Know what you are looking at in what the Drudge headlines are in lynching the Kings of Chechnya, the same Mockingbird can be turned loose on Mark Levin or anyone, who is offered up to be patsies like Lee Harvey Oswald.
These two Chechens are products of 1600 Penn Avenue in these thug terror militants to be the enforcers of the feudal order. The regime KNEW exactly who these two were, that they had received advanced training overseas, and were terrorists to be deployed into Chechnya when Vladamir Putin's time came to be dragged through the streets as Russia was neutralized as Zbigniew Brzezinski designed all of this.
You have called these Chechens animals, and the elites to give America operational control in Chechnya as a stepping stone to Moscow in future wars, has just ignited a people of passion whose men and women, both are passionate warriors.
Americans you just got a designed enemy which takes over schools with bombs and blows up movie theaters filled with people......sound like Sandy Hook and Joker Colorado??????
Warning from Suspect's Father: 'If they killed him, then all hell would break loose'...
'If they kill my second child, I will know that it is an inside job, a hit job'...
Uncle: He Called Me Yesterday...
Sister: 'I don't know what's gotten into them'...
These two brothers are trained assests of the regime who were betrayed and offered up as patsies. The leaking of their information was to get them to rabbit, and the 5 PM release was designed to flush them into a desperate act, so they could be terminated as dead men tell no tales.
Look at what you have before have like Chris Dorner two well planned individuals, who then change profile and ROB A 7 11 exposing themselves in desperation?
You don't think they would have planned in having funding, and an escape route already like all this other detailed planning they had........IF THEY HAD BEEN BEHIND THE BOSTON BOMBINGS?
Think about this, and do not be led in emotion. These two were trained and well planned. They would have had things planned for an immediate retreat from America, but instead sat around. They had no money or resources. That does not fit their profile.
That points to their being betrayed by their handlers and set up.
Black hat Tamerlan dead...
Brothers from Russia region near Chechnya....
Bragged of Bombing...
Dead suspect was 'very religious' Muslim boxer...
Became American citizen on Sept. 11...
Tamerlan says he could be selected for the US Olympic team and be naturalized American.
Tamerlan fled Chechnya with his family because of the conflict in the early 90s, and lived for years in Kazakhstan before getting to the United States as a refugee.
Tamerlan says he loves the movie "Borat," even though some of the jokes are a bit too much.
Tamerlan says he doesn't usually take his shirt off so girls don't get bad ideas: "I'm very religious."
Tamerlan says he doesn't drink or smoke anymore: "God said no alcohol." A muslim, he says: "There are no values anymore," and worries that "people can't control themselves."
Tamerlan says his girlfriend is half Portuguese, half Italian girlfriend and converted to Islam: "She's beautiful, man!"
A native of Chechnya, Tamerlan says: "In Russia, we used to train like this. Here nobody does it, I don't know why!"
'I Don't Have A Single American Friend'...
Uncle: Men Lived In Cambridge Together For Decade; 'Absolutely Deserved' To Die...
Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, on loose...
Appears Sympathetic to Al Qaeda...
TIMELINE: Bombs strapped to chest, men robbed 7-Eleven...
Suspects threw explosives at cops before shootout...
Black Hat may have blown himself up...
POLICE SCANNER: Trigger found on body; At-large bomber 'may be wearing suicide vest'...
Residents Told to Lock Doors... No Fly Zone in Place...
Mass transit shut in Boston...
Harvard closed...
WHDH-TV... FOX25... WCVB... WBZ... WRKO-AM...
Chechen President Says American Upbringing to Blame...
All of this appears to be an on the fly operation to cover up something which went wrong with the Boston bombings in what started this.
The authorities set this up to make these two dead and act out. That is a certain fact.
This all comes back to the list of original lies the authorities released, how things shifted and then settled on these two as scapegoats. Yes they were trained terrorists. Yes they were trained in America by the regime and were allowed to train in Obama camps overseas, all known by the regime to how well they were armed BEFORE ANY EVENTS TOOK PLACE.

Who Is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?
FLASHBACK: Won scholarship from City of Cambridge...
Friend: 'Just A Normal American Kid'...
Quotes Jay Z on TWITTER account: 'Ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people'...
AP: Russia's Caucasus: breeding ground for terror...
Boston Bomb Victim in Photo Helped Identify Suspects...
There have been absolute slip ups in the propaganda on these two Chechens. That points to their being like Lee Harvey Oswald or Hutatree people or Richard Jewell in being targets after the fact.
This all returns to who really was behind the Boston Bombings and why Obama was pointing to tax protesters, as that was the original Mockingbird story which was plotted out from this regime.Obama's own talking points like Benghazi were painting this to white Christian Americans of the Tea Party.
That is from Obama's own lips and from David Axelrod the SECOND DAY as he called this "terrorism" from the first when the patsies had this in cover up trying to smear Americans again.
I post again in knowing the condescension, but this tracked to North Korea from the beginning in Obama in league with NK's he thought he turned, but they pulled their own operation in Boston turning the tables on Obama and his machinations.
No matter what the matrix machine is trying to hide, you Americans now have a new type of Muslim enemy which thinks, fights with female warriors of passion.
They will come now as Obama betrayed them in his inter Muslim tribal war in another cover up to save Birther Hussein's butt.
Duh, Boris and dimensional art as cover for the North Koreans doing the bombing put into the matrix of thought I picked up. So blondie, your playing with Baby's toys in the plasma had no idea in future Russian event projections in the Chechens or did you?
Even if the matrix scrambler is now running interference blondie, the facts will come out as the human minds evolve past demonic influence, self impulses or your matrix scrambler.
Your scrambler was made for the anti Christ, and they tested it for Obama in 2008, and now blondie you unleashed it to cover up a staged bombing event in Boston. Do not believe that using the public will to cover the Birthers bottom is going to be deemed a wise use of resources in hardening the masses prematurely to resist the coming "collective will" or to dilute that "collective will" meant for the false tree initiating it for the immortals.
agtG 236Y
These are the babies of the people your regime has just decided to make war with in training them, betraying them and making scapegoats of them, by calling them animals and hunting them down.
You really do not want these people focusing on you America.
This is what Chechens have been dying with by genocide. Now your regime is hunting them, and you are viewed like Russians in doing this.
Great foreign policy eh? Great cover up in hiding what North Korea did in Boston without Kim's knowledge, and you picked the most driven people on the planet to make war with.
agtG 249YY