Thursday, February 14, 2013
Obama Virus Stage II
As a note in genetic experimentation, after being doused with the last Obama pandemic test.......
New SARS-like virus shows person-to-person transmission...
I havppened this past week to have a most interesting "sore" throat in none like I have experienced in this Obama lovely, actually made swallowing feel like a charlie horse. My muscles in my throat, outside literally were sore to touch.
It started with a fever, and the some aches. I dined upon Advil to reduce the throat pain. It was a most amazing engineered viral agent as it appeared to be strep related. with some amplified muscle swelling. The soreness which felt like a sunburn was deep in my throat and on the sides.
Interesting plagues which are being tested, a sort of hyped up muscle agent strep cross meant to be a staging for some rabies they probably have made into an influenza.
Fascinating things tracked here.
agtG 215