I was watching a news feed my Mom had on as she likes not staying in the brier patch as nothing much happens here.
So any way, Mom had on this news feed from Minnesota, and I noticed on the screen this big ass assault weapon on it. The assault weapon looked to me like an armoured personnel carrier, and it had on it HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF.
Look I have relatives in Minnesota and suffered as a child through a Twins baseball game there for my birthday present, so I do know the difference between Iron Range, the Metro and Out State. (For those unfamiliar with those terms, Iron Range is old Democrat union nuts without jobs. Metro is das kapital of the former Soviet Union and Out State is where the normal people mostly live.)
So I'm looking at this APC and wondering what the hell they have with this thing, and this morphs into Alex Jones Prison Planet and Inforwars in the next segment.
So this blonde comes on and she is just gushing over this thing called the BEAR, BEAR stands for Kill Civilians Without A Trial.or Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Vehicle.
That is BEARV, but I guess when you use kid guts to lube your tranny, you can use the eubonics spelling.
This thing gets worse as it is TWO STORIES or decks. It is fricking huge as firing platform and the little blonde was really hot over the big Goodyear tires that were bullet proof of something.
I was thinking, "Those poor bastards in Minnesota in not deserving this", and the blonde kept talking, and soon I was even more horrified as this was a 400,000 dollar grant from Janet Naps Napolitano from Homeland........ah not just to slaughter people in the Minneapolis metro area, but THE FIVE STATE REGION.
You do recall now don't you that FEMA runs 10 zones in America, so apparently North and South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin are now under the gun from this SWAT tactical weapon as the police are constantly facing more well armed criminals.
That at least is what the cop said in the propaganda, but I know for a blessed Truth that no cops have been shot with RPG's or cannons in the midwest or America.
This is extremely troubling as this is a 5 STATE TACTICAL WEAPON, meaning that armed SWAT from Minnesota is going to be coming along with THEIR TOY to shoot locals that your Sheriff will not be willing to shoot.
There is absolutely no reason Minnesota police need this thing. There is no reason that any police in America need anything like this. This thing is a weapons platform, and I wonder what other heavy munitions the police have in their arsenal to blow Americans up first without trial and if not, what is Naps going to arming police with in cannons and missiles in the coming round, as Janet has bought up all the bullets now in America.
As most Americans do not know, SWAT is trained by federal methods, in all integrated, and their training is to shoot first and shoot second, and not apprehend anyone.
The reason this matters is reality that if Minnesota has this weapon, then each of you like me has a tactical weapon in your region, which is built to ram into your home, smash you in your living room and turn you into tire goo......or to have a TOW missile blow you to hell like Saddam Hussein's two boys.
This is not a police state. This is a militarized zone of the America Gulag In watching the two deputies speaking of this BEAR, they were as unemotional as sociopaths as it never registered in them for an instant they were police and the public NOT THEIR ENEMY, but THEIR EMPLOYER.
For Homeland to be dispatching this type of weapon, when the Bush Cheney people after 9 11 were building fire stations, sending out new fire trucks to help the public in disasters is a certain sign that the regime of Birther Hussein is going to murder Americans with SWAT using militarized platforms in this upheaval they are preparing for with billions of bullets and now two deck firing platforms.
Yes another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
New BEAR Vehicle Protects Hennepin County SWAT During Incidents

The newest vehicle in the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office fleet is called the BEAR and it's not just for it's massive size.
The BEAR stands for Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Vehicle. It's armored on all sides including the windows. The tires are puncture resistant.
And the roof has a hatch for officers to pop their heads out in a dangerous situation for a better vantage point. "Each and every day we have incidents across this county, across the metro area where a vehicle with this capability could be used and will protect our officers and our citizens from any type of harm or risk," said Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek.
"So if it's a biological or chemical contamination and they can't breathe the ambient air or air in the environment. They can breathe the air that's onboard the vehicle, and then drive into contaminated area and deal with the incident," said Officer Mike Huddle, St. Anthony Police.
The Hennepin County Sheriff's Office got a $400,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security. It's to be used in the 5-state regional area.