusion of Chris Dorner was, he deserved a trial by jury, and not to be burned up in a cabin, or a corpse put in that cabin to be burned up as this asset like Tim McVeigh was breathing when the curtains closed.

Do not overlook the possibilty that during that "peculiar stand down", that a team of Delta Force, ex patriots who seem to show up for Obama necessary events, went in and shot Dorner, rigged that cabin with incendiaries and on SWAT initiation popped a cap and set the place ablaze, as the last thing Obama wanted was a black man alive as his twin poster boy derailing all this policies.

That track at the barn was either Dorner going out, or a janitor rigging that place. Something was being waited for and staged, and media choppers were pulled back for something taking place in that time, only to be allowed in to show the event that was staged in a burning cabin.

The reality is I know I have been lied to from no auxilary bullets detonating, to Chris Dorner's driver's license to Mike Gallagher now stating with redneck caller that this black monster was only shooting white people.

When lies like that are being told, more is going on.

I see that Drudge is trying to give my money away to the two maids Dorner held captive. Mayor Taco said arrest was the key to the million and no one arrested the corpse.
When they do, that is my money as Cafe Press nazi's keep taking down the Amerikan Che design violating my rights.

As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, there appears in pattern now an entire entourage who sows things into Obama events to make them conspiratorial to distract the masses, and keep them chattering on things while the next big bang is being conducted.

It will be about illegals, a Chuck Schumer, the right winger, posing with Lindsey in the gay ear Graham with John McCain, shows this is just starting and as this blog revealed an event is going to be staged in this too for public guilt.

A billion new white folks who used to be Mongoloids all in one day.......or is it Mike Gallagher just overlooks Asians as they really do not matter to him......
Let's just say he is a paid media whore of the cartel and is just implementing the global feudal state.

nuff said

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