Friday, April 19, 2013

Anatonomy of a Boston Bomb

As this blog was exclusively first in the exposure of the "pressure cooker lid" of the "Boston bomb" did not fit the criteria, and now others have attempted to weigh in incorrectly as Jon Rappoport quoting YouTube source, this "piece of metal" requires forensic examination so people will comprehend exactly what they are seeing, as no one is apparently a bomb or explosives expert in this.

Prison » Is the Boston pressure-cooker bomb a lie and a ...
6 hours ago – A photo of a mangled pressure cooker, posted by press outlets all over the world, shows the pressure-cooker plug and, near it, one small round ...

There is a much problem in this, in exposing fraud with incorrect data as with accepting this fraud on the data provided by the regime.

For example, Mr. Rappoport and others question about the lack of shrapnel projectiles in the metal making holes. That is not a reality in the least, as there would not necessarily need to be projectiles punching holes through this metal lid, as this is not a case of a bullet fired through a metal piece.
There should be though marring and scratching and that evidence does not exist, which is an affirmation that this lid was not exposed to ball bearings etc....

In examining the lid, we find that in the upper right corner, is where the first pressure rupture took place.  That is where the "blow out" occured in the first explosive gas escaped. There are problems in this though in the question begins why was the major distortion of this lid not associated with this blow out?
Newtonian law would require this lid to be affected from this pressure release point and yet the evidence points to an off center and upward release on this lid.

The curved metal, meant to contain pressure and hold the lid on, has been distorted in a complete failure, meaning immense pressure straightened the curves in the blow out simultaneously, which again is interesting as the main pressure was in the center surface, rupture point came before the metal rim was straightened in an extreme blow out, and then the lid was straightened in the attatch point, but the pot expanding out and downward like playdough being rolled.

As stated first here in matter anti matter exclusive, this lid has it's pressure releases in place. "Relief valves" designed to release at greater than 15 PSI and less than 50 PSI to keep this pot from exploding on a stove while cooking food. These vents protector cooks from over pressure, and yet in these greater pressures, these vents did not blow out. Literally the upper right valve or cock was the weak point designed into this lid on manufacture purpose, and yet that is not where the major distortion takes place nor where the blow out should have naturally taken place.

Could the valve been JB Welded into place. Perhaps, but that residue should be there, but it is not. It is doubtful that any epoxy secured the vent hole either as it would be more fragile than metal. The question is why would metal fatigue not in the least weak place and instead distort in others.

The oval shaped imprint in left center may be the "handle attachment" place on the outside of the lid, which would be plastic, but again would plastic be enough in an explosion to keep this lid from distorting evenly?
The lid distorted in other points and not in the weak point or handle point.

The examination of this in type of metal must be assessed, as older cookers were heavy aluminum, which I horde as they cook more evenly, than what this cooker was constructed of in light stainless steel, which cause the "fluid nature" of this lid to flow and roll.
That too is evidence in this pot did not shatter as aluminum would in shrapnel, but instead stretched as tin and steel naturally do in non high utinsel strength metallurgy.

I will stop beating about this bean pot now, and reveal exclusives. This lid did not behave as it should have. It did not behave under normal atmospheric pressures. In effect to understand a pressure cooker explains why this pot is a fraud.
See a pressure cooker cooks, by low heat, and high pressure, as increasing the pressure, makes it "boil" and cook at lower temperatures.

I want you to picture now a submarine as all of you have seen the drama of a sub sinking to great depths and those ocean pressures trying to implode it by crushing it.

Reverse this now, in what would happen to a submarine if that sub was elevated to less pressures. You have all had this happen in having a cold plastic bottle end up in the hot sun and it bloats out as it expands. The same thing would happen to a submarine in air pressure on the inside, if subjected to lower pressures outside. The submarine would "blow up" on it's own.

Now this could not happen on a street in Boston, but this type of thing could happen to a pressure cooker in Virginia at a weapons testing lab, in an atmospheric chamber where a small explosive charge meant to soot the metal, were detonated in a sealed structure meant to study such IED things safely, as the reduced air pressure would cause metal to behave in this way while leaving relief valves intact which operate at those pressures.

A created lid like this, then could be flown to Boston, and placed by those trying to create a cover up for something the regime had contracted with in North Korean agents in pointing fingers at Kim Jong Un, to isolate him and bring pressure on Peking and Moscow for Obama legacy policy......all the while bringing a new round of gun grabber pressure in those "explosive powders" need to be confiscated now too.

There should be dents and scarring on this lid from shrapnel, but not penetration. There should be rupture points on the vents, but their is not. This lid mimics exactly what this blog stated in this was a vertical bomb and not a Claymore anti personnel type bomb.

This is an FBI official photo. This lid was manufactured in Virginia and placed for the FBI to locate it. That means the person required clearance to get through a myriad of law enforcement, meaning this was someone in high clearance on mission to further this illusion in the cover up of what really took place in Boston.

Examine the file footage of the bomb detonation. It reveals a reality of a few pieces of black material blown vertical, lower than roof tops, but nothing of metal lids arcing onto roof tops, before the grey smoke envelops the scene.
One could see type of large shining projectile and it is absent.

The regime manufactured this lid, to cover up what took place in Boston, after their tax protester cover, was blown in the original bombers left evidence pointing to sub Asia and not Americans.
The requirement now is to keep the fingers from pointing at the Holder cell running these operations out of 1600 Penn Avenue.

The pot section of this bomb, sitting on concrete would still be at location like an inverted mushroom. The concrete would support like the plastic portion on the lid as a "resistance" to pressure. It is the same with the pressure bulge from a small charge and the blow out from the side of the lid in a diminished outside pressure causes a rapid inside expansion. The bottom has not been found, as it was never there. The bottom is pancaked out and in Virginia.....probably some clever blackmailer kept it with digital of test to keep from going puffy pink like Andrew Breitbart.

The creators could not bring that bottom of the pot to Boston, as even the Boston PD would wonder how in the hell a pot bottom showed up at ground zero after the debris had been collected.

So one gets a well placed, bean pot lid on a roof top, by someone placing manufactured evidence.

I always just tell you to stop thinking, and just start noticing what you have seen and why you are seeing it. The answers then come easily and are correct.

You have been told of evidence missing that should be there, you have been told of how this lid was manufactured and you have been told how things are not once again as they seem in counter evidence.

That should be enough for now.

In order to create directional charges one needs packing and in a small space, one does not have room for packing or one does not get an adequate explosion.

That should be enough for now.

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