Friday, April 19, 2013

These Two Kings of Chechnya

When I mentioned the "blonde" and featured a facsimile of her in speaking about her playing with Baby and the plasmas, that was a cryptic remark to let people know that the "matrix" of thought was being shielded to what was the real events around the Boston Bombing.
They were sending out one dimensional Boris and Natasha types in black and white footage from the short wave radars they broadcast from to influence public thought processes, and Baby and the apes are tied into this propaganda.

Oh by the way, where did the GRENADES come from they were throwing at police?

"They" are attempting influence inquiries into this matter and they are influencing public thought to believe it was there two Trojan Horses.

These two were picked to be patsies on DAY THREE. They were actual people who were "loyal" to America, and were trained by United States security to return to fight  the Russians in that brutal war in Chechnya.
This blog covered that war long ago in graphic photos, as the Russian military there rapes and murders gang style the people of Chechnya in this "Muslim war".

It is not surprise now that Chechnya is being blamed for training al Qaeda. The reality is as this blog has stated from the beginning that Dr. Zawahari of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, was captured in Chechnya, converted by the Russian FSB to turn Sheik bin Laden against America for a terror attack, and the rest is 9 11 history, with secular Islamist Birther Obama having murdered bin Laden's corpse and if you have noticed as only this blog  has noted it, Dr. Zawahiri has been left alive by Obama a fellow Islamocommunist to manage al Qaeda east as Obama runs this all from 1600 Penn Avenue.
So do not be diverted on this Chechnya propaganda as it was all covered here in the archives in the butchery the Russian military was employing there to try to save "Russia".

To answer the grenade question as one does not get them at gun shows. The grenades came from their American trainers.

The bag this Chechnyan sat down, did not have a bomb in it. These Chechnyans had not bombs. He reacted as he did in running, while everyone else was holding their ears, was because he was a trained terrorist.
They had "sophisticated" training from the Americans, but their combat training was at one of these Obama al Qaeda bases overseas, and that is why they were reacting as they did, as they recognized a terror event and were moving to safety.

Up until that 5 pm briefing yesterday, these two thought they had the backing of the Americans.

That 5 pm briefing was to get them to run, as they were being watched, and expected in the "leaks" to make a run for it, so they could be executed, exactly as this blog stated was the protocol.

Mockingbird was filtering codewords of conviction to warp American minds into agreeing to the murder of these "animals".

That was what was about the al Jazeera floater in hoping it was "white people" so that it would be a backlash and whites would herd into line and not look into what these two Chechans were about.

This is about the internal "war" going on in the Obama regime in a segment as in Chris Dorner's oddities has been using events to "get their policy" over what Obama lusts for. Obama wanted this to be white tax protesters. Obama did not get his way, but instead "this group" who were still not pleased over ANALGATE, took operational control of this from the Holder cell at NSA fringe, and implemented a "stepping stone plan" in which this will be used to target Chechnya "as an American operational right" in order to get at the doorsteps of Moscow.
This blog had a part in this, as "they" had to keep changing stories when their stories were exposed as bogus. The Holder cell exposed deemed an operational change in command, because the cell had been running very sloppy operations.

Oh did you notice the pressure cookers, well they were from ........oh yes sub Asia and Chechnya is almost eastern Europe. Another small problem which will be glossed over, as all are dead and others tell the tales of dead men.

This blog stands by the original posts. This was 4 North Koreans "turned" by the Holder cell at an Obama California fundraiser who were provided BATFE bombs made in Massachusetts. The NK's turned on the regime and detonated the bombs earlier than the 5 pm drama hour the regime operates for media effect.
The NK recorded the bomb delivery for blackmail purposes and fled to west Africa.
The scramble was then on to find a patsy as the bombs were not supposed to go off, but instead be "found" for the 5 pm drama hour to pass Obama gun grabber legislation. That is why Obama was so furious at the Rose Garden.
Those unexploded bombs were supposed to get the fence sitters to vote for the Obama gun grab in pointing to tax protesting rednecks, along with the ricin letters. (Blog maintains it was two other Mississippians and not the person stating the regime is selling human body parts.)

The patsies tagged were two Chechnyans in training for this projected Militant Islam War against the Russians that Brzezinski started in 1980. At this moment, Holder and Obama have had the reigns of the overlord policy protocols taken from them. The North Korean machination was a humiliation the powers that be take to being pissed on like Benghazi. That sort of thing is just not done to these people, so they have implemented their policy and Obama is being taught who is in charge.

There is something today about a second bombing, a kid putting a bomb in place. It was run in shadow of the North Koreans in this group knew of the operation and was doing their own work. This bomb does not match the others, so it would blow the story of what is concocted, and is most likely behind the lies of 2 bombs, three bombs and 5 bombs in the stories changing.

The stories you saw planted that Mark Levin was ranting about in SEALS connections was part of the construct like Dallas in conspiracy theories to confuse the public so they would accept the sexy new story in learning about Chechnyans.

As a warning here, the Chechnyans are different from what Americans have come across before. They are not Kosovo Muslims, they are not Mideast Muslims, they are not Asian Muslims. The Chechans are a people who produce Black Widows. Their women do not send babies out to be blown up nor do they sub dominate their men. When a Chechan woman has their fighters killed, they in passion carry out attacks on the perpetrators as Black Widows avenging that death.

This blog does not deem this an astute operational cover up which just took place, as it will gain access to the Russian front, but now Americans, you have a group of dedicated women in Islam who are driven, and you just ate two of their sons in a cover up and had your media spitting on them in calling them animals.

Tsarnaev.......remember the name as TSAR is CZAR, these two have Russian king names. These two like Obama were brought to America, and promised to be rulers of Chechnya in the overthrow of Russia.

These two kings, did not have pressure cookers or bombs in their backpacks.

America now has one immense problem on her hands, as these Chechans were groomed to be allies and now an operation has just turned a nation that has gnawed on Russia since the Imperial days, survived Stalin genocide and the Russian Federation wars, is about a new Muslim war Obama has just opened up in another one of his wars in this Muslim tribal war.

Yes the military and SWAT hunting an American, yes this is still an American Chechan.

Once again how did the reports KNOW that these two were ARMED AND EXCEEDINGLY DANGEROUS before any of the MIT fight took place with grenades, unless of course the regime had them under surveillance already and knew they had grenades and let them have grenades.

See there are questions in this with more answers the regime does not want focused on.

Yes it is all Fahrenheit 451, the entire nation watching the drama like Chris Dorner, in a conditioning drama.

Scott Peley on CBS news at 12:15 PM eastern on April 19th, did Mockingbird in stating "homemade bombs" were thrown at police.

First reports of course by police gave the reality:

Massive police operation in Boston area |
13 hours ago – ONE suspect is dead and police are hunting another armed man in Boston, ... is now reporting that both suspects are brothers from Chechnya, Russia. .... State police said suspects were throwing grenades out of the stolen

The cover up continues and will continue.

Yes the family uncle comes out to tell the world the kings were evil and he wanted his family to have nothing to do with them......on cue
Perhaps there will be baseball, hot dogs and apple pie featured next.

This was North Koreans working for the regime who were contracted with to place bombs in a high profile event to peal Moscow and Peking from Kim Jong Un.

That will be all forgotten in the moments ahead, as Americans have a new toy to play with in their mind in these sexy Chechan patsies.

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